Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 436: Fragments of the Rule Treasure! Central Fairyland

There are endless space storms between the Dongyuan Sea and the Central Immortal Realm. If you want to enter the Central Immortal Realm, you must cross the three spiritual realms of the Snow Realm, the Southern Wasteland, and the Qingzhou. The journey is long and risky. The best way is to spend a huge price and jump through several space nodes through the opened teleportation array.

Even with the powerful strength of the three central immortal dynasties, it took a huge price to set up a teleportation array that can teleport half of the Xuantian Xiuxian Realm. To go to the Central Immortal Dynasty, you need to break through the starry sky and break through the isolation of the spiritual realm barrier storm to reach your destination.

Even a strong man in the God Transformation Realm cannot enter the Central Immortal Dynasty directly.

However, Zheng Yi carries the Fortune Divine Ship. This kind of fortune artifact is almost equivalent to a star. It is not something that the void teleportation array can teleport, and it may even overwhelm the array.

But fortunately, the Fortune Divine Ship is extremely powerful. Although it is only a semi-finished product now, it can still cross the void and shuttle through the Xuantian Xiuxian Realm. Zheng Yi will not miss this opportunity.

"It's all dark. I'm afraid that if the incarnation is strong and there are not enough guideposts, they will get lost in the endless void..."

"This shows that the quality of the entire Central Immortal Realm is extremely high, even above the other eight spiritual realms. Because of the huge gap in spiritual power, it leads to huge spiritual pressure, forming a void ladder, which has become a kind of folding barrier!"

Zheng Yi sat upright in the Creation Divine Ship. The entire Divine Ship shuttled through the endless storm. A huge yellow light curtain was shrouded above, and the outside world could be seen from the inside.

Let the storm sweep, the Divine Ship was as tall as a mountain, like a huge mountain that reached the sky and smashed everything, and quickly moved forward.

He looked at the outside world with some surprise. He thought that under the sky full of stars, there should be a dazzling silver light, but the scene he saw now was different from what he imagined.

After going deep into the void ladder, Zheng Yi could see a piece of darkness. Even if there were many stars surrounding it, the light emitted could not illuminate the darkness.

In the darkness, following the determined route, the Creation Divine Ship traveled through the void, and the rumbling vibrations transmitted nothingness, forming an ancient sound that lasted forever.

Zheng Yi stood at the bow, looking at the endless darkness, his eyes constantly flashing, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

A month later, he finally broke through the darkness and saw a bright light.

"That's the entrance to the Central Immortal Dynasty!"

"This is obviously isolated from the whole world, sublimating the power of the entire cultivation world, forming a plane..."

Zheng Yi stood up and exclaimed in his heart. He saw a ball of light flashing in the darkness in the distance, like a huge ball of light wrapped in bright light, and the surrounding darkness was dispelled, revealing a clear appearance.

Looking at the light and shadow above that was like a protective shield, Zheng Yi's eyes showed a trace of shock.

The seemingly not huge sphere was actually quite far away, and Zheng Yi couldn't even use his soul to detect how huge the light ball was.

The distance seemed not far, but it took half a month to finally reach the vicinity of the barrier.

For Zheng Yi, the scene in front of him was new. He stared at the huge light and shadow, which gave him an extremely shocking feeling.

Even though he had seen the power of the blood moon, Zheng Yi still clearly felt an infinitely majestic appearance when standing in front of this light and shadow.

The ancient breath that seemed to have gone through years made any life in front of it seem like an ant, so fragile and pale.

The impact on the soul cannot be described in words.

"Is this the Central Immortal Realm?!"

"It is worthy of being called the authentic Eight Desolations, and all the immortals come to pay homage. This place is truly worthy of its name..."

It is rumored that the entire Xuantian Xiuxian Realm originated from the Central Immortal Realm. In a more distant world, the Xuantian Xiuxian Realm was originally a huge meteorite fragment that fell from the upper realm, and even many gods and demons had appeared here.

In ancient times, this should be an extremely large space.

But later, for some unknown reason, a terrible war broke out between the gods and demons living here. The terrible power directly destroyed this space, and the scattered space slowly formed the other nine spiritual realms, as well as countless isolated island-like ultra-small spiritual realms.

This is the origin of the entire Xuantian Xiuxian world. For example, the borderland where the Dongyuan Sea and the Great Snow Mountain are located are the nine spiritual realms, and the Dayi domain where Zheng Yi was born is actually just one of the fragments of large and small spiritual realms.

And these spiritual realms are like planes, all of which are constantly rotating around the central fairyland.

Obviously, the central fairyland is the core of this space.


"Speed ​​up with all your strength and break through the barrier!"

With Zheng Yi's order, the Creation Divine Ship burst out with a terrible impact force, directly hitting the halo wrapped in the outermost circle of the central fairyland, and continuously impacting the inside.

The heavy light shield could not stop the impact of the Creation Divine Ship. The terrible force made the hull fall into the light shield, as if it had stagnated, and it was like a mosquito solidified in jelly.

However, under the powerful kinetic acceleration, the Creation Divine Ship rumbled and rushed into it in a very short time.

As the Creation Divine Ship broke through the last area, it passed through many bizarre time and space and finally broke into the interior of the Central Fairyland.

Suddenly, a strong spiritual energy rushed towards him, and the surging spiritual power rushed towards him, like mist, flying up and down, and the surroundings seemed to have entered a fairyland, bringing a spiritual pressure that was enough to suffocate people.

The powerful spiritual energy source floated in the space, as if it was free.

"Such a strong spiritual energy, no wonder the other eight domains are barren, but the Central Fairyland has never lacked powerful people in the transformation of gods. As the center of Xuantian Xiuxian Realm, this place is indeed extraordinary. Perhaps it is really a piece of debris that fell from the starry sky of the upper realm as rumored..."

"It is rumored that because of the special situation of the Central Fairyland, the transformation of gods is not the center of this spiritual domain. A powerful person of the refining level has appeared. Now it seems that it is indeed possible."

Zheng Yi sighed in his heart.

Even a pig can float in such a strong spiritual energy.

He felt the spiritual energy here, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The level here was even higher than he had imagined. It almost occupied 90% of the origin of the entire Xuantian Xiuxian Realm. It was really a crushing level compared to other spiritual realms.

I don't know how much it surpassed.

If compared with the original Dayi Realm, the difference in spiritual pressure is at least 300 times. Such a strong spiritual energy is enough to make most cultivators improve quickly. This is also the reason why a large number of forces gathered here and were unwilling to expand to other realms.

As the Fortune Divine Boat continued to move forward, it was like a huge mountain range across the sky. Wherever it passed, countless people below were shocked.

In the entire Central Immortal Realm, the way of cultivation has reached its peak. Along the way, they encountered many flying instruments of the Flying Boat Palace, but compared with the Fortune Divine Boat that Zheng Yi used a lot of resources to finally build, it was still far behind, just like the difference between a firefly and a bright moon.

"The number of powerful cultivators here is much higher than that in other spiritual realms..."

The Creation Divine Boat was pressing across the sky. Zheng Yi not only saw various flying boats along the way, but also could clearly feel that there were many terrifying auras hidden in those flying boats.

He was rampant all the way here. He also felt the aura of the God Transformation Stage passing by in the continents and oceans below.

This gave him a new understanding of the prosperity of the cultivation here.

Obviously, as rumored, Zheng Yi did find the Central Immortal Realm terrifying. He sensed the aura of the God Transformation Stage along the way. Such a number, when gathered together, would be a very important position in the Dongyuan Sea.

"This is only the edge of the Central Immortal Realm. It has not yet reached the center. The real strong ones have not yet appeared..."

Even Zheng Yi had to be more cautious. Of course, he was not afraid, because of the restrictions of the entire Xuantian Immortal Realm rule system, the God Transformation Stage cultivators were almost at the top of the entire Immortal Realm.

Even in the Central Immortal Realm, it was no exception.

As for the legendary three immortal dynasties, the immortals who once stood behind them, who were able to cross the upper realms and even circumvent the restrictions of the rules of heaven and earth, it is unknown.

At least, he did not sense any breath beyond common sense here.

It was just that with so many powerful people appearing, it was easy for some mistakes to occur in the process, and Zheng Yi did not want to cause unnecessary trouble.

In the end, the Creation Divine Ship stopped under a void boundary, and Zheng Yi got off the ship and put it into the doomsday world.

He left some of the demon slaves to guard it and sent people to continue to inquire about the news of the treasure fragments.

And taking advantage of this time, Zheng Yi learned more about the information of the recently appeared rule treasure fragments.

The large amount of information contained in it made him move his heart and have new calculations.

According to rumors, a terrible battle broke out between gods and demons in the intact Central Immortal Realm at the beginning, not only a large number of gods and demons fell, but also several of the heavenly treasures were directly smashed.

The level of this kind of treasure even exceeds the scope of ordinary Tongtian Lingbao. It originally came from the upper realm, and later became fragments, which were scattered all over Xuantian, and were called "treasure fragments".

In those divine weapons, the complete rule power of the upper realm was contained. Although most of it dissipated, a small part was still preserved.

The origin of this treasure fragment is still unknown, but according to reliable information, it should be the highest level Tongtian treasure, so it attracted countless strong people to come, and even the figure of the God-transforming giant.

In addition to countless powerful sects with long-standing inheritance, even the three major immortal dynasties intervened.

And the place where the fragments were unearthed was Taiyuanzhou of Xuanyin Immortal Dynasty among the three major immortal dynasties. It is not a simple matter to fish in troubled waters, and it must take a lot of means.

But for Zheng Yi, this kind of rule fragment is the most important treasure to upgrade the Creation Divine Boat, and he is really determined to get it.


Taiyuanzhou of Xuanyin Immortal Dynasty has suddenly become the focus of the world's attention this time, and many forces have rushed here.

Zheng Yi encountered many strong men along the way, and even occasionally sensed the fleeting breath of giants in the God Transformation Realm.

His strength was strong, and he was in the Creation Divine Ship, which had surpassed certain limits of this world, so he could sense some mysterious fluctuations of the God Transformation Realm strongmen, but it was almost impossible for others to sense him.

Unless Zheng Yi deliberately showed vibrations, so that the Creation Divine Ship showed a terrifying appearance of rampant and smashing everything.

But now he deliberately shrunk the Creation Divine Ship, which was similar to an ordinary flying attic, concealed the aura, and did not want to expose it to the public as soon as possible.

It is obvious that the reappearance of the fragments of the Rule Treasure has caused a lot of commotion in the Central Immortal Realm, and it can even be said to be a great uproar.

After all, in history, not only one force obtained the fragments of the Rule Treasure, but most of them rose up later, except for those that fell in the middle, and became the top powerful sects in the final historical journey.

On the one hand, the fragments of the Rule Treasure come from the upper realm, and they are pregnant with the rules of the upper realm, which can make the cultivators of the God Transformation Stage feel something and gain great strength progress.

On the other hand, as long as this fragment of the treasure is used well, it can be sacrificed by various means. After thousands of years, it can become a top-level rule-to-the-sky treasure that suppresses the fortune of the sect.

After all, even if a strong man of the God Transformation Stage does not break through to the upper realm, he will have a limited lifespan, but this top-level treasure can be passed down from generation to generation, keeping the sect prosperous, suppressing the fortune of the sect, and even becoming the last trump card of the sect's Jedi counterattack.

Another Rule-to-the-sky treasure was suddenly exposed, and the waves it caused can be imagined.

But it is probably not an easy task to get the fragment of this treasure.

After all, so many powerful people gathered together, even in the Central Domain, no one can reconcile.

Moreover, among them, many powerful forces or immortal cultivators have old grudges, and now it is just the fuse that ignites.

Sometimes, wars are not avoidable.

When a person has an extremely powerful force that can decide the lives of others, when the great power of Tongtian gathers in one body, it varies from person to person and is no longer restricted by the secular world.

As Zheng Yi guessed, before arriving at Taiyuan Continent, he encountered dozens of battles along the way. Except for the powerful gods who did not take action, even the Yuanying Zhenjun fought desperately.

If it were placed in the Dongyuan Sea or the Great Snow Mountain, it would have caused a series of collapses, causing countless life disasters and attracting a lot of attention. Here, the structure of the Central Immortal Domain is extremely stable. Many people hurried on their way, but they didn't even look at it.

Not only that, there are also some people who take advantage of the fire and rob forcibly.

Top cultivators who play the role of robbers not only want money, but also life, and even your soul and life may become their collection.

The three major immortal dynasties suppressed the central immortal domain, each of which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, but it still cannot represent the vastness and power of this huge central domain.

It can only be said that they are representatives of outstanding forces, but not to mention that the border wilderness has its own autonomous territory. Even in the ruling areas of these three major immortal dynasties, there are still countless top powerful sects hidden. (End of this chapter)

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