The cultivation environment is too good, there are too many immortal cultivators, and the Central Immortal Realm occupies almost 70% of the luck of the entire Xuantian Immortal Cultivation World, far exceeding the vast East China Sea where Zheng Yi, the Eastern Source Saint King, sits.

But from another perspective, it also means that the competition is more cruel, and the competition for resources has always been a life-and-death struggle.

The world here is cruel in itself. Only the strong can obtain more resources. The strong will always be strong, and this has been an unbreakable truth since ancient times.

After seeing through the essence of this world, Zheng Yi did not hold back at all. He drove the Creation Divine Ship and disguised himself as a small or medium-sized sect. He also encountered some blind robbers along the way.

Zheng Yi was not polite. He didn't even need to take action. The three hundred heavenly demon slaves sitting on the ship all died one after another, making the robbers who blocked them in front become the souls of his men.

A large amount of flesh and blood of the strong was sucked into the Creation Divine Ship. It was not wasted at all. Although it was better than nothing, it could still play a role in nourishing the transformation of this terrifying Creation Divine Artifact.

"The Central Immortal Domain is too vast. Even the Xuanyin Immortal Dynasty, the weakest of the three major immortal dynasties, has countless ancient ruins in its territory!"

When Zheng Yi rushed to the place where the fragments of the Taiyuan Continent's treasure were born, many top sects and strong men had gathered here.

Although there were no giants of the God Transformation level on the surface, in Zheng Yi's clear perception, there were several extremely powerful beings hidden in the surrounding space.

Putting away the Creation Divine Ship temporarily, Zheng Yi also stopped in the void. His soul covered the surrounding space and distorted the space. Even if he stood there, no one could find him.

Only those strong men of the same level could feel Zheng Yi's existence through the faintly surging breath, but it was very difficult to detect his location.

Zheng Yi stabilized his body and looked at the ancient ruins that had not yet been unsealed not far away, with an unfathomable look in his eyes.

With a stable breath and hiding his body, Zheng Yi stood there motionless, waiting for the ruins that could be opened at any time.

"As part of the ancient battlefield, there should be some precious resources inside, which are just right for replenishing the Creation Ship. In addition, there may be materials that are suitable for making the Zhuxian Sword."

"After all, my Zhuxian formation diagram only needs the last immortal sword to complete it. In the doomsday world, it is also imminent to kill the original will of the blood moon!"

Zheng Yi thought quietly, and different clues flashed in his mind, like a spiritual light, interweaving in his mind.


Zheng Yi's arrival attracted the attention of many interested people.

After all, this is a very strange and powerful aura of incarnation. Suddenly breaking in will always attract the attention of many hidden strongmen.

For them, the several incarnations present are the top figures of the powerful forces in the Central Immortal Realm. It can be said that they stand at the top of the Xuantian Xiuxian world.

Although everyone did not show their faces, they could still guess their general outlines. They were all leaders of powerful forces or the Supremes behind the scenes, or some hidden identities, lurking in the Immortal Dynasty.

They either knew each other or had heard of each other's existence.

However, Zheng Yi's sudden arrival this time was too unfamiliar with the aura of the God of Transformation. It was a powerful aura that they had never felt before.

What surprised them was that this aura not only reached the level of the God of Transformation, but also contained a terrible killing attribute. Many people felt as if they had fallen into a terrible hell of death and killing after just a little contact.

Although the person did not show his body, the terrible killing aura still surged in the air. The terrifying aura like a tide could suppress this world at any time.

The only thing that made everyone curious was that the owner of this aura had been very calm since his arrival. He did not take action, but instead restrained his aura.

Only one or two old monsters of the God of Transformation would forcefully test it, and the aura would suddenly burst out, causing them to suffer a loss, and then restrained again.

Such a situation gave people a rather weird feeling.

"Who is this person?!"

Many powerful gods were thinking fast and guessing.

But everyone was at the top of Xuantian Xiuxian World, and they were wary of each other. At this time, it was difficult to deal with each other.

And Zheng Yi came suddenly. He was the real absolute overlord in Dongyuan Sea and Daxue Mountain. He was known as the Dongyuan Saint King. His intelligence information had long been on the desks of the leaders of the major forces in the Central Immortal Realm.

But there were many top cultivators gathered here now. No one could guess that the Lord of the East Sea suddenly had the leisure to break into the Central Immortal Realm and come here to grab food, so no one thought of targeting Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi was also happy that others could not find out his identity. After all, a strong dragon does not suppress the head of the land. If he, a fierce dragon crossing the river, exposed his identity too early, it would only ruin the big thing.



Suddenly, the broken void in front of him began to shake violently, as if an invisible picture was distorted, and it was like a pair of invisible big hands that directly tore open the huge space, and a crack expanded outward.

As far as the eye could see, a crack appeared in the void, spanning between heaven and earth. A huge ruined palace could be vaguely seen, slowly flying out from it.

"Ancient ruins..."

Everyone reacted immediately, even Zheng Yi was shocked by the scope of this ruined palace when he saw it for the first time.

The vast ancient breath spread outward, and the surging storm expanded outward with the space, and suddenly became boiling.

That feeling was like dropping a drop of cold water into a boiling oil pan, causing the space to vibrate.

The storm blown by the surging power shook the people around and made them retreat again and again.

The surging breath hit the body, and even Zheng Yi's body hidden in the dark felt a strong force bombardment, which directly shook the body.

The huge ruined palace continued to enlarge in Zheng Yi's eyes, and finally turned into a ruined land embedded in the cracks of space, appearing in front of him.

The continuous scale almost filled the entire eye socket, as if even the sight could burst.

The surface of the ancient and ruined palace was filled with the breath left by the years. From the unique and simple patterns and decorations on it, it can be seen that this thing came from an extremely ancient and barbaric era.

The murals in the palace depicted terrifying ancient gods and demons. Only those who were once the most powerful individuals on this plane could grow to such a large scale and support the world with their flesh and blood.

Even if they, the human race, stepped into the stage of transformation, they also comprehended the rules of heaven and earth, which was different from the power system of the ancient gods and demons.

"Ka Ka..."

The heavy sound turned directly into a sonic boom, spreading outward in circles, giving people a strong sense of uneasiness.

But everyone was ready to go, not only were they not afraid, but they all widened their eyes and looked at the huge palace gate that was slowly opening.

It was like a giant beast lurking in the dark opened its mouth, and an extremely ancient breath vibrated from it, bringing a strong sense of invincibility to the people lurking outside.

"Ka Ka!"

With a muffled sound, the huge palace door finally opened completely, leaning against the space, leaving a huge dark space passage.

This is the entrance to the ruined ancient palace of gods and demons. As the most powerful group of beings in the world, it once gave birth to a glorious history.

Even the current Divine Transformation cultivators would be amazed when they stood in front of the open gate and looked up at this ancient building.

The dark fluctuations on the opposite side brought a strong feeling of suffocation.

No one knew what was hidden inside the open dark gate.

Although a long time had passed and time had already smoothed everything, the reappearance of the area where gods and demons once lived still brought unimaginable shock to everyone.

Just standing outside, one could feel an unprecedented sense of oppression, a terrifying feeling from the deepest darkness, which gave people a strong sense of uneasiness.

It seemed that there was something terrifying hidden inside.

Everyone's eyes flickered, and even the cultivators who had been talking and laughing before could not help but stay silent there, with serious expressions, as if they were waiting for something.

"Even if it is the palace where the ancient gods and demons lived, what can it do? They have been dead for more than hundreds of thousands of years and have long been reduced to ashes in time and space. There is nothing to be afraid of!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, breaking the silence.


Just as Zheng Yi was thinking slightly, suddenly, a sharp shout came from a distance.

However, an old man who had reached the state of transformation of spirits, with a flick of his robe, swept up a group of younger generations, and directly entered the broken gate. In an instant, they were swallowed up by the endless darkness of the opened gate.

As the first figure disappeared into the darkness, the cultivators no longer hesitated, led their men or clansmen, and directly broke into the broken palace.

"Follow me in!"

Zheng Yi did not hesitate at all, and followed the crowd and broke into the darkness directly.



A strong wave rose from his mind. Zheng Yi, who passed through the gate, felt as if he had stepped into the air and came directly from one space to another.

However, with his current cultivation, it was difficult for the outside world to shake his mind. The powerful power of his soul was madly soaring, fixing the void of heaven and earth and suppressing all the surging waves.

Zheng Yi stabilized his body and looked around, and then he found that he had entered a mysterious area.

Wherever he looked, there were endless huge trees, and the trees seemed to grow directly from the earth and lead to the sky.

The sky and the earth are supported by these tall trees. They are the bridges that connect the earth to the sky.

Such a scene surprised Zheng Yi. He didn't expect that the desolate palace would be like this.

Such tall giant trees growing between heaven and earth seemed to have some mysterious factors.

Not only that, the air also contained a strong wild breath. With the breath, the strong breath full of violent aura surged in the body.

Every breath made the blood in the body boil, as if activating some ancient genes.

Zheng Yi's eyes were fixed, and there was a little thought in his eyes. This piece of gods and demons seemed to preserve the original and most primitive area of ​​Xuantian Xiuxian World, or a piece of sealed ancient environment.

The space was surging with surging aura, all with an ancient flavor. If you live here all the time, even ordinary people will probably become as strong as barbarians.

Zheng Yi's eyes were fixed, and his eyes looked at the space surrounded by countless giant trees in the distance.

His eyes could see through the power of rules, and he could see countless strange sources of power, like a spider web, spreading throughout the space, entangled in endless trees, forming a strange stable structure.


In the dense forest, a group of screams suddenly sounded, echoing in the space, revealing a huge panic.

The screams soon stopped, representing the result of the destruction of a powerful force.

The last huge scream, the cultivation base was at least a good player in the Nascent Soul stage, and it seemed that he could not hold on, becoming the best sacrifice in this dangerous area.


Just as Zheng Yi was slightly stunned and looked into the distance, a silver cold light in the dense forest in the distance passed directly from the space and slashed towards Zheng Yi's head.

There was a terrible monster, who quietly touched Zheng Yi's side at some unknown time and directly launched this fatal attack.

The whole process was like a fog, which made people unable to figure it out and immediately fell into a fatal crisis.

As a cold wind passed by, it seemed as if the cold light just now was just an illusion, and then the invisible monster revealed its figure.

This is a mantis several meters tall, wielding two knives, which is completely different from the creatures of today. It is obviously a terrible beast that survived in ancient times.

In particular, its skin has the ability to change color. This powerful talent can make it change with the change of the color of the surrounding environment.

And it has a pair of extremely sharp long knives that can cut the void.

It is with these two extraordinary abilities that this phantom mantis has become a terrible killer that people are terrified of in that era.

However, this monster has long been extinct in the Xuantian Xiuxian world, because it is a creature from the upper realm and is not adapted to the current environment. I didn’t expect it to remain on this site.

Just when the phantom mantis was about to enjoy the prey and feast on it, it suddenly found that both the head it chopped off and the body that had stayed there before disappeared without a trace as the breeze passed, as if it had never appeared.

"The creatures from the starry sky are indeed much more bizarre and powerful than the creatures in the local cultivation world!"

At this moment, a faint voice sounded next to the phantom mantis.

The voice was light, but it was shrouded in an invisible and extremely powerful spiritual power, like the suppression of the ancient sacred mountain, manipulating the entire space, and directly making the phantom mantis unable to break free.

Just when it was stunned for a moment, the terrible power broke out directly.

In an instant, the phantom mantis's head, which was still hard, was hit hard as if by a heavy hammer, and it exploded with a "bang".

All kinds of things of different colors gushed out directly, dyeing the space into a terrible appearance.

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