Chapter 1 - The Temple

The world I live in is beautiful but only for those who have the power of noble blood or strength as a mage, but I never had any of them so after all these years of suffering I got a job as a helper of a guild's unit. And today was my 9th quest, but I never knew that one day I will use that spell.....

The only work assigned to me was to carry the bags of the team, collect what they ask, and do everything that won't hinder them from their work.

Kurg, a village located on the outskirts of the kingdom Esnair.

"So this is the place let's kill those monsters and make some gold, DONKEY!!." the leader of our group, Kyle screamed at me.

"Quit standing idle and do some work, don't tell me you can't even carry these bags," He grabbed my collar,.

"No, it's not like that," I've been used to this,

"You should be thankful to us that we are feeding a good for nothing like you, so show some gratitude instead of showing us attitude, look at him shooting arrows with those red eyes" 

"Stop wasting your time on him and let's get out of here; he's useless and weak, and just because he's a bit ripped, he's so full of himself,"

My senior and a flame mage, Rute.

"Let me tell you, Aaris, physical strengthening is only practical to your body, not your uselessness."

"Well, thanks to this donkey, he's useful. The cost of shoulder pain medication has been saved, so keep up the excellent work, donkey."

Tesol, a weapon mage.

"Oi!" interrupted Polmung, "Pay attention to what's going on around you. This is not the time for jokes; this is a serious mission."

Polmung was a summoner mage and was a kind person who treated me as human, along with the healer of our group, Folia

"Some dead creatures have been sighted here, and a few villagers have been slain while walking into the forest,"

Folia muttered, being a nice healer and the only girl in our group she was quite reserved, but since we knew each other since childhood we both were more comfortable together.

"If my memory serves me correctly, the village chief said they vanished near the old temple in the forest." 

"It cans and be an illusionist or beast/spirit user bandits playing tricks to take shelter here,"  Rute,

"Yes master said we also had a quest to catch some bandits in this area," Tesol cracked his fingers, he is always eager to break necks anytime,

"Are they jokers or just stupid to think that they can pull tricks on us

the Minotaur's 7th strongest guild in the kingdom?" said Kyle,

"But still we should be careful," I said,

"Huh? we? you're the one with a level which is not even first, If anyone who should be care full is you," said Kyle.

"Aaris is right we shouldn't be in such ease didn't you notice," Polmung.

"There was no monster even this deep in a yellow area," not to mention I didn't even see bugs anywhere.

"Right I didn't notice you are sharp, Aaris," Folia smiled at me,

And I blushed, after all, she is the only one who compliments me. She has a pretty and sharp face with green eyes with orange hair and ero... I mean a fit body.

After walking for a while, we reached the old temple.

It was huge, still not big enough to be pointed from some distance. It was more like a ruin, and it was oozing a scary aura. We reached there, said our prayers, and went inside.

"Folia, how's your brother ? you went to see him, is he still unconscious ?" It was years since I have seen him, 

"Yes, Doctor (medical mage) said there is still hope of him waking up," she had a smile that felt heavy on her,

"Treatment like these is expensive right?"  Kyle spoke,

I was surprised Kyle was not the type of guy who worries about someone else I thought he had an ulterior motive,

and... I was correct,

I saw his hand was going to touch the butt of Folia.

"AAAA AAA!!" I screamed and everybody turned to me, startlingly.

"What happened?" asked Tesol,

"ah..... hmm....cockroach," I said,

"oye princess!! get your act together I know you are useless but a pussy too" Tesol broke in a laugh,

"Let's go!" Rute,

"thank you," Folia looked at me,

"No prob," I said with a smug smile.

Then after some exploration we saw some downstairs on the entrance I saw some words, I thought I have seen somewhere and the Kyle said let's go downstairs,

and we went slowly downwards,

and at last, we reached the floor but the room was so dark like it was denying the existence of light,

Rute chanted the spell and activated,

Fire Spell,


It was a 1st level magic to light up a room,

and then little fire embers came out of the magic circle on his hands and filled the room with lights.

It was beautiful to see them flying and filling up the room my eyes were chasing them I always loved magic because to me, it was like an impossible dream, we looked at the ceiling it was as big as a castle court it was an underground construction, and slowly I looked at the floor and my heart stopped beating,

It was red, because of the dried blood.

I was shocked and I tried to observe the whole chamber and the only thing I saw was the dead bodies of the monsters and humans, in a state so horrendous you can't even tell that it was a man or a woman everyone was scared now and in beliefs, and they started trembling,

They may have completed many quests but never has seen something like this, and thought what would've happened here, and then I looked at Folia she turned blue by this sight and started vomiting,

and then suddenly we felt pressure and aura in the air so dominating and dangerous it was a monster.

And Folia cried, "RUN!!".

BUT, Kyle chuckled, "NO! we ain't weak, That some puny monster can scare us.".

Rute said, "it's best to flee for now, whatever it is, didn't notice us yet, let's get out and call for backup!"

Polling was already drenched in sweat, "I agree let's go!"

"No !! I am Kyle one of the strongest Minotaur's" and he activated a beast spell,

He bumped his fisted and yelled,


and his body was covered in scales. He was looking like dragon men.

Rute became anxious, "No don't release mana it will notice u-",

Rute suddenly stopped like got words were stuck,

Kyle looked at him and then at himself,

"Why did you stop? Why are you looking so scared in front of me don't worry, I won't hurt you! " Kyle with an arrogant smile on his face,

Not just Rute, we all were scared not because of Kyle but because something dark was standing behind him, and it seemed like Kyle didn't notice it. When it closed up to Kyle it screamed in a horrifying Cry.

We took few steps back from Kyle, but Folia passed out because of fear I took her in my arms and backed up

Kyle turned to it and said "I don't fear the likes of you" and without any second thought charged at that monster, 


It was a Demon and what makes it more horrifying was a lost soul demon, I read about it in my mother's book.

A demon who turned cannibal and ate other demons to consume their power, but Cannibal spells were forbidden 1000 years ago, so how did he do it and destroy himself by absorbing power beyond its control and falling into despair? A demon-like creature should not exist, so why was it not destroyed when it was weak?

I had various questions, but one thing was clear: no matter what we did, we would never be able to defeat him on our own.

Kyle, on the other hand, was tenacious and full of pride, and he raced at him without hesitation, punching him in the face, but it was futile, and he then took a closer look at him.

A large pitch black body with long horns and red eyes.

longhorns his face was like it was crying blood and mouth slit ear to ear his body was like a black armor is melted and got stuck to its skin and there were red veins like marking on his body, and then,

Abruptly he smiled at Kyle.

In fear, he activated another spell,


His body became larger and more beast-like and armored wings came out of his back and then with concentrating all his mana he used,


He tried again to hit him with his fist but this time he caught his hand then pulled him towards itself and then in one swing he severed Kyle's head from his body, at this point,

it was clear, today is going to be our last.

The demon picked up Kyle's body and head and devoured it whole, and then with that bloody mouth it smiled again, it was like death was making fun of us.

Now everyone who witnessed the death of the strongest mage among them has lost their will to fight and Rute who always flattered Kyle for his brute power, pissed in his pants they knew one thing is for sure it's hopeless. We can not defeat this demon alone, we don't know if we can escape or not but it looked like the dead on the floor were telling us No.

and I thought this must be end,

But my salvation became the beginning of a War!.

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