Chapter 2 - BLOOD SILK

While he is smiling at us and taking pleasure from our blue faces, We don't know what to do now the best I can do is help Folia, rely on these three, and then they looked at each other and then, nodded...

Tesol grabbed his ax and swung into the ground and yelled,


(the strongest defense magic in Tesol arsenal)

and then that beast was caged by earth walls.

Rute stood up and collected himself and while crying "I don't want to die!!",


(a fireball that covered the walls and started elevating in the air).

And then Polmung collected himself,

And then he took a deep breath and chanted,.



And two giant spirits came before us, one was like a deity with four hands grabbed the fireball with all his hands, like it was marble and The knight pierced threw his spear toward the ball like it was pinning It.

And the best I could do is carry Folia, and pray.

For a while there was silence, We took this opportunity and tried to run, but suddenly there was a blast

my ears went numb and I lost control over my body and fell, and Folia also I tried to crawl to her and again I heard a cry, everything was covered in mist, but we can still see that it was not dead and coming towards us.

Now, what should we do?

they used their best spell, and it didn't even make a scratch on him.

They were standing like they were waiting for uninvited death, and Folia opened her eyes because as a healer her body responds to the situation more frequently...

I reached to her, and she grabbed my shirt and started crying,

"Please spare us, please, there is no one who will take care of my brother,



someone helps us!".

"Don't give up yet! we still are breathing right then we still have some chance" looking at her in this state made me despise my pathetic self even more,

"Use the spell again! then we will run!!

I think something is keeping it inside, that's why it used monsters to hunt.

If it is really this strong why it is hiding, whatever the reason is let's use it as our advantage," I grabbed Folia and picked her up,

Everyone looked at each other and agreed with eyes.

And used the same spell with the same order but this time with every drop of mana they had left in their body with the support magic of Folia,

and the same enclosure was made again and before even the cage was completed...

we ran with every last breath left in us, toward the opening of downstairs, we didn't even try to look behind we ran and climbed few stairs, but suddenly Folia tripped,

I went back to help her and suddenly again we felt another burst and now our last hope was lost too, I didn't even have a chance to think. I grabbed Folia and threw him toward Polmung and then when I tried to get back on my feet,


Tesol chanted and a pillar hilted me in the ribs pushed me to the floor again,

"what are you doing?" shouted Polmung,

"He is nothing but a dead weight!! he can't do anything useful at least, he should act as sacrifice and buy time for us who saved him until now," said Tesol.

"No!! He saved me!" yelled Folia,

"So what? We also protected you and him numerous times just shut up for a second ! he is nothing but useless !

let him be." Rute was also eager to live upon a sacrifice.

I wanted to kill these two more than this asshole in front of me, but then I realized what they were saying was the truth I never served any real purpose in my life I was weak I didn't even possess 10% of average mana a 14-year-old should possess and got bullied for it,

The only one who believed in me was my mother, but I also let her down.

I failed to keep my promise to her, to protect her and stay by her side,

I closed my eyes and reckoned my mother's face, and it gave me some courage and I said to myself not again.

I won't run away neither let it kill me effortlessly, at least I wish to die like the one who took down this demon.

I put my hand on my chest and force out voice, "very well I will keep him busy, meanwhile you go and call fo-"

"you can't defeat him!!" Folia outcry.

We shared a lot of memories, I was happy few people still cared about me. I looked at her and tried to smile,

"Don't worry about me, I am just returning the favor of healing me in the past and I won't blame you for anything,

I know the only bitches here are those two and also unlike me, you have a person waiting for you, so don't worry about me, my chances are equal to my breaths left let's see what's this demon is made up of." I said.

"DEMON?" She was frightened, and I knew the reason,

The demons now looked more like humans but this one it looked like it came straight from hell a pure demon, and then abruptly,


with Earth magic encloses any things that can be said as the opening of the earth,

Tesol closed the entrance of the upstairs, they all disappeared from my sight in moments,

and now I was alone with this ugly guy.

I stood up, and

I looked at him, but before I could anything it disappeared, and then I felt something was behind me,

and lost feeling of my left arm, I also felt pain in my left shoulder when I looked at it, I cried in pain,

my left arm was gone and blood started spraying out of my severed arm, It was in the hands of that demon.

I cried in pain and distanced myself from it and fell on the floor and then suddenly the sound of a horrifying laugh echoed in the room it was this demon who was laughing while looking at me,

It reminded the face of the people who laughed while looking at my suffering.

Now I was pissed more than scared, I stood up,

"shut up!" and he stopped laughing and for a second, I thought I should've told him to die in the first place,

I smiled I know I can't defeat him, but I can drag him to hell with me right mother.

My mother taught me only two spells one was voodoo doll cursing which only worked on a level below yours, yes this was useless in this situation, but there was something else my mother taught me and I decided it's now and never again,

I could feel my heart jumping out of my chest, I calmed myself, and then I smiled at the demon,

"I dare you to come close!" while pointing at him of course I had something under my sleeves, and suddenly he threw my arm and started treading towards me slowly.

I whispered,


I want him to get close to me, and then I bit my palm so badly it started bleeding I can't stab my palm with one hand so, this was the best idea, It was getting closer and stopped with his eyes wide open,

"you noticed huh!?" my palm was covered in blood and my body started radiating mana,

then it decided to one-shot me by severing my head and leaped toward me and when he swung his arm toward my head I grabbed its wrist thanks to the all the years of training and hard work my reflex was sharp, and also my spell gave some strength to fight this bitch I tightened my fist,

"Blood Si-" my voice was gone before I could complete the spell it shoved his hand inside my chest, and I could barely breathe,

I realized that he ruptured my lungs as well damaged my heart and then I collected some strength and I kicked him to the corner. He started smiling again but stopped when he saw my face,

"you thought you won ??".

And I yelled,


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