Chapter 129 - Aching Persistent

— Historia - PoV —

Bria's mana nature changed, it was more intense and hostile now, 

Her face was twitching and her wounds were getting filled with strange fluid, which froze and turned to crystals.

"I can't disappoint my lord! That's why I'll kill you now!" She clapped her hands and the magus circle appeared below my feet, 

"Die bitch!


Hot rising explosively flames burst out of the floor and rose till the ground above! 

It was really a fearsome spell, but with my eyes, it was quite slow, 

"Eihahaha! She turned into ashes with that-"

'Are you sure?' 


Historia was behind her, she turned and saw those gleaming fascia eyes, like a leopard staring at a hare at night, waiting for the right moment to break its neck and devour it.

Bria took her step back and got on her all fours like a scared animal with an open dry mouth, the aura she felt oozing out from Historia was different the day she fell into her trap.

'What is this? What is wrong with those eyes? They are not the same as any other humans! This body also doesn't have any knowledge about them! 

They are like straying right inside us! Moreover her strength, it's ridiculously increased after those eyes appeared just who is she-' 

"Me?! I am just a librarian who doesn't like noises!" Historia stepped on her head, she disappeared from her sight, and came right in front of her so fast that she couldn't even blink.

"What-" Bria tried to speak but Historia stomped on her head crushing the floor, Bria's skull cracked and her nose and ears started bleeding.

Bria's palm exploded and threw her off in the air away from Historia.

"Please don't kill me! It wasn't me! It was all these weird crystals! I didn't want to-" Bria's face started twitching again, her one side of the face was smiling and one was crying.

"Bria Algejil, A girl Crohil village in Seloud, a normal girl with normal life, joined a guild at the age of 15, but soon started killing teammates of her party for more fraction, but one day you were caught in the action but before your case reached the guild house.

You burned down your whole village, killing your family along with it to make sure suspicion doesn't rise. Long story short Selvis found you hiding in the mountains among the bandit group you were in for two years, he killed everyone there, except both of you, and since then you two collected slaves and burned towns, performing the assassination on his orders."

Historia uttered everything like a soulless torso, Bria started shaking and twitching became rapid, her jaw was trembling, and breaths were tearing apart.

"Who are you?! How did you know all this?!"

"Shhh… your voice kinda stings in my ears, your crimes are beyond forgiveness Bria, but I can give you a chance to repent! I will take you to Ovyrus and you have to do as I will say, but heads up, I will cut off your limbs before giving a small punishment for your deeds!" 

Historia slowly walked to her and Bria couldn't stop trembling, she was dragging herself backward, shaking her head, 

"Don't fuck with me! Cut off my limbs?! What is kindness in it?" 

"Kindness? Do you think we are the hero party of a fairy tale? 

Get real, dragging some to court to lock them or execute them, do you think these are some reasonable punishments for you?

It's time to take back what you have given to others, and I'll make sure that every nerve of your body is feeling it!" 

The air around Bria's hand starts reducing into amber and turns into a grimoire.

"No! No! I won't go anywhere! If I were to die! I'll you to bitch!"

Bria cried out, 



Bria's whole body started glowing and cracking, even the ground around her started melting with just the heat but Historia stood unfazed, 

Bria started laughing hysterically, and scratching the ground with her feet,

"Eihahaha! This will not kill just you, but your students too-"



All of a sudden Bria's spell disappeared, the cracks filled themselves, and the light and heat vanished.

"What… What the hell just happened now? How is this possible?" 

Bria's eyes gaped as if her soul came out through them, her body stopped moving and was irked with a sudden creep.

'What is this? The crystals are still present in my body but they aren't working now! 

So why can't I move! I can't move an inch!

What happened to me? Who is this bitch? .

How did she do that?

I don't want to die, I don't want to die! Jeremy, please save me!' She was pleasing in her mind, and Historia closed up to her, 

"Why remembering Jeremy now? Weren't you going to kill him now?" Historia tilted her head, goading at her, in the utter darkness of that level she didn't look less than a demon.

'H…how did you-' as Historia walked to her and Bria saw her grimoire, 

Her throat went dry her sanity left her, 

The closed grimoire in Historia's hand had chains coming out it and wrapped her arm, while the cover of that grimoire was pitch black, but this wasn't what made Bria cry in tears in mercy without being able to speak.

The grimoire had a beating heart with squirming flesh around it, on one side and a blood-crying eye with 6 wings around it on the other, its mere sight made Bria piss on the floor.

Historia reached to her and put her hand on her eyes, 

"Guess, it is the death itself you longed for in your last moments, let me fulfill it for you then," Historia mumbled to her, 

"Plea…please…" Bria smiled like a child, 




"Hmm, so she is dead? Even after we heightened her power to more than that of a Saint sixth mage, she still lost? That bitch wasn't all talk then!" Roschart walked into the warehouse where all of the servants were kept.

He went to the porting room where all the imported carriage and slaves keys were kept, but the moment he stepped in, he snapped into madness.




No! After all these years of hard work! Who did this!" 



'Damn did I catch a cold or something?' Aaris was running inside the dungeon, 'that duke! He suddenly disappeared after he sensed something, he looked anxious, something wasn't right on his side! I need to find him soon!'

'Wait before that! For a while now, the captain's aura changed rapidly, it was far scarier than I saw in that dimensional rift! 

Just how strong is she? 

I didn't even win a single fight against her!' Aaris looked up and shivered with a faint smile.




Meanwhile, on the seventh floor, Styrmir was getting chased by Jeremy.

"What the hell! You are just a coward! I can't believe that freaking duke filled me with this weird crystal!" 

Jeremy's consciousness returned to him, the crystal on his nerves was crushed under his muscles before completely taking over his body. 

"Wait for you weakling-" suddenly Jeremy stopped, he stood on his place with his heartbeat raging inside his chest, 

'Bria? What happened to Bria? She must've regained her consciousness by now like me, but suddenly, how is her aura disappearing?

Is she okay? 

Well, she must be! But then why can't I feel her presence!' Jeremy punched the floor shattering it into pieces, and he fell down to the floor below.

"Bria! Tell me you're alive! I am coming for you! Now that I have this power, I will kill the bastard duke and his son! So wait for me!" Jeremy was screaming, making even gravel shake around him.

His cry was so loud it echoed for minutes, his eyes were getting red and his veins were close to bursting out of his skin, but then Bria's presence completely vanished.

Jeremy flinched, his mind went blank while every memory of him with her flashed before his eyes. 

"What the hell is going on? Why can't I feel her anymore! What the hell is going on? 

Bria, can you hear me?

Bria! Answer me!" The floor was shaking with his voice, he was going insane, he was screaming and punching the walls, making the whole dungeon tremble.


'It's her….' A hissing voice spoke in his head, 

"Who are you? And what do you know about Bria? Is she alive?" Jeremy was wobbling around like a mad creature, grabbing his hair and smashing it in every corner.

Styrmir was hearing all this, but he couldn't stop his steps, he was running and running, 

"What the hell is wrong with that muscle head now? Fuck it! I need to save them before! Jane, where are you?" Styrmir screamed and sprinted dashing into the maze-like hallways.

"Who are you? What happened to Bria!" Jeremy screeched, 

'Your Bria…. She got killed by that which…'

Jeremy's skin started tearing up!

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