Chapter 130 - Cries For Tomorrow

*huff! huff!* 

"Just where are they!" Styrmir was running inside the hallway, covered in sweat and panting. The hallways had a little glimpse of light that was helping him find the way, but the silence in those was very weird.

– Styrmir - PoV –

Where is she? There is no doubt, I heard Jane's voice but she isn't to be found here.

I've been running for a while-


A horrifying roar shook the floor beneath my feet, I almost lost my balance and fell to the ground!

'This voice was of that bastard Jeremy! Not just his voice, his mana is bursting too, this isn't good!

I don't have any time to waste, if we fight here, who knows, they might get injured! 

I need to get them out of here!'

I started running again, the alleys were dark and dreadful, the deeper I get into them, the more horrifying they started to become, I could see rats nibbling on bones, and maggots on some flesh, on both sides of the wall, the stench was unbearable and all those corpses had a chain bonded to their bones or probably close to them.

I clapped my hands and started praying for passed souls, whenever I saw a remain while running, 

I was sprinting without stopping, I might've passed hundreds of chain hooks on the wall, I filled my lungs with nauseating stench, and cried out, 

'JANE! ARE YOU THERE?!' I probably did this three or four times, until the tongue started to get bitter due to the stench.

I started running again and halted at the four-way path, 

'This freaking dungeon is an endless maze?!, where should I go now-'

then I heard the faint sound of  chains rattling from my left,

"Some… body…help!" It was a vague shivering voice, it sent shivers to me, it was as if it was whispered right into my ears, 

'Well, if it's a ghost then, let's see if my punches can hit em or not!' I cracked my knuckle with shaky legs, to be honest, I didn't want to go…

I was afraid of ghosts, but I couldn't ignore it, 

I bit my lips and started sprinting in that direction, 

'Please don't be a ghost! Please don't be a ghost!' I was praying all the way, I looked on the walls and noticed something, 

The shackles of the chains had no sign of the remains of any being, which made me more terrified!

' O' great fathers in heaven! I beseech your protection from evil! Please help! Please help!

I don't want to die a virgin!' I started running with my eyes closed, 

The rattling of the chains became louder, suddenly it started echoing, and now there were several rattles in my way, 


Whoever you are! Are you alive?' I shouted!

I swear it didn't answer me, I am…

Godamnit! I can't abandon them, I started sprinting with my eyes closed until a warm light touched my face again!

I abruptly stopped and took a peek, and my eyes opened by themselves, the cold sweat started running down through my back when I saw them, dozens of humans of every age, bonded to shackles on their ankles.

Their bone was sticking to their yellowish and pale skin, their eye socket turned black, they were sitting on the puddle of feces and urine, some of them were amputated, and some had numerous stitches on their body.

'How could someone be so cruel!' I clenched my teeth, wanted to look away, but I couldn't.

"Who are you?" A young boy, close to my right foot, turned his eyes to me. He was no better than the others. I closed up to that boy and broke the rusty shackle on his leg.

But the horror didn't end there, there was an infected wound on his leg, with gushing pus.

"Big brother, please-"

I started cleaning his wound with my sleeves and healing it with stone, 

'Don't worry! It's alright! We'll save you! There is no need to be-'

"Kill…me" his voice broke, he was staring at the ceiling with a tear dropping from his cheek.

I was left appalled with hands trembling, everyone, there was looking at me with wistful eyes, 

Do they want me to kill them? 

What is this misery?! 

I can't, 

'I can't ' I shouted, 

I grabbed that kid's shoulder, and everybody's gazes struck on me, 

'Listen here kid! I don't know why the hell you went through up until now but dying?

Do you think this will solve everything? Your past has been ruined, but look at me!'

The boy's eyes widened at me, 

'The present, I am in it! And I promise to you, that tomorrow you will be smiling! 

Once again! So look forward to it!

We are here!

My captain! My friends are fighting now! 

So tell me, what do you want me to do?'




The boy was stupefied, 

'What nonsense this man is talking about, no one can get out of here! We are already in hell, how can he save us-

"Papa! Once I grow stronger! I want to be a knight!" It seems like yesterday I was in my father's lap when he was telling me about his adventures, 


"Yes! Tell me how to become strong?!"

"Well then, the first thing you have to learn is, 

To never give up! There may be hard times, but remember the moment you get out of the biggest miseries you will ever face in life, 

nothing will seem impossible to you, so don't lose hope! And always, yearn for a moment longer!" 




"Papa! Mumma! I want to get out of here!" The boy started crying with every drop of life in him, the cries of his began a rush of subtle warmth in him. 

"That's like a good boy now! Don't worry! I don't know if they are alive or not! But I will get out of here! Not just you! Everyone, one of you! 


I won't hog the credits, we will rescue you all out of here!"

Shouted and patted that boy, I began breaking the everyones shackle,

Styrmir reached a man with an amputated arm glaring at him, "But, the duke will find us again! I tried to fight back but he was a monster!

How can you defeat him! He, his son! They are monsters-" he was trembling,

"Monsters you say?" Styrmir smirked, 

"You don't have to worry about that, we have a scarier one with us!" 

Styrmir broke everyone's shackles, but there was a problem, none of them was able to stand due to being chained for a long time, their calves were skinny, and their thighs were as thick as their necks.

Styrmir was confused, 

'I can't take everyone one out! There are probably many more, what should I fucking do?!'

"Styrmir?!" A familiar voice came from ahead, 

Styrmir got up and cells started to appear with people init, with better conditions, 

He passed a few of them until he saw a girl's nose and waving arms sticking out of the bars.

"Styrmir here!" It was Jane, 

Styrmir rushed to her and broke the lock, she jumped out of the cell and hugged him tightly.

"I am so happy! You are safe! But are you alone?

Is Rise also with you?

Is he safe? 

Is he-"  Jane was yanking him without missing breath, 

"Calm down woman!" Styrmir grabbed her hand while wobbling, 

"My head is spinning!" 

"I am sorry!" Jane looked around and looked at everyone, 

"What is going on here?

Styrmir took a deep breath and narrated everything, Jane started sweating with her brows furrowed, 

"I see, well what happens between your team is your problem, alright then, let me help you too then!"





Styrmir broke every cell lock freeing at least hundreds of prisoners, Styrmir fell on his back after using too much energy.

"There isn't anyone after this! This was the only and last imprisoning corridor of the dungeon, all the others were taken out earlier from what I heard, so let's start evacuation now!"

Jane was all pumped up, the cell hostages came over to chained ones and started aiding them.

"Will this take time?" Styrmir huffed out, he was lying on his back on the floor, when a woman came close to him and kneeled, 



She started rejuvenating Styrmir's mana with a second word, 

"Um-" Styrmir started grinning while looking at her, she was a fine young lady with few bruises on her, 

"I am a nun, this is the best I can do!"

"Don't worry about me! Can you please help others!" His grin wasn't wiping off, and Jane was holding in her urge to pound him on the ground.

"About that! Most of the prisoners here were healers from the same church, we refused to help the duke in his schemes, so he captured us.

We were forced to aid him on every one of his sinister experiments! Don't worry, there are enough of us to heal-" 

"I will kill you all before that!" A terrifying and intimidating aura oozed out, from around the head of Styrmir, he looked up and saw Jeremy staring at him.

He raised his feet, and it was big enough to crush, nun and Styrmir together, 

"Watch out!" Styrmir pushed the nun, and Styrmir stomped him on the floor!

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