Chapter 131 - Will You Go On A Date With Me?

"Bria…my Bria… how dare you all!" Jeremy stomped on Jeremy again digging the floor.

All the people there looked at him horrified, a ten feet tall man, with torn skin and exposed muscles and ligaments, there was a strange opaque exoskeleton covering up his body, and vapors were coming out of his body.

His completely bared eyeballs had a thin membrane on them,

"Styrmir!" Jane shouted and nun held her back, 

Everyone was trembling to look at Jeremy, the all creeps themselves to one corner, crying and begging, 

"No! I knew it, we can't escape from this hell!" 

"Please, Lord! Have mercy on us! Please save us!"

"I was an idiot to believe in false hope!" 

They all were shouting pulling their hairs, Jeremy's head twitched, and he looked at them, 

"My Bria…you killed my Bria! I will kill you all!" He raised his foot and leaped Styrmir's body in one step, 

He started getting closer to them, while all the mages who were kept in the cells came in front of them.

"You all, you killed her, I will never forgive you all!" Jeremy was walking to them, shoving his fingers in the wall, and running them through the wall like he was playing in the water.

Gradually he reached to a cell gate, he grabbed the frame and pulled it out from the wall, 

"Please show mercy on us!"

"Please! Don't do this to us!"

"Big brother!" 

Jeremy raised that gate over his was ready to crush them with it, 

"Die you-"

Jeremy tightened his grip and put all his strength to pull it on them,

"Hold up a minute!" 

Jeremy stopped all of a sudden, 

"Who…stop…" Jeremy turned his head and saw Jeremy holding the gate with both of his hands, while his bangs were down with flowing blood.

"Styrmir!" Jane cried out, 

"Jane, make sure to stick to the plan!" Styrmir shouted and pulled the gate and Jeremy to himself, and he started falling on his back, and Styrmir rocketed his knee on his spine, and then threw him on the back.

Styrmir was wobbling on his feet and the blood was flowing out of his none stop, 

"How…are you… alive!" Jeremy slowly got up, glaring at him, 

"I am wondering that too if only I hadn't covered my face with my arms, my skull probably would've turned into some sauce." Styrmir slowly turned to the prisoners, 

"Does anybody have some painkillers? It would be bad if they fight him without them?" His smile didn't fade, 

On top of that, his eyes completely turned like as of a beast,

"Here eat this!" The nun threw a glowing green pill at him, 

"What is this, it looks distasteful!?" Styrmir looked at that pill and then to the nun, the nun turned red and averted her gaze, 

"It… it… will heal you in an instant! Please eat it quickly!" All the other nun was also frustrated while Jane was looked embarrassed also, 

Something popped into Styrmir's mind, 

'I will definitely not regret eating this!" He gulped down the pill, and it tasted somewhat like milk, 

Shortly all the wounds on his body started to heal and mana began rejuvenating.

— Styrmir - PoV–

Now! This feels good! This pill is incredible! I could feel myself filling up with energy! 

I moved my gazes to nuns, and raised my thumb, 

'It was really tasty!' And she hid her face behind another nun, 

Why did she-

Jane threw a brick at me, 

"You pervert! Don't waste time, look he is doing something! And make sure he doesn't get close to us!" 

'I got it! I got it!' I rubbed my swollen head, she doesn't have to be this rude…

I turned to Jeremy and something was definitely wrong with him, his muscles were bulging and reducing.

At that moment his muscles were completely enveloped in a thin white scale, and his face was swallowed by crystal and was covered as some kind of growing skull from his neck like it was eating it.

'That was totally gross' I leaped at him with a clenched fist and punched him right on that crystal skull-like helmet.

Jeremy was hurled into the hallway scraping the floor.

This guy! he started standing up again, 

"Nhnhnhnhnh…." He was giggling with his arms hanging freely and his head down, 

'Woah! Just how creepy can you get?' I raised my brow, 

"This naive idiot! Just because of a girl, he completely lost his sanity! Ah but I must thank you as well, that knee on his spine! Thanks to that we were able to completely take over him!" 

He was laughing, his expressions were really spooky, a moment before he was crying and now he is laughing, is he possessed or something?!

"Well then, let me take you to my lord!" He dashed at me, his speed even crazier than before!


Jeremy grabbed Styrmir's whole upper body and thrashed him on the floor, the impact shook the floor.

He was like an ogre playing with a toy!

"The fuck he got so strong?" Styrmir coughed out blood, and Jeremy raised his feet again upon him, 

Styrmir rolled and dodged this time he probably would've got squished below his foot, thanks to those crystals.

"You can't run!" Jeremy swung his arm and punched him into the wall, 

His body was now 15 times stronger than Jeremy's extent when he fought Styrmir.

"Just how did he get so strong?!" Styrmir fell on his knees, 

"You really want to know? This fool mana is completely ours now! Mixed with our lord powers, he has now crossed his human limits!" Jeremy interlocked his fingers and raised them above his head, breaking the ceiling.

"Now! Die!" 

"Ahh! Damn it!" Styrmir punched his hands and the shockwave shook the whole dungeon.

"What the hell was that?" Jeremy was pushed a few steps back, 

Styrmir cracked his knuckles and moved his gaze at his left, 

"Are you ready Jane?" 


Everyone now! Do it!" Jane shouted and nuns who surrounded every prisoner raised their hands,



Everyone behind Jane and other nuns was enveloped in the transparent spheres chain, which began floating.

"Great! Well, then I am going all out! Make sure you all are safely out of here!"

Styrmir cracked his knuckles, and his blue hairs started hovering in the air, 

[ ORIGIN WIND MAGIA ]  and a magus circle appeared on top of both of his fists, 

"Now, here I go!" He punched the air above that sphere creating a tornado piercing all the levels up to the ground.

Everybody was stunned, he drilled up all the levels above with just a punch and not a single pebble fell on them.


"Go! I can't protect you and fight him at the same time! Make sure to find Riger and Bisca! Now hurry up!" Styrmir shouted as everyone saw his back in front of them.

That little slowly dragged himself to the wall coat and gathered his every breath in his chest, 

"Big Brother! Will you…come back?" He shouted while sniffling, 

Styrmir looked back at him with a wide smile, 

"Depends! Will Miss Nun go on a date with me?!"

The nun gasped, and Jane chuckled, "take care, you idiot!" Jane raised his hand and the sphere started floating in the air and escaped through that hole.

"What a cringe bastard!" Jeremy started walking forward to him, 

"So tell me what your answer-" Styrmir looked behind and didn't see those spheres anymore, 

"Where did you go! Tell me will I get a date or not! Did I get rejected? Miss nun!" Styrmir started whining below that hole, 

"You dare mock me!" Jeremy leaped at him again, 

And Styrmir spun with a kick on his jaw and thrashed him on the wall.

"How?! That kick didn't even connect completely, it just touched me! But I still blew off and  took damage from that?" Jeremy's eyes gaped. He wasn't hurt that bad, but he was perplexed by that kick.

"I will kill you in the name of my lord!" Jeremy dashed at him, while Styrmir raised his palms with a magus circle in front of them.

Jeremy threw a punch him with his enraged strength and Styrmir thrust his palm forth, 

When Jeremy's punch touched the magus circle a strong wind blast shredded his knuckles exposing his bones, along with shaving the walls around him.

The blast was so strong even Styrmir was pushed behind, though he was taunting Jeremy with a wide grin on his face.

"You bastard!" Jeremy's muscles bulged up again and started throwing punches at Styrmir at inhuman speed, 

"Now take this!" 

"Futile!" Styrmir followed his pace, he blasted off each of his punches with the equal speed with his palms creating quakes in the dungeon.

The walls were shredding along with Jeremy's arms and torso, but now Styrmir was also taking damages, 

Those sharp winds of shock waves were scaring Styrmir also, and at last with an opening, he landed a hit on Jeremy's chest, blowing him off in the air.

"You bastard! What kind of spell is that?!" Jeremy coughed out blood on his knees and growled at him, 

"Spell?! Did you hear me chanting anything? Listen well, you idiot! I don't use spells in my fights! "

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