Chapter 14 - The Loyal

"Mother!" I was frightened of what is happening, will we die here? but after all this, I don't want to again to be separate from her,

"I won't let you do that" I stood in front of with my trembling legs and weak voice,

"Pft!.. Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" they all started laughing "look at this brat acting high and mighty what are gonna do with your skinny arms and mana less body? but I am amazed you still dare to stand in front of us, so I will make sure you die first so that you won't see mother dying after you." Ronald swung his sword like he boasting his skills,

"Cara.. come on stop struggling and accept your fate at least The Lord was nice enough to let you meet your child on his birthday!" Kosa was wiping her tears she shed because of her laughter,

"Eh? today is this brat birthday why didn't you tell me" Norman looked surprised,

"Didn't that handsome Lord told us in our first meet how can you be this forgetful" Kosa breathed a sigh, "so Mr. Ronald let's finish this since they both are weak Norman and I doesn't need to do anything you can finish them in one slash right, let's end this and get out of our and let's get our reward from that handsome Lord he promised us, after this work we won't have to worry about anything in our life...... I am so excited to come on Ronald finish this already" Kosa was smiling so wide for a moment she looked insane,

How can someone smile like this I looked at my mother she covered me with her arms,

"Yup Let's finish this already I can't wait to drink booze and spend some good times in the brothel" Norman chuckled,

"Hey! don't waste your money on such things.... oh my look at us how excited do it already, Ronald"

"Yes Do it or else let me take over this job I will be happy to be the reason for our new bright future" Norman suddenly took a stance and uttered


And suddenly Norman started turning into a Hound - Beast man

his skin turned brown and fur-covered him and from his finger long nail popped out, his appearance changed into a 3 meter tall Dog like Beast, That's how they followed by our smell and it was obvious that a Beast man gave this type of work finding and killing, he licked his lip and took a step forth toward us "First the kid and then the mother-" In a flash,

Norman's severed head fell on the ground I lost feeling of my limbs and with all the blood spewing out of Norman's headless torso filled me with terror and stunned, who did that is we saved who was that I looked toward my mother she was as shocked as me and then my gaze turned toward Kosa she looked clueless and trembling I fear then I saw Ronald long sword covered in blood, it was Ronald who sliced Norman head but again why?

"What are you doing Mr. Ronald aren't on our side why did you kill Norman, don't tell me you are feeling sympathy toward these garbages, their love melted your heart and you decided to betray the Tresguys" Kosa backed up from Ronald and pulled out some Talismans and was ready to fight back but from her expression, she knew she doesn't stand a chance,

"Betray the Tresguys don't say the impossible, since after killing mother and son, you two can prove dangerous for them as you know too much about their affair so, to make sure that you never open your mouth they asked me to shut you up forever, so I am sorry you were a great help" Ronald lifted his long sword and held the sword in between his two fingers on his other hand in offensive posture and mumbled,


"wait, listen to me I beg you you please spare me I promise I won't say a word I will forget everything I will do anything you say" she was crying, and pleading, "tch! if it comes to this"

[SMOKE SCREEN] she used one the talisman and everything in the woods covered in smoke.

My mother pulled me towards her self and pulled out a Dagger with strange marking on it and she tried to protect me,

"PATHETIC!" and a sudden sound of wind slashing resonated in the air, and the smoke blew away in an instance, but there was no sign of Kosa, it looked liked she fled by taking advantage of the smoke,

"Seriously! you think I am a fool" Norman leaped to the side,


and stabbed his sword in empty air,

"Ahhh! A painful scream echoed in the woods"

but out of nowhere, blood came out of thin air, and slowly a body started to appear around the sword it was Kosa she used Camouflaging Talisman hide she knew it was futile to run away from him,

"Really? hiding using talisman I am Raven things like this is child play for me " Ronald smirked at her and with no mercy, he slashed through her pierced chest and blood rained everywhere, and her corpse fell on the ground.

It was my first time watching such cruelty, a dead body, a murder, in front of my eyes and I fell as my legs lost their strength I was praying to God if there is one, The Legends, to save us from him, he jerked his arm to get rid of the blood, stained his sword and gently rested his sword on his shoulder and glared at us.

"How can you stoop this low, becoming a murderer a traitor everything just in the name of loyalty people like you disgust me the most" my mother she looked enraged but she didn't fear him, somehow looking at her gave me little ease and stood up and looked at her and pulled out my voodoo doll, maybe this will prove useless but even a little thorn can halt someone for a while, I thought.

"AHAHAHA! you've got to be kidding me, you think you can stop me with these childish spells" He was laughing out loud and grabbed his stomach and came closer to us "oh my stomach hurts! wow how nostalgic it's year's since I saw this doll I thought nobody now uses this useless magic anymore but look there is something you can do, but how unfortunate you lack basic knowledge you see it won't work a person who is stronger than you, now-now be a good kid and stop resisting I am not that bad I promise I will slice your head off painlessly"

He swung his sword, to slash me but Suddenly my mother jumped in front of me... Blood started dripping on the ground.

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