Chapter 15 - The Red Strings

I saw some droplet of blood dripping on the ground, my mother was in front of me and Ronald was pushing her sword against and then leaped back suddenly,

"That dagger is quite tough can't believe it blocked my slash, and seriously you scared me off with that look in your eyes" Ronald took another stance " I am saying this again quit resisting and let me kill you and I will grant you and your son a painless death otherwise, you won't like what I will do to your son just think first I will cut off all of your limbs and then slowly torture your son in front of you so, I ask you accept my generosity"

I looked at my mother there was clear bloodthirst in her eyes, her hand was bleeding maybe because the edge of the dagger might made a cut, on the left hand, she was supporting her dagger with, to block the force of Ronald's slash.

Abruptly my mother took a deep breath and relaxed herself

"Aaris Dear, please step back, I don't think we any other choice besides to kill him but I don't have any other way, so Dear I will come back to you shortly, till then-" she bit her lips and her voice had a grieve regret,

"No, I won't, I will fight too!"

"This is not your battle Aaris please don't make this more difficult for me," She said gently, I couldn't refuse her at that time, I backed of few steps and hid behind a tree, there was mild light coming out of luminous stone floating there, I glanced at both of them, she was not wavering her sight for a bit from Ronald, and she grasped her dagger tightly and pointed it towards him.

"Kill me? are you out of fucking mind right now? you think you can kill me when you don't even have mana equal to FIRST GRADE MAGE you think you can kill me, I am really offended by this, I gave you a chance but I think you have gone crazy by recent events anyways don't blame me for what going to happen next I will give you and your brat a really gruesome death.."

"We'll see about that" she took her dagger and slashed her left palm and blood started to gush out from the cut,

"MOTHER WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I screamed but thanks to my weak body I finally lost my strength to move I fell to the ground on my face and looked at her why she was hurting herself I thought for a moment,

"Have you gone insane or just terrified of what going to happen next I told you I won't show you any mercy now!"

Ronald leaped to her but she didn't moved a bit neither lifted her Dagger nor her bleeding palm, she was going to get stabbed if she didn't dodge,

"MOTHER MOVE FROM THERE!!!" I yelled with everything left in me but,

his sword went through her,

"MOTHER!!" I cried out "NO!! DON'T DO IT, MOTHER!!"

"Didn't I said don't worry about me" she rose her head,

Unexpectedly she swung her dagger aiming for his throat,

but he dodged it and again jumped back few steps,

"My-my still fighting back don't worry as I promised I will kill you slowly that wound is not fatal, but you won't be able to move from now on due to it, now where is your brat-"

" I warned you but you didn't listen, now prepare for the consequences!" she glared at him and whispered...


"These chants, wait it can't be, stop mother!"


And bright red strings came out of her left palm and attached to Ronald's right wrist, he was in a fix and his anxiety and fear was visible on his face,

"What did you do to my wrist huh? it is soiled with your blood don't tell me you did it when I stabbed you, what are these strings?... What is this a Puppet spell? or a child trick? whatever it is, it can't stop-" Ronald was furious but didn't move, I saw him trembling but was unable to move it appeared,

"What did you do to me bitch? why can't I move? release me now or else..." Ronald screeched,

"Or else? what will you do? I gave you a chance to retreat but you didn't understand, now as I said nobody can touch my child, this time I will protect him no matter what!"

Those Red String... it can't be...

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