Chapter 47 - Agreement & Conflict

Tara stood there, while Ahren and Edward were still assessing her.

"You're on! If I grab any rank in the top 10 in The Grand Selection I'll be acknowledged as a student of the Academy right?" Aaris clenched his fist reassuringly and plucked courage for himself.

The smirk on Tara's face was enough to tell how much she was enjoying it,  "Oh ho! quiet resolve you got, but you also know what you have to do if you can't! Remember I won't even if you end up at the 11th rank despite if you go through blood, sweat & tears I won't take pity on you, I am a lady of my words so I suggest you-"

"I'll not run away! If I lose then I'll accept all the accusations against me!" The eyes of Aaris were never as wide as today, neither was his breath deeper, he knew there is no going back, and getting among the top 10 will not be easy, rather it's just impossible.

"My, my! I got myself a cute toy for the game I guess! Very well then! Here is your G.S.C (Grand Selection Candidate) card I wrote your fake name on it already, Mr. Rise Kier use this to enter the examination centers, Now get your ass moving to your Dorm!" Tara pulled out the card from her dress & gave it to Aaris.

"Wait!" Ahren slammed her desk, " how are you deciding everything on your own accord, you may be one of us but you can't carry out everything on your own, our opinion matters the same as yours!"

"I agree with Ahren here, he is still a criminal & if let him take part now & he fails, he will accept his crimes then it would bring a shame to us and Academy, it would be seen as our leniency & careless that he sneaked in here, or let's say he somehow made a place in top 10 & then his identity gets to expose the situation would become worse.

How will you manage then Tara, it would not be seen as your fault only, but Ahren & I would equally be part of it." Edward let out a huge sigh & favored Ahren.

"Well what has to happen, will happen! For now, I feel bad for this kid you see" Tara wasn't convincing anyone thanks to how crazy acted before now, "I just want to give him chance, who knows this kid might pull off something we never expected, besides don't all of us has some mutual secrets we share, let's add this one too!"

After an uncomfortable silence, both of them agreed,

"Fine but you have to take the blame for everything if things go south." Ahren grabbed his forehead thanks to the headache Tara bestowed on her.

"Eh? Well ok then! It will be worth it I guess! Listen here you kid now we both are now in a difficult turn, so make sure you don't mess things up! Now move your ass & get the fuck out of here! I'll take care of the mana screen test." Tara pushed Aaris to the door and headed back to her table.

During Grand Selection, each candidate was assigned a room with 9 roommates in the academy, where they will be staying until the Selection is over.

Aaris took the card and walked out of the room.

Meanwhile, the Tridents had an internal conflict cooking for the Grand 

"How did you get the card ready in such a short time? Don't tell me you planned all this, are you planning to give a recommendation & make that your Seth?" Ahren had her doubts, of all the years they spent together she is well aware that Tara isn't a person who takes things seriously, she can plan a whole coup if she wants to amuse herself.

"How cruel Ahren, well I did have a few blank cards, and you know we already have a few authorities and some extra privileges & perks over the Selection candidacy, that reminds me, who you both have chosen as a recommendation this year?

Let me guess for Ed, as the Loyal dog he is, he probably gave it to the Crown Prince and made him his Seth! & for you, it must be your Granddaughter!"

The playful attitude of Tara wasn't making the conversation less tense.

"I can't help it, I have trained his majesty for years and his skill, capability, strength, mana capacitance & intellect all are on the whole other level, it was my privilege actually that he will become my Seth." Edward took pride in his role as crown prince, he was also the Grand Mage of the Court, in the capital just to train the crown prince.

"Well it should be obvious, he has the pure blood of Dragonkin running through his veins, I don't question your judgment while for my granddaughter I know her potential & what she can do-" Ahren, crossed her arms and shook her head in agreement but Tara interrupted Ahren in between,

"Know her potential you said? That means she wasn't worthy of your recommendation huh? All these years of training and she still isn't strong enough? Aw, it must be hard keeping your family reputation all by yourself for all these years, I think it is a good time now where you can reveal the truth behind the descending power of Grey Clan-"

"Spurt another word  & I'll snip that pretty little neck of yours!" Ahren's bloodlust oozed out of her eyes.

"Oh my! now I can feel your Spirit behind when its contempt is aimed toward me, hmm… let's see 

a tall build, a big shield on the back, two big blades in both hands, and several poking out from under the shield. Hmm no wait they are growing from his back, he probably looks all red, it's your Cancer spirit isn't he?" Tara looked over his head, normal eyes can't perceive what she can.

"As expected, still can feel the presence even from the other world" Ahren knew Tara isn't someone to take lightly. 

"Hehe, you flatter me! now are you going to retract the spell or do you want me to get serious also, I hope you are willing to take responsibility what will then" Tara activated his spell, a heptagram appeared on her left eye Iris, and her pupil gleamed blue, ancient script markings covered the heptagram, and she freed her mana pressure.

"Enough! both of you, this is a selection for students, not your warzone, are you planning to massacre everyone by dragging them in your little quarrel, you're an educator so act like them!" Edward tightened his grip around his wand.

"What are you saying, Ed? Since when this country wasn't a warzone? You know it better than anyone else, everything became so miserable since-" there was obvious agony in Ahren's voice.

"Don't cry over the past and also Tara, please mind about what you are about to speak, Ahren isn't the one who was responsible for the Rounch disaster, 16 years ago, it's better to bury the memories along with the deceased." Edward relaxed his words and placed his arm on Ahren's shoulder.

"Fine, but also tell her not to poke her nose into my business anymore. Whatever I do is my problem alone, if she were to cross the line ever again I won't hold back anymore, you got it!" Ahren raised her finger and canceled her spell and retracted Cancer.

"Fine, now calm down! The Selection will start tomorrow and we still have a lot of work to do, the things will start and no one knows what the future holds. every year there we see something new, & now Tara also has complicated things, we all should take rest now, we aren't young anymore." Ed successfully resolved the talk but unknowingly he still attacked someone.

"Oye geezer! Who are you calling old! I am still at my growing spurt! Don't you have any etiquette!"

& Tara started throwing tantrums.

"Oh my God! Seriously? Fine then, young lady forgive me for rudeness, I am very sorry"

He had no energy to handle any more of this, 

"Let's end things now, this gathering ends here, favor to adjourn."



Both Ahren & Tara uttered in unison.

"Great, the next gathering will be tomorrow, but now  the professors & the guest faculty will join too, so please try to do your best to uphold your position."

Edward was still hesitant and unsure about the meeting, "I wish nothing happens tomorrow please The Almighty I pray to give me strength and help to handle things smoothly.

"Whatevs" Tara flicked her ponytail & opened the window and flew out & vanished in moments.

"Well, here she goes! How can she fly so fast? Well I should head out then, good see you again, let's do our best for the Grand Selection & pray we can free ourselves from this misery called duties"

Edward waddled to the door and held the handle.

"Alright then take care Ahren." And went out.

I hope too, & I have some work to finish and will go later. Take care of yourself. I'll see you tomorrow." 

Ahren waved goodbye to Edward.

And now there is only a day left before Grand Selection.

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