Chapter 48 - The Rules Of The Dorm.

After Aaris left for his assigned room, after asking a few people he reached the Warden room for the candidate's dorms.

The dorm was adjacent to the Tridents' building, where he saw a pair of well-dressed ladies & greeted every student with a smile. Aaris was the last person to reach and asked one of the ladies about his room. She said to go through the gate beside the window and wait there.

-- Aaris - POV --

"Mr. Rise Kier?" The lady in the reception called for me, "I am Uru Selri, the assistant warden of your won't of the dorm, and let me escort to your room, please come this way it's already late & most of the students are already in there, I must say it was quite bold of you to show up this late."

Her smile was there but she didn't look happy at all.

'Um- you see I had a short meeting with Trident-'

"Th- Th- the Tridents! You've got to be kidding me! & if you are, I'll kick your ass punk!" She was scarier than impressed and surprised.

'Mi-mi- Miss Uru?' At first, I thought why a sweet-looking woman like her is one of the wardens, though now I know she may look sweet but she could probably wipe the floor with any other kid staying in the dorm.

"Whoops!" A sharp whisper and she collected herself, "Ahem! Forgive me for my imprudence but you see so many students graduated & passed out of the academy but never got any chance to just share or talk to any Trident throughout their life! & you said you met one of the Tridents on the first day! I never would've guessed a gloomy-looking guy like you, was acquainted with one of the Tridents." She knows her way with words, she kinda roasted & complimented me at the same time, though it hurts.

"So who do you meet? Wise & distinguished Lord Edward, or graceful and sophisticated Lady Ahren? Well, you already have devil's luck there is a chance you would've met The charming Lady Tara, people say if she doesn't feel like it she even refuses the royal invitation! Kyaa! I really want to meet her!"

She was blushing and wiggling way too much! Who is she? A Tridents' Fanclub member?

'Well, she does have this kind of attitude, and 

Sir. Ed and miss. Ahren was just as you said though miss. Ahren has a bit of mystical aura around her-'

"Eh?" Uru's eyes went completely blank, " what did you say?" 

'Just as you said, three of them-"

"Eh!!!!! Don't joke around, you met all three of them! You met the Tridents all together!" She grabbed my collar and jerked the soul out of me.

'I don't know what I did but please forgive me.'

She shook me like a mad guy hitting temple bells, I felt like my brain got mixed with blood & will flow out of my nose.

"Oh! I am sorry! I just get a little excited when I hear about them! Anyway, we are here, let me show you your room."

She fixed my collar & led the way.

A little you bitch! You stirred up my organs.

I was looking at her back while she was walking in front of me, but then I felt somebody was behind then I saw miss. Uru talking to another lady.

'Miss. Uru!'

The one who was walking in front of me turned around.


'Who is she? She just looks like you.' I pointed to the other miss. Uru.

"Ah! She! She is just a clone like me, most of the receptionists like us use Cloning Spell to manage every student separately & easily. It really helps you know!"

"I see"

With some little chit-chat, she explained how I will stay here.

'So I'll be staying with 9 other people in a room in the academy?'

"Yes, & you need to follow certain rules too  while you are here, 

Follow the general conducts of society foremost, I.e. no stealing, don't behave inappropriately, respect & be kind to your roommates. etc.

Always stay attentive and follow the time limits.

You can't harm anyone in the dorm or the academy mentally, physically, spiritually, or in any other possible way.

You are free to use resources provided in the academy until you have permission from authorized personnel.

& the other necessary rules or permission you can get behind your G.S.C card, just ask a question to your card, give me your card, let me show you."

I gave her my card & she brought the card close to my face, "Say where is the washroom?"

The moment I asked, a map appeared on the back of the card.

"See! Just ask &  it will provide you with directions for the washroom."

After she explained we stood there for a while, & gazed at me smiling.

'What? Why are you looking at me like this'

"Aren't you going to use the washroom?" The way she said so innocently, struck my nerves.

'You were the one who asked me to say that!'

"God, what a dry guy you are! very well then always keep in mind to follow the rules, when someone is around!" The expression in her smile & tone completely changed.

When someone is looking huh? I don't know whether I should read between the lines or not.

After walking a while we reached the end of the building on the corner.

I looked around but there was no dorm-looking structure. There was a lawn on the right side of the hallway with a big structure in the middle.

'So where is the entrance? I know this Academy is huge but 2000 students are too much for a corner of this academy.'

"That's true, but aren't you underestimating us too much boy, follow me" a wide smug spread over her face.


Uru took Aaris to a big lawn with a high & wide octagonal pillar-like structure in the middle, & on each side of the pillar, there was a gate with spells embarked on the sides, and there was a thin path in front of each gate leading to a corridor.

When Aaris moved around the pillar he noticed the lawn was also octagonally constructed.

"So behind this gate is my room?" Aaris asked.

"Yes! Now put your Card on the Gate and say your name and then 

Repeat this - I will be the one who'll rule the sky and earth, every being on this planet shall be under my ordinance, so I command thee to open thy way and let the grace of mine pass!- when you finish this slam the pillar and the gate will open." Her seriousness somehow convinced Aaris though he was still suspicious of this chant.

"Are you serious about this chant?" He squinted at her.

"Of course now hurry up!" Uru pushed Aaris to the pillar.

& Aaris chanted the whole chant.

"Pft hahahahahahahaha!"

The lawn filled with echoes of her laughter!.

"You seriously thought that's how we open gates daily! Hahaha, you are the only one until now who has fallen for this prank! Oh My, what an innocent kid you are !" Uru was beating the ground while laughing hysterically.

Flushed and embarrassed enough to bury himself in the ground, Aaris's voice cracked.

"Just open the gate now!"

"Just go any path opposing any side of the Octagon and you'll see an arc,  they are hollow gates of your dorm, just insert it and gate will appear then rotate clockwise to open it,  and then your card will be sucked and will be returned to you from the opening inside where you have to close the gate by rotating the card counterclockwise & pull it out the gate will disappear then." 

She took Aaris to the northeast arc.

"Why is there so much hassle?" Aaris clicked his tongue.

"Boy, since you seem like a good kid, I'll give a word of advice by the time you step in the Dorm the selection will begin, so be prepared for anything!" 

She took his and gently pushed it in the air 

rotated it & a door appeared in the open arc of the corridor.

"This is a special inter-space & time dorm & this gate directly opens in your room, when the first test will begin you'll all be informed, for now, go rest." With this Uru said goodbye and left.

Saying his prayers Aaris crossed the gate  &  entered his room,  it was a dark big hall, strangely there was a single window from which moonlight was slipping. He could see 10 beds, five on one side and 5 on the other but nothing else. The lights were already off, it was too dark and he had to turn on the lights again.

The 9 beds looked stuffed except one in the rightmost corner, he then turned off the lights and tried to tiptoe with his bag in his arms to the empty bed.

"You sure doesn't have any kind of decency"

A young ego-filled voice rang from the middle bed of the left corner.

"Who are you?" Aaris was spooked.

"You don't recognize the crown prince's voice?"


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