Chapter 51 - Worst Challengers

-- Aaris - POV --

"Get up you brat!" Beautiful legs with high heels on the feet appeared, & this voice sounds very familiar like…

'Miss Uru!' I looked up & everything went dark, 'huh? Who turned the lights off?' I felt a warm & pulp sensation around my cheeks, I grabbed a handful & squeezed to try to understand what it is 

'What is this freaking warm & soft feeling!? Is it some kind of holy pillow? Is it already bedtime that's why I am in bed?' Without realizing I felt my fingers sinking in this blissful sensation.

"Ara! Mr. Rise neither lights are off nor are you in bed" Miss Uru's voice again touched my ears this time from above?

"not to mention the things you knead like flour are none other than my buttocks and things will you please do me a favor and get out of my skirt!"

'Mi-mi-miss U-U-Uru?' Goodbye my candidacy, seems like the whole universe is against me.

'I apologize for my rudeness, please give me a chance to repent. I'll compensate you with everything I have, but please give me the chance to write a will!'

I can see my execution in the middle of town and people calling molesters.

"Ara! Don't worry, by the way, you have quiet skills & strength in your hand." She began fidgeting and blushing and every candidate in the hall was looking at me like they had seen trash and I could hear what they were saying….

"Oh my God just look at him, showing his color on the first day!"

"What a jerk!"


"I heard he molested all the women in the Mana screen test!"

I swear to God I never did such a thing, stop!

"Ahem! Now silence everyone, don't blow useless rumors on the first day, anyway Mr. Rise I have to say there are 50 Uru's clones in the hall and you grabbed the original one! Kudos!" She smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

The other students whispered to each other,

"See, see I told you he knows incubus magic!"

'I don't! Miss. Uru I beg you stop! I'll be kicked out before I get in!' I begged her on my knees.

"Te-he! Sorry! Sorry! Now please raise your head, oh I remember, back to the main question! Who are you?" She bent close to my face & raised her brow.

'What do you mean? I am just a normal guy..'

I averted & avoided eye contact, she is probably onto me, did she find out about my identity?

"If you are just a normal guy why did madam Tara ask to be in charge of your test? I am so freaking jealous just tell me how you got her attention. If you do, then I'll let you sleep on the holy pillow!' 

Whining like a little girl then patting her thighs with an indecent intention in her eyes she definitely has lost screw!

Also, now every candidate in the hall had his eyes on me, for one more outrageous reason and chattering began again.

'She is just-' wait I can't tell her how I know her, it would be a huge problem if cats get out of the bag.

What should I do? What should I do?

Oh! got it!

'Well, she is like my big sister who played with me once when I was a child!' I am sweating like crazy & my smile feels so cringe!

"Childhood? Big sister?" She straightened her back and started thinking, "hmm… I see! My! How lucky you are!" She jumped in excitedly and snuggled me & my face was pressed between her breasts.

I never saw any bosom bigger than her, Man they are softer-

On the second now I am suffocating, what is pleasing pain!

'Ma'am I can't breathe!' I tapped her shoulder & she released me, 

"So for your reward of passing the first test, here rest on the holy pillow!"

She grabbed my head and laid it on her lap, & the whole hall with me gasped.

"What a lucky bastard a snuggle and lap pillow by a beautiful lady!" 

"I knew he was an Incubus!"

Wow, people's imaginations running wild, they even changed my race now.

"Nuhuhu… " a sly laugh approached me, 

"You bastard, how dare you! What was your name?"

A young guy with a sharp face and blue hair approached me. Is he some kind of big shot with high standards and morals? He pointed his finger at me and yelled "yes! Rise Kier! How dare you hog that piece of heaven all for yourself!"

Okay, he's just a dumbass.

"Madam Uru!!" He yelled her name so loud and she jerked.

"Ah, you startled me there Mr. Styrmir Horus, do you need me, if you have any questions you can ask my clones-?" She smiled at him but interrupted in between, 

"No can do! I just want to know when I will get the blessing of your lap pillow!"

I see this guy is not just a dumbass, a total pervert too! 

"Pardon!" Uru was confused, 

'Brother listen to me-' 

"You shut up! How come you enjoy this privilege and scenery while we are standing like this!

You are misusing your connections to force madam Uru I know!" 

He was blazing in anger and shouting, and a horde of boys shook their heads in agreement, and this guy was leading them all.

'Hey I don't know Miss Tara so well, & Scenery? What are you talking about? Holy!' 

When I glanced upwards I wasn't able to see Miss Uru's face, two big shades of curves were blocking my vision.

Now I kinda feel bad for them.

"Madam Uru please let me use your lap to rest-"

"No!" Before he could finish, Uru smiled and her cold rejection pierced through him.


"No"* ( *uru's reply)

"I can manage with a clone"

"Never you are creepy"*

"Just a hug? I am lonely!"

"You are the biggest reason why you are lonely"*

Each of her replies came with a smile that couldn't be more hurtful, Madam, stop! Any more of this, he'll die!

"Understandable, have a great day!" He bowed and went to the corner and sulked in the gloom, many boys around him came to cheer him up, 

"Brother, you need a hug?" A guy tapped his shoulder.

"I am okay, I don't deserve them! Wait, I am not the problem, it's him! RISE KIER!"

With their low voice, all of their concentrated menacing blood lust was coming to me.

'Madam I think that's enough, I think you should also return to work too' I need to get away from her.

"Oh, are you uncomfortable? Do you have a fever?" She moved her bangs to take my temperature and lowered her forehead but before her forehead, her breasts reached to me.



All of the boys are chanting curses now. Please stop missing Uru!!

I stood up and made a good distance from her.

"What a waste! Okay, then I do have some things to take care of, be careful with some reasons other boys are looking weirdly at you" she also stood up and looked concerned, how should I tell her she is the reason behind all this.

"Well then take care!" She waved and walked away.

Phew… anymore of this I would've killed-

"Rise Kier," a young man called my name from across the hall. She was sitting with other girls, she was very cute & wore round glasses and had braided brown hair. 

I should tell you beforehand, keep your distance from every girl or Iris Neve will freeze you to death!"

The loath in every girl was clear, now I am nothing more than a horny dog riding on miss Tara's coat-tails, this is it nowhere I go label of evil chases me down.

While I was condemning my luck, loud footsteps approached me.

"So you are Rise Kier." A deep voice called my name.

'Now what the fuck do you want!" I stood up in a jerk and yelled at that guy then I noticed,

Blonde hair, Golden-colored eyes, the manner of dressing, and the royal emblem on his coat…

"Not an ounce of respect and etiquette, I don't understand why she chose you!" He squinted at me with his arms crossed, just how much am I going to be fucked up?

'Your majesty! I-'

"No excuses, you aren't her Seth yet, but she is backing you up, you are lucky sir. Edward told me to keep cool with you until the Selection is over if it weren't for him & Madam Tara I-"

"Your Majesty, sir. Edward is calling for you" two young boys dressed graciously stood behind him.

"Alright, let's go." He turned and walked away but stopped abruptly, 

"I will remember this encounter, Mr. Rise I have high expectations for you don't disappoint me or madam Tara, I'll look forward to our next meeting & that could be not as fellow candidates but opponents" and he went away.

Why in the world, this all is happening to me!?

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