Chapter 52 - First Ranking

After being acknowledged as a challenger by Crown Prince Niran, and labeled as a spoiled relative of Tara now Aaris is quite a famous figure in the Grand Selection.

A few hours have passed and many candidates have arrived in the hall, gradually the whole hall was filled and became crowded.

As soon as the mob became packed the hall extended itself and the floor increased its surface area without tumbling any candidate and a stage rose in front of the hall. 

"I just want to rest now! Please, somebody, tell me all of this is over and we can go now!" Laying on the floor in the middle of the hall he was crying.

"Attention aspirants,"  Uru got on the stage in the hall, & all the candidates turned to her, 

" This is an important announcement so all the candidates should listen carefully. We know all of you have undergone an unexpected test, which all of the candidates have gone through individually."

She pulled out some paper sheets from the void and cleared her throat, "Now all of you have qualified for the first test, I gladly give my congratulations to you all, now the respectable principal & Chief Arch-Mage, of the Magus Academy Mrs. Lilliana Griffin will take the stage and address you all for the next stages and information."

Uru bowed and stepped back and a lady gracefully dressed in black entered through the hall gate followed by uniformly dressed Scholar Mages of Academy.

She walked up to the stage and the faculty took the seats on the sides of the stage, Lilliana looked at every candidate and closed her eyes, then smiled gently.

"I am very proud to see all of these young talents in front of me together. All of you have done a remarkable and commendable job on your first test which started without any prior warning. But as you all have realized by now nobody is sorry for it, this is what means to be in Grand Selection also don't count the test as you have just gone through as the fa normal procedure for qualification, I mean it was the first round but a secret one so count it just like a normal routine or drill of your schools."

She hummed in laughter.

When she said this the whole of the crowd gasped and was thrown in disbelief, candidates started talking to each and noise filled the room, and in moments hall was nothing but utter chaos.

" [ SILENCE ]"

She spoke humbly and all the voices in the hall vanished, all the candidates were now just looking at each other with running mouths.

"Woah, was that a spell? Now no sound is coming through any candidates, and they are looking more confused now." Aaris tried to utter something but no sound reached his ears, and when he found out the spell.

"I am sorry for the unexpected usage of the spell but you should all mind your manners and stay calm and silent when elders are talking. Now more than 2000 students went through the first test, and only 800 have qualified for the next round, which will be more difficult than this one. So be prepared for it after this meeting will be over. All of you will go to your and rest there then assemble in the middle ground of the Academy in the afternoon then your first of the three trials will begin!"

Everyone's sweating and nervous and the teachers in front of us are looking at us like we were just some rats for their cheese maze. what's going to happen in the remaining next six days of selection!" Aaris clenched his teeth and stood up.

"One more thing, all of you know about ranking of Grand Selection, all of you should keep in mind that your ranking in the selection will be made on your performance in each trial, suppose a student has performed excellent and earned the 4th rank in the first trial then he performs poorly in the second one and gets the 19th rank, so his final ranking will be made based on these two and of course the downfall was greater than rising so his rank will drop too, so keep this in mind,

Only candidates with rank #40 or above will be selected as students in the academy and the rest can try again next year, am I clear!?"

She snapped and the entire hall echoed, "Yes, ma'am!"

"Good I like the energy in you all, the result of you all who has cleared the first test is on the notice board in the hall, you can check your current ranking there or your G.S.C card, though it is important to appreciate the best effort too, so I'll announce the top five rankers of the first test."

Every candidate was tense and was praying to grab the rank in the top five, 

"I'll start with the top five,

5. Clearing the first trial in just ten minutes and thirty-six seconds, mister Luke Gram has earned the fifth rank,

4. Clearing the test in eight minutes and thirteen seconds miss Zia Ivy Iwand has earned the fourth rank,

3. Clearing the test in six minutes and forty seconds mister Derek Whitevon has earned the third rank, 

2. Clearing the stage in six minutes in six minutes and twenty-five seconds miss Phoebe Lanchester has earned the second rank, 

And the one who has aced the first trial with an astonishing and unbelievable time, in just twenty-two seconds of passing time the Crown Prince Niran Ormer Azeihik has earned the first rank in the first test."

When she announced the first rank all of the candidates were dumbstruck in awe along with Aaris.

"Ten-...ten seconds? As Miss Tara said, this guy is a monster! Not just this, she also mentioned his test in charge was Sir. Edward and he prepared it especially for him, many people know that the crown prince is Sir. Edward's Seth, who will direct study under him if he passed the Grand Selection, though still Sir. Edward, who is known for his strict ideals as an educator, won't go easy on him no matter what, moreover he will be more strict on him. So How did he manage to finish the test in mere twenty seconds? On top of that, he sees me as a challenger!"

Aaris gulped and his mind went passive for a moment, not just him everyone in the hall was looking at Niran in awe, many of them were shaking in nervousness.

When Aaris moved his eyes to Niran he found him glaring at him in concussion & irritation on his face.

"Why is he looking at me like that? Please stop!" Aaris bit his lips cursing his grieving luck.

"Remember their faces rest of the candidates they are your worst competition and be prepared to face them anytime or anywhere during selection, now all of you disperse and go to your room and take good rest and prepare for tomorrow, I wish you all best of luck and wish that each one of you will be performing well, though just "well" is not enough for selection so put your everything on the line, now good night all of you!." 

Lillian walked down from the stage and walked out of the hall, the moment she went out the hall became chaos and gather around Niran, 

"Your majesty, you are amazing!" "As expected, from his majesty!" "You are going to win this, your majesty!"  A horde of candidates was blabbering around him, trying to get on his good side, while some of the students were just standing on the corner, calm and collected.

"Damn, look at those butt lickers! Didn't waste any moment to praise him and butter him, what do they think if they do this he'll help them selection, dream on! The moment he finds an opening he'll destroy you all in seconds." A guy passed by Aaris and said to another boy standing next to him.

It was obvious that among this mob he has admirers and haters too, for both his formidable strength and his position.

"As usual he is the center of attention. He is going to be the most troublesome guy for us. What do you think, you lucky prick!" Styrmir walked close to Aaris and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"What I think, well yes looking at his strength is obvious… oye who do you think you are getting cozy with? Just a few moments you were killing me in mind and cursing me" Aaris grabbed his hand and squeezed it with all he had.

"Ouch! ouch! That hurts you, jerk! Also, last, be gone, be bygones, and start afresh. I know you have a hidden talent!" He smiled sinisterly at Aaris.

"What...what are you talking about?" Aaris averted his gaze.

"Now… Now don't hide the truth and tell me what spell you used to seduce Miss. Uru" he got awfully close and grabbed his shoulders.

What kind of dumbass is he? I should get away from him as soon as possible! Aaris freed himself and walked away.

"Wait a minute Rise Kier! What in the world are you trying to do!" Niran screamed from afar.

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