Chapter 56 - Get Up Partner!

-- Aaris - POV --

Menso was fast but not fast enough that my eyes could miss him. He leaped over his desk and started running at me, I stood there and pulled my guard.


[ HEAVY ARM ]!" 

He used a 3rd-grade physical strengthening spell, his arm would be seven times heavier than it originally was, one clean hit would easily crush every bond on a normal human. 

But for me, it is not something I should be afraid of…

"You son of bitch! Just because a Trident got your back doesn't mean you can hold us back too! I know you were late on purpose so that you can get a chance to fix your rank by deferring the weak one!" 

When Menso said this, all the candidates who had tears in there before now had raging anger and detest me now. They all looked at me and scorned me as they were ready to tear me apart from limb to limb.

"Think and choose your words carefully before using them master Menso, this type of behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated in the Magus Academy, I would've condoned everything you said to me before, but if hurt any candidate it will not be forgiven and I would advise you to stop now before I get serious."

Miss. Bianca did sound serious but same as always her smile didn't fade, and it looked like she mocked him.

When I looked at everyone I forgot that someone is storming an assault on me, I lowered my hands and for a second I blamed myself for their failure…

But only for a second

'Screw this, you all failed because you aren't capable enough to pass the trial, I don't give a fuck what happened to you or not! If you have what it takes to face a problem then you don't need any instructions on how to face it! So quit bitching about it!"

I screamed my lungs out and freed my mana in my right hand…

[ ROGUE RAID ] I'll finish this for once and all.

"You peasant! Big words for the worst rank! I am going to smash you to the ground!" He was just a few feet away from me.

I tightened my fist and pulled my arm back…

"Well said, master Kier! Now calm down Master Menso, 



Bianca spoke in a loud voice and enchanted and snapped he finger, a magic circle appeared in the air above Menso, 

"What the fuck is this?-" Menso didn't even take a good look at it and a big flower bud-like creature appeared out of the magic circle and swallowed Menso.

'Waa! What in the world is that?' I looked over Bianca, as she stood over there as nothing happened! Every candidate in the hall creeped out and left their corner and flocked there.

'Ma'am, what is this? Where is Menso?' I dispelled my attack and took a few steps back too, I could even see him struggling inside the bud.

In a few moments, Menso inside the bud stopped struggling…

'What the fuck! Is he dead!? Ma'am?'

"Fret not dear, fufu…


she snapped her finger again, the bud bloomed and a big flower blossomed in front of me, and in the center, Mesom was standing and smiling!

And his smile was the creepiest thing of the whole day, grinning his teeth out I pulled my guard again.

'Oye you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?' I slid a bit close to him to check on him,

"I am fine, thank you for worrying about me and I am sorry for my rude behavior before please forgive me and let me repent for it." He lowered his head to me and his tone of talking completely changed! I could feel the sincerity in his apology, I jumped a few steps back again.

'Ma'am, what the hell happened to him? It's creeping me out! I think he lost it!' I looked over Bianca.

"No need to worry about him, he is perfectly fine. I just gave him a flower that could make him reflect on his past actions and turn a new leaf." 

Miss. Bianca was enjoying every moment here. I could see the pleasure on her face and her cheeks rolling up pink with her smile.

'What? How? just a few seconds before he was prepared to murder me and now he is like I am his long best friend! Please turn him back. I don't think I am barely holding my urge to punch the weird face he is making now!'

Staring at me with a wide grin, not just me, anyone will do the same!

" not you too, well I guess he looks more creepy now but doesn't droop to violence, I guess it's fine now." 

Bianca took a deep breath and clapped once, 


and the flower petals started to wither, 

"You see that was a flower called Daffodil, they symbolize forgiveness, my Magia*  { a particular magic style or specialty in magus arts } is Florence, I study and use magic derived from flowers! I undid the spell, he'll be normal in an hour or so, there is no need to worry about him, I just woke up the kind boy inside him, let me show you!

Master Meson!" She huffed his name with a laugh, 

"Yes, madam Bianca, I apologize to you too for my insolent behavior, will you forgive me?" He raised his head and turned to Bianca and bowed to her now.

"Who is more beautiful, your mom or me? " •Bianca spoken out loud,

"Of course you ma'am!" °Mason answered abruptly.

"You are smarter? your mom or me?"•

"Of course you ma'am!"°

"Who is more fat? Your mom or me?"•

'Miss. Bianca what are you-'

"My mother ma'am!"° Meson sulked after he answered.

Woah! She is going to land some emotional damage here…

" I guess that's enough, you've probably learned your lesson! Master Mason!" She yelled, 

"Yes ma'am?"

"And the rest of the candidates!" 

"Yes ma'am!" I and the candidates swarmed in the corner all shouted together, 

"As I said earlier, those who were unable to submit the answer sheet before the due time is out of the selection by default please move on to the waiting hall" 

Bianca walked up to a girl who cried so much that her eyes were swollen, she pulled out her handkerchief and wiped her tears, and gently touched her forehead with her own.



I faint pleasant aroma scattered in the air, as I breathed in it filled me with a strange feeling of hope and courage, along with the remaining candidates, all wiped their faces and smiled.

The girl's face healed to normal, and others too.

"I am really sorry for you all but don't lose hope, think this as a chance to understand & overcome your weakness and bloom as new! We won't go anywhere, so please don't give up!" 

Me, Meson, and Ruth who hid under the desk behind me all came out and walked down close to her.

"Alright, I hope we'll all see each other once again." 

Candidates said their goodbye to Bianca and slowly every student walked out of the hall.

'Let's go, Ruth.' This is the end for me, but I hope she'll participate and clear the Trial next year.

"Why? Where are we going?" She grabbed and pulled my sleeve and I fell on my back.

'Where else to the waiting hall! We weren't able to submit the sheet on time we ar-'

"I submitted mine a minute before though." She leaned close to face and with a blank expression held up a peace sign.

'You traitor! Ah! I don't even have the energy to get angry." This will be the last time I see her but I am happy I could help her. I don't know if she passed or not but I want her to.

'I am happy for you!' I smiled as wide as I could.

"Don't lose hope this early, you idiot!" She pinched my nose and sighed.

"Here, your card! I caught it in mid-air! You see, I can use a small range of Space - rift, and teleportation. I opened one side of the space window in the air in which your card fell and then opened the other side above your sheet, thanks to that your card directly fell on the sheet."

Her face gleamed with a bright smile, 

'You mean!'

"Did you see your sheet still on your desk?"

'I- I didn't... ' 

"Right! So now get up, partner! It's still way too early to give up, let's go and hear the result!" She stretched her hand me, 

'I felt like I could cry at this moment but I already cried enough today thanks to Luke, I forgot to thank him too.'

I grabbed her hand and stood up.

"Well isn't it great to be young!" Bianca tapped on my shoulder.

Then I heard a big yawn coming from the teacher's desk.

"Ah! Did I wake you up, Welkin?" Bianca gasped and we were startled too, 

This guy was asleep through the whole trial!

"You two! Move to the ground now!" He looked very pissed.

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