Chapter 57 - The Two Rules.

-- Aaris - POV -- 

After a good stretch and cracking his neck, Welkin stood up, his eyes were still dropping and he was still sluggish.

"You really took your sweet time, now move yourself the candidates are waiting!" 

Bianca looked very excited and hoped to the door, me and Ruth were still in awe looking at Welkin.

"You sure this guy was our invigilator?" She pointed at him, 

'I don't know… and I have stopped thinking now, I realized one thing after coming here the more you'll see the more you get shocked.'

We joked around for a minute or two while they were walking out.

"You two, why aren't you still here? Have any problems finding the way? Then follow me." 

Welkin pushed his hands in his pocket and led the way, but...

"Oye...Wellie the ground is on the right, why are you going left?" Miss. Bianca called him from behind and he was paused his steps, 

"I… I want to go to the washroom." He averaged his eyes, he definitely forgot the way!

"I see… but still the men's washroom is also on the left, it's the lady's washroom ahead." 

She giggled and faked her concern, Now Miss. Bianca is just enjoying this guy's misery!

"I am sorry for this guy, he is just a bit… I shouldn't lie, he is very bad at directions." 

Bianca vicious grin spread through her face and Welkin silently turned and marched his way to the ground and got ahead of us but again,

"The washroom is on the left. Wellie, aren't you going to finish up your business?"

He stopped again and swiftly went into the washroom, somehow we both felt sorry for the guy.

After walking for a while we both reached the ground and Bianca and Welkin, who were walking behind, asked us to go ahead and join the others and tell them they'll be there shortly.

"Say, Rise, what do you think will we pass?" She lowered her gaze looking at her strolling feet

'I don't know, but at least we didn't sit around and wait to blame others as an excuse, so whatever is going to happen will be best for you! ' 

As for me, it's a life or death game… I can't hope for anything less than the best.

"Guess you are also right! Well then let's hope that we see each other again." She laughed and went and joined the girls gossiping at one side.

"Oh ho, finally he's here!" A boy placed his hand around my shoulder and other boys with him surrounded me.

"You know how much we were annoyed and faced troubles in the trial because of you mister Ruined?"

All their sour faces at me were the same as before I saw them in the hall a few minutes ago.

"What? You are still going to keep your mouth shut after everything? You better apologize now for everything you have done!" Another boy from the crowd came up in front of me and grabbed my collar.

'I don't know what you want but if an apology can make you happy then, 

I… am… Sorry…' 

I should avoid getting in useless fights but he talking all gently and reserved will only make things worse for me.

"Is this the attitude for someone who is-" the boy pulled his arm back for a punch,

"What are you doing here?" Luke grabbed the boy's shoulder and smiled like always.

"I- I am just-" all the boys around me turned wary and the crowd scattered in seconds.

"I'll make you pay for everything or else drop from the trial now!" 

Walking past me the boy whispered in my ears and went away.


'Aren't I the apple of everyone's eye?'

Luke cracked into laughter and tears after hearing this, 

"Nice one, so how did you do?"

'The trial?'

"Yes, how'd it go? Luke's curiosity shone in his eyes brightly, guess he was the same as the Crown Prince who had taken an interest in me because of Madam Tara.

But the awful memories of the test flashed in front of me, should I tell him?

"Why did you turn so gloomy?" 

' Leave me aside, I can't see the crown prince here,  where did he go?' I need to change the topic.

"Ah! His majesty was called by The Student Council of Magus Academy, so he went to meet them." 

Luke and I started walking and after his reply, Luke looked concerned.

He shouldn't worry about him this much, he is strong, I need to light up his mood,

'Woah… student council? He really has become popular they probably want him to join the student council, he-' 

"That's not it! I am sure! He definitely didn't call him to join the student council! I am sure he doesn't even want him in the academy." 

His expressions drastically changed him, he looked afraid and furious at the same time.

'Oye Luke? Are you okay? What happened? Who are you talking about?'

Something isn't right, who doesn't want the Crown Prince in the Academy? I am sure there are many envious and disgruntled nobles and commoners with twisted intentions in the academy and outside, but Sir. Edward is backing him up! And he is more than strong and smart enough to pass the selection.

Nobody can be a bother for him or get in his way, I am sure Luke knows this too but then why does he look so worried then? It's just a meeting with the student council.

'Luke what do you mean-'

"Alright! Everyone enough chit chats!" Miss Bianca called out from the podium, behind him Sir. Welkin was standing, so frowned like he was taken hostage or something.

"Don't mind, just forget about it, let's go and hear our results." 

Luke's expression changed again, even though he was smiling now he was still worried about it.

"I praise every one of you for finishing the test on time and I hope everyone did their best, I know this one hour must be very tough for all of you, and you all must be very tired so I won't take much time and announce the result before that! Wellie-! Ahem, I mean Sir. Welkin has something to announce."

She definitely said his name on purpose but Now what? So far he showed his interest in the selection before.

Welkin came upfront and cleared his throat and took a deep breath, 

"Radel Fuoshin,

Waiikon Deaton,

Garfield Turner,

Peigan Moss,

Galia Grant,

Rhea Sutton...."

He suddenly started reciting names of candidates, everybody was confused and gossiping started guessing what he was doing, he was uttering the names while standing stoic like he was just sitting a random name that came into his mind, after a little while when at least three hundred called out he stopped.

"Phew! There were so many names, every candidate whose name I mentioned now, please make a different group and assemble on the left side where Madam Bintch… ahem madam Bianca is standing."

He is fighting back! I looked at Miss Bianca. She was still smiling and acted like she didn't hear anything but I could feel how pissed she was.

"Sir, are you announcing the test result?"

A girl raised her hand from the crowd.

"Nope, miss Bintch, ahem I mean miss Bianca will announce the results later," 

He'll definitely pay for it later.

After a small commotion, the candidates were done moving to the left, everybody looked at Welkin, 

He dozed off while standing.

"Let me wake him up, 

[ ROSE PINCH ] " Miss. Bianca chanted and snapped.

"OUCH!" Welkin jumped and rubbed his ass for a while, I don't know what happened but you asked for it.

"What the! Ah, was I asleep? My bad, then are you all done?" He was back to his droopy self, 

"Yes sir!" All candidates on the left side yelled in enthusiasm.

( "Do you think we passed?"

"I think we did!" 

"He isn't announcing the result, so this is probably a special mention!" )

the chattering began again, they were excited but on our side, a few candidates became restless and nervous.

"Silence please, now those who are on the left side," Welkin took a short pause, 

"Here comes a change of destiny!" The boy who grabbed my collar was also there.

Welkin heard him and smiled at him, " Are Disqualified."

All the candidates on the left froze, their eyes and mouths were wide open and some fell while standing.

( "What do you mean disqualified?"

"What did we do wrong?"

"Why?" )  the candidates started screaming at him, 

"Master Luke,"  Welkin called him, 

"Yes sir, " Luke answered, 

"What were the two most important rules we mentioned before the test?" Welkin looked at Luke.

"Cheating was strictly prohibited and Helping fellow candidates," Luke said.

"That's correct, those on the left cheated and copied the answers and the skill of answering using spells during the test." 

Welkin's expression suddenly changed, he stared at candidates on the left with disgust in his glare.

"What are you saying? Do you have any proof!" The boy roared in anger.

"Of course, I saw everything with my own eyes." Welkin turned his gaze to Bianca and nodded.

Bianca pulled out two answer sheets and showed them placed in front of his face, 

"One of those sheets is yours and the other one yours and the other is one you copied from. Now should I explain where you cheated and how you did it?"

Welkin looked at him and the boy started trembling. 

But he was sleeping the whole time. How did he see them? And so many at the same time remembered their names! How?

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