Chapter 76 - Another Chance

The crowd was silent for a moment and then again the mumbling began,

"What the hell is she talking about?" 

"He clearly passed every trial coming at first rank."

"I think she is probably jealous."

"Ruth, what are you talking about Ruth?" Niran was calm and cool, moreover curious…

"I know what I am talking about, you coward!" The mumbling crowd was startled and got cold.


"What did she just call his majesty?"

"Just because she is the daughter of the Grey family, how could she call his majesty a Coward?"

"Such insolence! she should be sentenced for it!"

"Criminal!" "Ungrateful brat!"


The hatred soon was aimed at the Grey family, Ruth looked at Ahren, standing on the balcony silently she was looking down at Ruth with wrath and bitterness.

The enraged crowd was dissing at her with no mercy, but then Edward spoke, 

"Silence!" And the crowd bit their tongue.

"Lady Ruth, I hope you are aware of what you are saying to his majesty, we couldn't overlook such behavior in front of the future protector and guardian of the Kingdom, so if you have any good reason for your previous words then speak hastily." Edward pointed his staff at Ruth.

"Reason huh? Didn't Sir already know the reason, not just you, every candidate and professor too, everybody here knows why I called him a coward." Ruth was trembling but didn't lower her gaze from Edward.

"Speak clearly, Ruth!" Niran was still subtle.

"Who are you Niran Omer Azeiheil?" Ruth abruptly turned to Niran with loath in her eyes.

"Such rudenes-" the crowd yelled at her,

"What do you mean by who I am? I am the crown prince of and the next emperor of this kingdom." Niran was losing his patience, 

"Emperor you say, I don't know about these people but I don't want an emperor who attacks someone, no not someone his own teammate, to get to the top!" Ruth mocked with a sarcastic tone,

"What are you saying, Ruth?" Niran squinted at her,

"You still don't understand? You don't deserve your first rank nor the right to fight here when you take down your own teammate like this! I am talking about Rise Kier dammit!" Ruth cried out.


"Who is that?"

"Ah, he is the one who was eliminated from the second trial."

"Wasn't he the one who stepped down by himself because he was given money by the nobles trying to get on the good side of his majesty? What a greedy bastard!"

"Nope, I heard he attacked him during the game!"


When these rumors reached Niran ears he was dumbfounded, he started looking around listening to talks and found nothing but criticism and rumors of Aaris's elimination.

"Ruth, I swear I don't know what they are talking about." Niran didn't have any idea that the whole incident was covered to save his reputation.

"I don't believe you, to cover up the whole incident of you attacking him because he tried to rescue me, these rumors were spread by some royal dogs! Nobody but teachers and us know the truth! First, you beat him mercilessly to death, then mocked him with such rumors, ``I can't believe you can ever stoop so low for power!"  Ruth yelled,

"Can you please explain Lady Ruth?" Suddenly Tara walked to the balcony with a wide smug…

"Why are you smiling bitch?!" Ahren mumbled at her, 

"Guess, your granddaughter isn't ungrateful like you." Tara chuckled.

"What I mean is, two days ago when the second trial was going on,  I got attacked and poisoned by my teammates and was almost at death's door! Struggling for every inch of life, his majesty and Rise found me, though instead of helping me his majesty wanted to defeat me for the points, even if that killed me! having no choice but to give up, Rise protected me! He took every punch and kicks he threw at him but Rise never raised a finger against him because he was sorry for not obeying his teammate's too! But he didn't feel any empathy for him and… and…" Ruth broke into tears.

"Ruth…" Tara bit her lips and stared at Ahren, she realized that not just Aaris elimination but Ruth conditions were also fabricated.

"Tell me where was your so-called honor of crest and your royal blood at that time? He had the highest points after me during the game taken by his majesty after me but in the end, after I was rescued by him, he became the top scorer! Do you still call yourself the future emperor? Even the lowest orders of knights have more morale of knighthood than you-" Ruth pointed her finger at Niran.

"Enough! Lady Ruth, I would suggest you halt your voice before I am compelled to take strict action against you." Edward yelled and now there was nothing like calm and collected nature on him.

"Go ahead! Even if I fight him, either I win or lose, it won't change the fact there was someone better than him," Ruth raised her voice like she forget who was she talking to,

Niran flinched, the promise and words he shared with his brother flooded his mind, he took a deep breath and looked at the chatting crowd, and then at his brother who smiling now,

"Who didn't even fight back and gave up to save a stranger and when he could've won if he tried! But in the end, his majesty used his guilt and-" Ruth continued and let out all her feelings but Niran interrupted him.

"That's it!" Niran sighed and crossed his arms,

"What do you want then Ruth, I guess you aren't just here to expose and bring down my image, yes everything, why you said, was the truth, but I never ruled and won fairly, still you complain and question my honor, tell me what do you want?!"

"Isn't it obvious! A chance! A chance for Rise Kier to fight again for his dream, you are strong right? The upcoming emperor, he is the same as- 

No, he is just a commoner, with no good background, the same age as you,  so you shouldn't give any excuse to deny this! Give him a chance to prove himself!" Ruth brightened up and without missing breath, she yelled.

"A chance you mean? Like a duel match between us?" Niran raised his brow,

"Yes!" Ruth gasped.


"Why should he?"

"Didn't he win fair and square?"

"I bet she just making excuse to avoid a fight"

"But hey, didn't she say that he had the highest points and didn't fight back?"

"Yeah she did…, maybe it was a setup to take him out?"

Slowly the gossip was changing colors with people who were hiding their nails against the Imperial family and used this short opportunity to put oil on the blazing fire.

"Too bad for him!"

" I can't believe his majesty would do such a thing"

" I mean really, who would want an emperor like that who hurts dying people and his comrades who tried to protect them?"

"What bastard of a prince-"


Edward tapped his staff on the balcony and blood spewed out with a small piece of his tongue from the mouth of the noble who was constantly dissing Niran, and his supporters nearly moved away from him in shock.

"Watch your mouth, Sir. Edivol Gwenol or else next time, you won't even have a tongue in your mouth,

and Lady Ruth I heard enough, you have said way beyond your status, and right I hope you are ready for the consequence-" Edward funding anger faded from his face, he realized what grave situation Niran was in, he tried to shut off and handle everything on his own but Niran interrupted him,

"Wait! Sir. Edward, she didn't say anything wrong, there is no need to take any action against her, but now the questions are being raised against my rank in the Grand Selection. I can't overlook that!" Niran realized the only chance he could fix things and mistakes was now.

"Prince, what are you?" Edward looked at the crowd and then at Niran, he was smiling 

Niran was looking at Ruth with a calm gaze,

"I also have a regret to raise my fist against back then, but now I also want you to give him another chance! And only you three can allow that! So please Sir. Edward, my name and honor are on the line…"

"Your majesty, but what about your match with Lady Ruth? It's not that-" Edward hasted his words,

"I want to give my candidacy to Rise! If he lost to his majesty then I'll consider that as my loss too, not only this but I would also annul my selection in the academy! But if he wins we both get into it!" Ruth bowed at the Tridents balcony, 

"Ridiculous!" Ahren screamed, 

"Lady Ahren!" Niran closed his eyes and bowed to them, "please!"

"Crown prince please raise your head!" Both Ahren and Tara panicked,

While Tara was smirking in awe looking at everyone, 

"That Son of a gun!"

After a bit of a commotion, Edward sighed and looked at Ahren who was still bearing a bitter expression on both of them, 

"Well then, what do you say? Should we let Rise Kier fight in the tournament?"

Tara looked at Ahren, who had wrinkles between her eyes but now a sinister smile appeared on her face.

"That's it! Those who are asking for another chance for him should also know everything about him?!" 

"What are you-" Tara gasped.

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