Chapter 77 - Slumber Of Silence

"Ahren, what are you saying?"  Tara glared at Ahren, whatever hope she had left, Ahren was destroying it all.

"You heard what I said! At least these two should know about the person they are talking about!" Ahren moved forward with heavy footsteps.

"You already know Ahren, he is innocent, so what are you going to say?" Tara grabbed Ahren's wrist and stopped her.

"I'll say whatever is in the records, as you know I am not a judge nor a lawyer who will vouch for his innocence, you already know Tara I only care about my family nothing else." Ahren jerked her hand and freed herself.

"I am afraid I kinda agree with Ahren here Tara, Aaris already dragged too much attention and trouble for himself and unexpectedly for the royal family also, it would be for the better if we wash our hands from him now before things go downhill." Edward suddenly spoke, though his voice was subtle he deemed it the easiest way out from the commotion.

"What are you saying, Edward?-" Tara gawked at Edward with clear rage in her eyes.

"You are right, besides it was all your mess Tara, we will back you up on any excuse you give, so either tell everyone about him or I'll tell them the whole truth." Ahren placed her hand on Tara's shoulder and whispered.


The crowd was in upheaval, while Ruth and Niran were looking at them with hope, for Ruth to see Aaris once and Niran to get his honor and avoid giving his big brother a chance to humiliate him in front of the emperor.

"We would like to discuss this matter, please give us a few minutes." Suddenly announcing from the balcony, Edward enveloped the area around three of them in a black sphere with a snap.

Meanwhile, the faculty of the academy were inquisitive with the sudden turn of events.

"Hey Wellie, what do you think is going to happen?" Bianca's cheerful way of talking was still there.

"I don't know, but whatever is going to happen it will just be for another one-shot match, also don't call me Wellie." Lazed and half asleep, Welkin picked up his teacup.

"Come on, don't be such a fun killer, that's the reason you are a loner…"  Bianca started poking Welkin cheeks

"Stop…Stop it." Welkin growled.

Not just both of them, nobody except one was actually looking forward to the next match, most of them were interested in how things will turn out for the Crown prince and some were pissed off at Ruth's, calling her immature.

Finding Tara nowhere around them they were surprised and curious about what they talked about.

"Ruth… don't be angry but I'll be honest I am not a bit sorry for you or Rise, though I also wanted to get things clear with him I didn't think you would be this persistent to put yourself at risk and get him a chance again, can I ask you why." Niran moved close to her, staring at that black sphere in the balcony.

"Because there won't be a next time for him!" Ruth was saddened with her head down.

"What do you mean? Sigh…

I don't know if I should mention this also or not but if what you are saying is true, then I don't think he'll make it today also, the state he was in after our duel, I would be surprised if he woke up completely recovered in a single year." Niran's voice was still cold, he never really cared for his team in the first place, everything he wanted was nothing but the first place in Selection.


While everything was going on some candidates between the audience were aware of Aaris' condition and there were already many rumors in the air,

"Why create such fuss! I heard he was beaten half dead!"

"No surprise he faced the crown prince also!"

"I bet we won't walk straight for his life!"

"Why waste time begging for another chance? Deads can't fight!"

"Even if god's help him come here I think he'll probably run with his tails!"

The crowd started laughing hysterically.


"Afreen, is what his majesty said true?" Historia looked at Afreen with a stern face.

"Man! As cold as ever, well I won't talk much so I'll make it short, he was destroyed from inside out, his body was shredded, and many bones were broken, moreover, if you look at him you'll probably mistake him as a mummy! Respiratory and his circulatory system was in the worst state, I would be more surprised if he woke up in a year." Afreen bit her candy squinting at the prince.

"You really know how to creep someone out! It's a miracle he is alive after getting burned by Golden Flames" Another professor rubbed her arms in a creep.

"Poor lad, but he brought that on himself, he is obviously out for good. Why do such dramas create such a scene?" Huike old man chewed his dried fruits farrowing. 

The gossip reached Ruth and she stared at Niran and wiped her tears.

"Do you think I don't know how bad he was hurt? How much pain he went through, even still!" Tears came to her eyes and her voice trembled, she put her hand on the chest and reminisced his smile, 

"when he picked her up in his arms in a worse state than her but what kept her clinging to life was him who was still smiling even being closer to death than me, so if there is a one in a million chance for him to stand up again! I know he will stand up again!" She cried out weeping in tears and snot.


After a while, the black dome started to dissolve, and Edward and Ruth came forward, all eyes shifted to them, but something was off, Tara wasn't there with them.

Ahren was looking down at both of them in a bitter expression and moved her eyes from them to the crowd.

"Discerning the situation and request of the two candidates which has reached to the top with their efforts and hard works, we realize that their victories and achievements would be criticized if we ignore the incident related to Rise Kier so,"

Ruth's eyes sparkled, and a smile appeared on her face.

"We would give Rise Kier another chance, like a duel in place of Ruth, though no selected candidates earning admission would be compromised for him! If he wins he'll be selected but if he loses, there won't be a second chance for him next!" Ahren announced in a loud voice.

"Such a doting grandmother!" Sylvie chuckled from the student council balcony.

"Is it okay with you?" Ahren looked down at Ruth.

"As long as he gets another chance! Thank you, grandma! I mean Teacher!" Ruth was smiling ear to ear and bowed to her.

Hearing this Ahren flinched and walked back.

"But we don't have much time, we have many further ceremonies ahead of us too, we won't hold all that for a single boy." Edward suddenly yelled.

"What does the-" Niran raised his gaze.

"If Rise Kier doesn't make it to the arena in five minutes or else, we won't allow him!" Edward tapped his staff.

An uproar started.

"What!" The whole crowd was surprised.

"Grandma! I mean teacher!" Ruth called her but Ahren yelled, "That's it!" and went to her seat.

"Guess they won't let him fight after all!" Huike cracked a walnut with a tap and ate it.

"Man! He is now gone for good!" Sylvie sighed, "It's impossible now! Why bother wasting five minutes?" 

"If he was beaten down by my brother I doubt he will make it, what a-" Einar tried to stand up but Elena grabbed his sleeve.

"Wait, president! Nobody can decide the battle other than the foes!" Elena was somewhat more excited.

"It's impossible, Elena!" Einar was firm on his words.

"Wanna bet?" Elena smirked,

"You'll lose like always!" Einar laughed,

"We'll see!" Elena caressed her three cards.


Meanwhile, the countdown for Aaris to get to the arena was started, Tara went to his room to wake him up.

-- Tara - Pov --

Desperate and restless I reached his room and he was still there like a corpse, calm and peaceful.


Aaris wake up

Come on, I know you can hear me! This is our last chance! I know you can make it!

Aaris, please!'

No matter how much I cried out his name or shouted, He was laid there on the bed, quiet and lifeless, I couldn't even hold his hands, and tell myself he's alive because of these bandages all over him, just what did he do to deserve this?

'Please Aaris! Don't forget How times you have gone through now, the pain, suffering, everything! Please wake up you idiot! Didn't you say you'll become a great mage!' I cried out.

And old memories from the past and came to me again,

Wake up you brat! Not for me, not for yourself! Wake up...wake up for him! If you are his son! Then wake up!' 

Without a feeling of warmth, I saw my tears dripping on him and I was begging him over and over.


While unaware from everything, still sitting in the dark, hiding from that hideous glare Aaris heard a faint voice, 


"Are they saying something?" He raised sight following the voice,

"Wake...up...Aaris" the was someone behind him

"Who is it?"

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