Chapter 82 - The Last Seth

With the announcement, the arena resonated with a strange silence and chit chat, 

"What the fuck is going on?!" Historia cried out from the balcony and tried to march to the podium but was stopped by Bianca.

"Hezy, calm down! Let her finish talking first!" Binaca grabbed her hand and pushed her back on her seat.

"No! Rise!" Tears came running down from Ruth's eyes, but now she had no choice but to sit down and quietly accept everything biting her lips.

While Ahren glanced at Historia with side-eyes, she looked like she couldn't care less, she cleared her throat and spoke again, 

"As I said, his majesty crown prince Niran Omer Azeiheil has obtained the first rank in Grand Selection and is being rewarded with a reserved position in Student Council of Ovyrus Magus Academy and scholarship, and this concludes try ranking and names of selected students of this first year." 

Niran and Aaris were in the arena when announcements were being made, they had secluded themselves in two different corners of the arena and Niran came out from the east side to the podium to get his medal and went to the gallery of candidates.

All forty candidates, now students of the academy, sat there. Ahren congratulated them all and paused her voice, and went back to her seat.

The chattering and noises were turning louder and louder, while Aaris was clenching his teeth, his chin dipped to his chest and he clutched himself bitterly.


"That means Rise was defeated huh?"

"I believe so, after all, the bet was to let him in only if he wins."

"Man! I feel bad for him, he fought well!"

"What if he actually won but they covered it to save his majesty's face?!"

"Did you forget who his majesty is? Even though he fought amazingly, he precisely never really stood a chance to win."

The commotion was high and didn't look to be stopped soon, the professors were discussing the matter among themselves at their places.


"So that's it, in the end, the pan stooped to gold, and here I thought I stood a chance-" Aaris eyes were getting hazy, and Tara dashed to the podium in an instant.

"Now, in the end, I have an important announcement to make! It's regarding a candidate who has been a problem child since the start! Rise Kier! Come here!" Tara yelled his name.

-- Aaris - PoV --

What now?

Ah! How could I forget about my bet! If I lose I have to admit all the accusations made on my name, publically…

Guess they wouldn't find a better stage than this for such an event, I can't go back on my words now let's just get over it!

I walked out of the shade and walked to the podium, thousands of eyes were fixed on me and followed me with every step.

I reached in front of the podium where Tara was standing…

"Glad to see you well, Aaris Ralkier." She whispered to me, with a sly smug.

'Fine, for now…' I answered raising my gaze to her, 

"Very well then! I hope you remember your promise before the Grand Selection! So should I go forward with it?" She chuckled, 

'Go ahead!' I knew it, I tried to stand at ease and calm in front of without flinching.

"Alright! So people I am Tara, one of the Tridents of the Ovyrus of Magus Academy! And all of you must've been familiar with this kid too! For the past seven days, this kid has always been in the hots as y'all know, and in the end, he created such a big fuss at the end of this Selection, but little do y'all know that this boy isn't that ordinary you think he is-" Tara was screaming out her lungs in excitement like lion roaring claiming her prey.

Here it comes, should I run for it? Nah, let's face it with a big smile on my face! Bring it own bitch-

"Rise is not just an ordinary boy! but he is my Seth too!"

"What?!" The crowd,

"What?!" The professors,

'"What?!" The students, 

'What?' Everyone was dumbfounded, 

'Um- Lady Tara what are you talking-' I looked at her, and she was smiling at me, I never saw her smile this bright, ever since I came here.

"Yup! We have seen fighting and struggling not just from himself but for others too, this academy doesn't create soldiers or weapons for tomorrow but mages who can promise you protection at any point of this world! 

In the last duel, since you all were not here to pass the last judgment after the emergency evacuation, we decided it won't be reasonable for us to pass on judgment solely on our assessment, moreover, you all have the equal right to choose who stands in front of you pretexting you in dire times too!

So those who are in favor for Rise Kier to be selected as a student please say,

Aye! Those against, please say Nay!, no vote will be left unheard so tell me what you think?" Tara pointed at me in enthusiasm and the audience was gazing at me awfully.

'Just what are you saying? Why would they?-'



Aye! Aye! Aye!" Slowly the chants of ayes' were filling up the arena, 

'But- but why?' I can't understand why...why are they cheering for me?


Clueless Aaris was looking around and constantly moving his gaze with never-ending ayes… and couldn't help but be confused.

"Man! He was amazing. I can't believe there was someone who could challenge imperial blood in a fight!"

"I was really moved to tears after what lady Ruth said, also he didn't betray her expectations!"

"It would be a waste to let go of such talent, maybe I can recruit him as my guard in my domain after he graduates." 

The crowd was mumbling, somewhere had the sour feeling of nays' in-between noise but it wasn't enough to surpass the echoes of Aaris favors.

After a few minutes, the noise simmered down, and Tara looked at the professor's balcony and nodded.

-- Aaris - PoV --

"The citizens have passed their verdicts, so let me announce the final result,

Out of 81560 spectators, we have…

77435 favor for Rise selection in the magus academy!"

Tara seemed that she would just jump anytime in excitement and her beaming smile was just getting brighter and brighter, 

"What do you think now boy?" She whispered to me, 

And I couldn't help but smile with a few tears running down my cheek, 

'Isn't that was a lame excuse for everything…'

"Maybe," she took a deep breath and raised her voice, 

"So, just like I said earlier, Rise Kier is my Seth and with all favor made to him, it is announced that Rise Kier will be joining the first-year students as the 41st student of the Ovyrus Magus Academy!" As she finished announcing I could see her tearing up a little.

'Are seeing mother! This will be my start as the great mage. I hope you are watching me somewhere with a proud smile on your face.' A few tears slid down my cheeks too,

"I call every student here now for a commemorative picture of the end of the Grand Selection." Edward stood up and called all the students and they surrounded me and the Tridents and professors took their places.

Ruth stood in front of me and gently held my hand, 

"I believed- no knew that you would make it! Congratulations! Also, I never got a chance to say it thanks to everything that happened till now, so I'll say it now,

Thank you for saving my life, 

Thank you so much, Rise." She looked at me gently smiling in tears, 

*"Everyone, smile…."*

And our memoir of the Grand Selection was clicked.

'Don't mention it, just remember whenever you are in danger or you need me, I'll be there always, I promise.' I smiled at her, 

And thus the day ended and I went back to

Sir. Serlin.

Outside of the north gate of the academy, I found him standing there and waiting for me, slowly puffing out the smoke from his cigar.

I walked at him and stood beside him, he noticed me and rubbed down the amber of a cigar on the wall.

His usual wrinkled face and frowned look was nothing new to me, he looked at me blatantly and put his hand on my head, and patted gently.

"Great job, kid!" And something unbelievable happened, he smiled again!

"I never really thought you would do it!" Sir. Serlin laughed slowly.

"Hey, don't you realize you are saying you never trusted your student?" How can he say that after working and training my ass for two years straight!

"I guess so, but I must say you were really amazing back there, from now on things will turn more difficult, so must never-" He turned his back to me and started talking slowly,

'Wait, what are we talking about?' Why is saying such things, 

"Boy, this was it, now it's you alone, so… make sure that I can proudly say your name wherever I go." And Sir.. Serlin walked away slowly.

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