Chapter 83 - Let The Quest Begin!

-- Aaris - PoV--

'What do you mean?' I looked at Serlin, 

"You'll be here from now on boy, you will be living here, and I'll… I'll be somewhere around this vast world so, the day when you become a great mage, I hope I will be there to congratulate you…"

He gave me my void crate and lit up another cigar and walked away, with his back turned to me, slowly treading on the road he stopped, 

"Goodbye Aa… Aaris." And walked away again, I heard his voice breaking, probably he didn't want me to see him crying after all these years.

'You...too! Take care! Sir!' I teared up a bit too and after sniffling a while, I went back to the academy.

A new beginning huh? Let's see what lies ahead!


After a day of introduction to the academy with Tara, I spent my entire week in the library alone as she told me to. 

On the 9th day of the Nigheption month (7th month), I dressed up with the uniform given to us. A single room was assigned to each of us in the student dorm.

I grabbed my coat and ran to my class. I was already late on the first day!!

Fuck! Damn it! Why does it always happen to me?! I drifted in corridors and halls, galloped through the railings, and I saw my classroom…

Huffing out steam, I galloped inside in the classroom, 

" 41st… Rise Kier!" Welkin was behind the teacher's podium, screaming my name,


"Remember to not cause any trouble again, Rise!" He sighed and closed his register, 

"Take your seat, we will begin the grade division." Welkin pointed at the seat at the corner of the classroom.

'What the hell is that?' 

"I am not going to waste my energy again, just try asking your neighbor." Welkin sighed again and sat down on his seat, and then Lilliana walked in, 

"Good morning all of you! I am excited to greet…"

And there she goes on with her principal job, I looked at my side and found a familiar face beside me, 

"Yo! Lucky hoe!" Styrmir!

'Damn! My academic life is bound to suck huh!' I sighed and laid my forehead on the table,

"I can hear ya' know." He glared at me,

'Yeah, yeah, so what's this grade division?' I looked at Lilliana, who was going on and on with her speech.

"In simple words, there will be two grade divisions of this class from next month, 1st Grade will be an Academic group which stays here in the academy and does research over their preferred subject, likely becoming a nerd mage-" while Styrmir was explaining a bullet shot him on the head!

I looked at the remnants of the ammunition, it was just mere chalk!

"Styrmir, I hope you avoid using such terms with your classmates in the near future." Lilliana looked so scary that moment I moved my eye contact with her.

"Yes...yes ma'am." Styrmir passed.

"Rise I guess you have some doubt in grade divisions?" Lilliana leaned on the podium,

'Yes, ma'am!' I raised my hand,

"Alright, I'll explain it to you, after your admission you have to choose your division keeping the aim of your life in mind, Academic grade; where you can stay in academy and proceed on studies and subjects, along with taking part in Magia's research held in our academy,  students who are aiming to be part of internal affairs or becoming a bureaucrat.

While the second grade, Adventuring Grade, where students will be licensed from the Academy, who will complete their graduation as an adventurer, this program is for those who are aiming for the kingdom's defense or warfare ministry.

Both grades have their own significance and you can change them once in two years so be careful with your decision." Lilliana finished and chattering started in the class, 

Adventure grade, I will be an adventure licensed from the academy, which means I won't need to wait long to start up on my expedition.

"Oye Rise!" Styrmir called my name and pointed at Lilliana, 

"The form is in front of you all, select your grade, and then proceed with your compulsory lectures." And then she walked out of the class.

Hmmm, after selecting our grades, our class continued and ended, I was still secluded while many students were talking with each other, Styrmir went to another group of students, and I was sitting there alone on my seat, then Ruth and Melvi walked up to me, 


"Morning Rise!" 

Both of them greeted me at the same time, then glared at each other and for some reason, I saw a spark between their gaze.

"So, what grade did you choose?" Ruth asked,

'Hmm, I opted for the Adventure grade, but why did nobody tell me about this earlier, isn't it bad to drop off such things on students the day they join the classroom!' I was lazing at my desk and both of them sat beside me.

"You are kidding right, they have already told this to us, about a week ago!" Ruth looked blue in concern, 

'What?' I jumped from my seat,

"Yeah! Where were you? We were worried sick! I told our classmates who live in the same dorm, to contact you to tell us about what happened."

Nobody told me anything! Tara strictly told me to stay in the library for the week, she told me that classes will be held but for the general introduction and boring lectures, and why did no boy tell me anything about the class?! 

I looked at the different groups of boys who were staring at me with envious eyes.

'Nevermind.' I already made some enemies in my class.

"Well, then shall we go to the cafeteria?" Melvi grabbed my arm and started dragging and Ruth grabbed my other arm, 

"Rise, let's go together, only two of us" and Ruth and Melvi started a tug of war.

After deciding to go together, we went and had our lunch and then we went back to our classes,

and slowly a week passed, in a week we learned some basic principles of magic and mana, and so many different things, I always wanted to learn but never got a chance.

The morning's first class began and Lilliana entered with the Tridents in our classroom.

All students stood nervously and awe, seeing them so close, 

"Sit down." Edward moved his hand and we all took our seats.

"So, how are you, children?" Ahren spoke and began her congratulatory speech and lecture on some important stuff, do all students have to face this boring verbal torture in their life?

"Now, for the main topic, out of 41 students, 21 students have opted for Academic grade, you all will be divided into 4 teams of 5 students and due to an extra student in the batch, a team consisting of only 4 students." Ahren looked at me and Tara nodded along with her, 

Ooh, she is talking about me, So I will be in a 4 man team.

"And also with each team, a professor will be assigned too, who will be your teacher and captain of your team, he or she will teach you and help you out in dire situations during your expeditions." Ahren hushed and with a few more discussions, she walked out of the class.

"Now, students! Please check your desk and move to your meeting point where you will be meeting your captain." Lilliana said and stepped out of the class.

I checked my desk there I saw, 

[ Rise Kier, please head to the library ]

'Library? Well, it is a good place to meet our teachers!' I thumped my desk and ran to the library.

I dashed to my regular desk and as usual, the library was quiet, I sat on my seat, and saw Styrmir reading ( Succubi Encycilomoir ), 

'This guy!' I trudged to him and snatched his book, 

'What the fuck you are doing here?' 

"Can't you see researching terrifying demons to protect my team!" He wiped his bleeding nose and growled at me,

'Wait what team?' I was supposed to meet my team here!

"Team I am supposed to meet here-, don't tell me-" Styrmir was talking with his chin up high but it dropped soon,

'You've got to be kidding me-' please god not this pervert!

"Rise! Why are you here? Don't tell me we are on the same team!" Melvi called my name from behind with excitement.

'Mel-' I looked at her, but Styrmir pushed me aside and crept to her.

"Lady Melvi!!! Yes, you got that right, we are on the same team! Guess this meeting and our being the team was the game of this cruel fate, which has-" Styrmir pulled out some flowers from his coat and started flirting like a weirdo.

"St- stay away you creep!" Melvi lashed him with a kick, 

"Ah! Mademoiselle that was beautiful!" He uttered with his broken tooth on the floor.

"I... I am sorry!" Melvi teared up looking at him.

What the hell with this team?

"Man, what a mess! You kids sure are a handful, guess I won't be bored for a while now."

Historia came forth from a shelf and giggled, 


"Call me captain!" She flicked my head.

"Now prepare yourself! We are heading to our first quest!" She clapped her hands in excitement.


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