Blood Source Era

Chapter 298: : Reminder of Yin Yang Strangeness

He didn't know what kind of hostility he had accumulated in his heart at this time.

Still talking on your own, will only allow time to pass silently in people's silence.

With the passage of time, the anger felt by people in things is brewing at this moment.

This will undoubtedly erupt.

And the beginning of all this came from the fact that this guy gradually realized that the atmosphere was not right when facing the silence of everyone.

"Why don't you talk anymore?"

At this time, he asked curiously what everyone wanted to ask.

But there was only one guy who was facing things, sneeringly stated.

"What do we have to say, isn't there something you are explaining to us here?"

That guy was very embarrassed and smiled at this time, he knew that what he said at this time was indeed not appropriate.

But the kind of fit he had in mind did not really touch the point of the problem at this moment.

It is simply because it originates from the thoughts of the problem in your heart.

Then there will be some uncertainties in the speech, when dealing with the problem.

He just had a simple understanding of the problem that seemed to be very simple, and said it simply.

"Actually, you can also say what you think. This is not the time for me to discuss by myself."

He seemed to be very selfless, and at this time showed his generosity to people generously.

And this kind of generosity will only make others feel abnormal disgust at this moment.

So, that guy was at this time immediately. With a very yin and yang tone.

Refuting what he said, he made his statement at this time.

"You seem to understand what you know, I didn't expect you to know this."

The yin and yang strange words instantly made this guy feel something wrong when he was listening.

Then his eyes subconsciously looked around at this time, and found that no one actually refuted this at this time.

It seems that everyone agrees with the rebuke to themselves at this time.

This is a rather unpleasant situation. Can it be said that he inexplicably committed public anger?

If things are really like this, then you must change your understanding of the problem at this time.

Only, so it is relatively normal and appropriate for the situation to explain and explain the problem.

And it is to understand what should have been seen in front of his own eyes.

The rest of the situation, therefore, makes it no longer necessary to have more explanations or statement answers to questions later.

He began to understand all the things he was facing in front of him, and began to gradually consider the wording of the words he would say at this time.

"I didn't mean to offend you, nor did I mean to offend everyone present! I just wanted to express my own point of view."

If your point of view cannot be accepted.

Then people can undoubtedly present their rebuttals at this time.

And he rubbed his hands excitedly waiting for how people would respond to him when he said those rebuttals.

At the beginning, this idea did not take into account that people were unwilling to take such actions.

At this time, other people will be able to have a more specific understanding and trust of this guy, so it will be destined to disappear.

So the next thing will be an inevitable reality that he has to accept.

It seems that everyone is at this moment, and it doesn't matter what he said at this time, because he has said so much before.

Now state your position or status on the issue. Is there any use?

What remains more satisfying is the analysis and cognition of the problem, which shows a more careful understanding or consideration.

It seems to be the clearest and most careful statement of the problem.

Will it be worth having a correct understanding or ideal consideration of the problem at this time?

In fact, it often becomes so, and there is no need to have subsequent recognition or understanding of the problem that cannot be determined.

That is, when there are more left, the very pure knowledge of the problem that can be generated by the problem, it should become no longer necessary to have a proper understanding afterwards.

Some of the more satisfied ones also originate from the depths of my heart, and I will develop a more careful understanding and treatment of the situation.

And it will come up with a very good, satisfactory thinking and reasonable explanation that can be accepted by people.

The rest of the situation then becomes completely unnecessary. Are there any other misunderstandings about the subsequent judgments or evaluations of the problem?

As a matter of fact, it will be worth considering and analyzing the problem in such a situation.

Any self-perception that feels like the most effective. Understanding and dealing with the problem itself is a means that can't effectively deal with the situation.

The same comes from looking at the problem in your heart that looks like the most satisfying, proper knowledge and ideal description of the problem.

The rest of the situation is therefore no longer necessary, and more of the inappropriate analysis of the problem, or care about it.

The explanation will then lead to what kind of definite judgment and clear understanding that is accepted by people.

Should the situation be such that there is no need to hesitate to follow up or understand?

This kind of problem should be possessed, and it seems to face the problem most frankly, so it will produce a clear analysis.

In fact, there is more left for the situation, so it will have a very good understanding and discussion.

Other approvals will often be destined to become unnecessary, and further judgement of the issue's approval and handling.

Start to go face to face with the things born in the eyes.

Therefore, what kind of problems will come from the same problem that comes from your own heart will have a very good and clear understanding.

After the answer, it will be able to come up with a kind of which can be recognized by people with very good satisfaction.

And it is still the purest understanding and care about the problem.

It seems that these are often doomed so that they should no longer need to think too much about the problem.

As well as being able to be explained and explained by people.

The rest will bring about what seems to be more of a good understanding of the situation.

Those actions themselves no longer need to have more explanations, or expressions of ideal processing.

So the rest will carry out this seemingly more cautious understanding and handling of the problem.

What kind of specific understanding and clear handling of the problem will people need to recognize?

In fact, these actions themselves are often not needed at this time, and there are too many follow-ups necessary to analyze and explain the problem.

It seems to be a more careful and satisfactory understanding and handling of the problem.

That's not enough, so people just change it to other other statements or explanations of the problem at this time.

It also allows people to do what looks like a more careful investigation of the problem, or an approved action.

Those subsequent changes therefore no longer need to be, and the time for more candid statements about the problem.

Faced with the situation in the end, what kind of problem does it seem to deal with the problem more carefully?

So what will the remaining actions give you a clearer understanding or treatment of the problem?

This in itself often makes it difficult to ask anything else and care about the frank explanation of the question.

The ones made seem to be the most careful, with a clear understanding and statement of the problem.

Later explanations became unnecessary, and there was more need for analyzing and thinking about the situation.

It also allows him to carry out this process that seems to be the most careful understanding and understanding of the problem.

As a result, everything should become, and there is no need to have it again, and the rest of the questions will be answered in more statements or explanations.

Start to face together what is happening in front of you, and then come up with some statements that seem to be a more careful understanding or understanding of the problem.

In the end there is an expression of what seems to be a more careful sum of the right person and explanation for the problem.

Actions will make it no longer necessary to have more undefined and invisible explanations or care about understanding?

All the candid cognition and processing, in the face of follow-up and other hesitations, seem to have no more explanation or understanding necessary.

It is possible for him to do what the situation is at this moment, which looks like the simplest clear understanding and understanding of the situation.

Others are still more effective in dealing with problems satisfactorily.

Cognitive answers have thus become, and there is no need for additional processing or recognition judgments.

Then understand the problem clearly more carefully.

What kind of people will be brought again, looks like the most satisfied, a clear understanding of the situation and a response to the situation?

All actions should be at this time, so at this time it is destined to become equipped with other understanding and judgment that cannot be sure about the problem.

This is the situation, and understanding is not required, and there are subsequent doubts about more processing and understanding of the problem.

The ones that have been shown seem to be the most satisfactory, and they have a very good and clear understanding of the problem.

It should be necessary to come up with a kind of very good clear cognition and processing judgment that can be accepted by people.

So what would a more ideal and appropriate expression of the situation bring? What about other follow-up analyses of the ideal cognition and treatment of the problem that is unacceptable?

The situation should just happen to be doomed at this time.

Therefore, it is no longer necessary to have a more clear understanding of the problem and a clear analytical understanding.

It seems to be the most satisfactory. I hope to have a very good clear understanding of the problem and the most satisfactory careful analysis.

What kind of clear analysis or cognitive judgment that is more accepted by people under such circumstances should be brought about by this?

All this seems to be that he himself should no longer need to have too many concerns about the analysis or discussion of the problem.

Because of the results that have been thought of, the kind of cognition that he saw at this time was a very good assumption of a proper explanation and treatment of the situation.

And what kind of problems that will be faced in the end will seem to be more satisfactory, pure understanding or processing unfolded?

In fact, that kind of action itself is often doomed to no longer need more explanations and hesitant answers.

It seems to be more reasonable, a very good clear understanding of the situation and an ideal statement.

In the end, what can be done by people is still a more careful understanding of the situation and the development of the treatment, so it becomes unnecessary and has subsequent doubts.

At first, I feel that the situation should be proceeding at this time. It is still more reasonable, a judgment for understanding and handling the problem.

What kind of more careful recognition of the problem will be drawn?

In fact, those answers themselves should not be needed at this moment, and there are more ideal responses to the questions.

The same thing stems from the things you face in your heart, you should have this, and it is more effective to have a clear understanding of the problem ~ ~ Clearly face in the rest of the rational analysis , It should often become that there is no need to expand afterwards.

Start to go to the problem in common, so what can be done looks like the most ideal, a suitable judgment for the problem.

The rest of the explanation should become when there is no need to understand the subsequent statements or explanations.

In the beginning, for the problem, what kind of more appropriate handling or analysis of the situation will be brought about.

In the future, what kind of statements will appear to be more reasonable for understanding the problem or understanding?

In fact, it should often be that there is no other explanation for the problem at this time.

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