Blood Source Era

Chapter 118: :analysis

After pulling the trigger, Aaron's flame from the muzzle was just a hint of lethality. The flame was like the light in the darkness.

Is just this beam of light, and it cannot cause real lethality.

However, this light can tell people that dangerous and terrible killings are coming.

After the mercury bullet was fired from the barrel of the musket, it rushed towards the already dead monster with a very fast speed.

The bullet was spinning, hidden in the deep darkness.

This extremely fast speed, even if it is a monster, has a very fast reaction speed far beyond ordinary people, which is of no use.

Because there is no creature at the speed of the bullet, it can react and resist.

Not to mention this monster is a guy without a head.

He couldn't even perceive the sound and the bright fire that burst out in the darkness.

Therefore, when the bullet fell on him at that time, he had no perception at all, and could only accept such an attack by virtue of his body.

And this brought a certain degree of stiffness to his body.

Therefore, he cut off the opponent's arm for Luna and won a certain amount of time.

After Luna's severed arm. Aaron knew that at this time, it was time to quickly pick up his weapon.

He did three steps and two steps, picked up the chain whip that he had not dropped himself from the ground, and then took it back.

On the recovered weapon, the monster's arm was still tightly held.

Looked at this thing before me.

Aaron smelled it subconsciously. It didn't belong to humans, but the smell that he was familiar with. It was the smell of monsters.

Smell the smell, Aaron frowned subconsciously, and then pulled the arm off his weapon and dropped it on the ground.

Luna also opened the distance at this time, and stood beside Aaron again.

"I didn't let you do it! You shouldn't take such a big risk suddenly!"

Aaron looked at Luna, and after a little silence, said to Luna.

And Luna just watched this monster very alertly.

As if the guy had been fatally injured, he stood on the spot, doing indifferent resistance and struggle.

Then Luna reflected what Aaron said.

She didn't give her own conclusions and answers for the first time, but she said to Aaron without even turning her head after a little hesitation.

"Now you want to say so many useless things, what are you doing?"

Aaron was overwhelmed by this, then shook his head and refused.

"I don't mean to say so many useless things, just."

He wanted to explain something at this time, Luna turned around and looked at Aaron at this time.

"Nothing, this is just what I should do."

Aaron felt dissatisfied with the answer to this question, he shook his head and said.

"This is not what you should do. This is what I should do. Doing so will only expose you to risks that you shouldn't have to bear."

"But how about that? You should also know that this risk, no matter who is sure to bear it. It's just that the problem is different from people."

Luna ’s rebuttal sounds like it ’s just that the problem is different from the others.

It seems that things are very simple.

Aaron frowned. Although he was more or less in his heart, because of Luna's help, he felt a trace of unspeakable emotion.

But he didn't know what kind of reaction should be made.

Because Aaron had faced the monster alone so many times, without anyone's assistance and without any weapons, he would fight the monster alone.

He is used to acting alone.

So after getting support from others, I don't know what kind of reaction I should make.

Or what kind of explanation should be made is the more reasonable behavior.

So he said after hesitating and struggling for a while.

"This monster, it seems to have been infused, and the blood of high elves killed by excess."

He used a very serious tone to speak of the fact that this was what he felt from the smelly smell he had just smelled.

Said this because he wanted to distract from what he wanted to say.

"Excessive blood of high elves, what do you mean?" Luna was shocked.

When did such a thing suddenly become common?

This is impossible! The blood of the high elves is very rare, so it will be sold in the black market for a very high price.

This kind of thing can be said to be very precious. Not everyone is qualified to taste this kind of legendary thing.

But this guy in front of him was forcibly instilled so much, what is the so-called excessive lethal quantity?

No one knows ~ ~ But that is definitely enough to cause. The degree of human variation and animalization.

So what is Aaron ’s idea about this matter?

Luna didn't know what she should say, so she asked Aaron what kind of plans to make further?

He just needs to listen to the other party's plans and suggestions in the future, there is no need to make a clear decision by himself.

And Aaron just clenched the weapon in his hand.

After a little contemplation, he came to his own judgment and said.

"If I infer that there is nothing wrong, it should be that the moment the head is cut off, this guy will definitely die."

"However, with the support of the blood of the high elves, the rest of his body has still completed the mutation work."

"So, it can be said that it is a perfect opportunity to recover suddenly when life is about to leave him!"

"And the blood and magic that remained in his body gave the sentence of the headless body a new life."

A headless life, so it can survive.

This guy is essentially a monster.

Makes no difference. Although it looks like a corpse, it is also a living thing.

After listening to Aaron ’s explanation and analysis, Luna shrugged. She was curious about the matter, and then asked again.


Is just such a situation, not enough for Aaron to draw a clear judgment and conclusion, so Luna asked curiously again.

"So what should we do next?"

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