Blood Source Era

Chapter 119: : Team up to kill (Part 1)

"Since this is the case, then I have no other choice." Aaron responded to Luna's inquiry with a very firm tone at this time.

"You want to kill him, right?"

Luna seemed to be finalizing, and what she knew was correct.

Aaron then nodded, and then his finger pointed at the wound on the monster with mercury bullets.

Around the wound, mercury is still melting and decomposing.

These things that are constantly melting and decomposing are the flesh and blood of this monster.

"I think the reason why I didn't kill it is for this reason."

"Before that, the corpse we encountered, the blood of the high elves in his body, had all been consumed."

"So I think, if you want to solve this guy, then there is only one way to do it."

"I'm responsible for attracting this guy's attention, and then you take this guy down."

Aaron told Luna the plan she had in mind. If you want to solve the monster in front of you, maybe this is the best and most correct choice.

"Do you know what it means to have a conflict with a monster?" Luna did not refute the plan, but reminded Aaron what the plan meant behind it.

The first rule of hunter hunting is to try to ensure that you will not be injured.

If Aaron voluntarily let himself take the risk, then it is equivalent to he violated the first criterion.

Therefore, you will definitely suffer the cost of such violations.

Aaron looked at the monster's severed arm, and said to Luna very firmly, and confidently.

"Of course I know what this might mean and do what you should do, I will have no problem."

Aaron's attitude, at this time, has clearly stood up.

He is a person who will never give up easily without attaining his purpose. He will definitely solve all the problems he is facing.

Because of this, Luna has nothing to say.

Instead of using himself as a bait, he made himself the main attacker and himself as a bait.

To some extent, this is already able to reflect Aaron's gentlemanly manner, and then politely refused, then this is not embarrassing.

So this ancient hunter hunt monster strategy began to tacit understanding in the cooperation of Aaron and Luna.

At the beginning, humans were not born with the ability to deal with monsters that were more powerful than themselves.

So you can only rely on each other, the companions around you.

With the power of his companions, he can defeat monsters that are far more powerful than himself.

But such cooperation may bring about a problem, that is, inevitable casualties.

A little mistake can cause his partner to lose his life.

So after a long period of time later, in the end, the Hunter ’s Guild determined such an unwritten decision.

Hunters are usually not allowed to travel together!

Because when encountering a battle, one of the people may be injured, and there is a high chance that the injury will be infected with the animal virus.

That naturally means a mortal ending.

But what other ways can be done at this time?

Yalun is in his heart. He must kill the monster in front of him. There is also the body of the monster that is constantly evolving in the blood of the high elves.

Made him stronger and his physical fitness became stronger.

Although it was only a short moment, but the magic possessed by the blood of the high elves has been undoubtedly reflected at this time.

It was an ability to resurrect dead people, so it was just a little hurt.

How can this affect it, repair the body?

When Aaron and Luna are ready to resolve the decision of the monster in front of them.

Originally the damage he suffered, at this time, when the mercury was exhausted, the damage he suffered made him stronger.

This monster seems to be restored to what it was when it first met Aaron.

But it seems more than that, it is more powerful than that!

If you just let him ignore it, maybe as time goes by, it will eventually become a corpse and lose the ability to move.

But Aaron didn't know for any reason why he had to solve this guy in front of him.

Eventually, when Aaron was ready for action, it set his sights on Luna.

"Do you know how?"

He asked Luna, and Luna nodded silently.

It is now this time that Aaron rushed forward again, and if the chain whip in his hand was waved, the opponent could easily block it.

Because this monster is a humanoid monster, he even uses the weapon as a hunter.

With this weapon, Aaron ’s equipment is not very suitable for dealing with this humanoid monster.

So in order to maximize the attention of this monster, make your plan successful.

Aaron must rush forward.

After walking a close enough distance, he has recorded the attack range of the other party ~ ~ has not yet reached his attack range.

This monster raised his weapon, but he made a mistake that human beings would never make, that is, standing on the origin stupidly.

If you don't move, you will be attacked and injured by Aaron.

Counterattack, but can interrupt the opponent's slow attack.

Is what Aaron planned in the beginning. Although the other party is a humanoid creature and uses weapons, his shortcomings were also seen by Aaron when he fought.

The biggest disadvantage of this humanoid and his weakness is that his attack speed is too slow for humans.

Such a slow attack speed, you can escape the other party's attack with a little attention.

And Aaron intends to take some more radical and more excessive means.

He not only wants to avoid the other party's attack, but also interrupts the other party's attack.

So when carrying the opponent raised his weapon, Aaron rushed forward without hesitation, rushing to the opponent's blade.

At that moment, almost Luna's heart almost jumped into her throat, fearing that Aaron might be hurt.

Aaron brandished his sword in his hand.

It's a very tricky angle, it can almost perfectly stabb the monster's body.

Colliding metal with metal and aiming the weapon with the weapon is a very unwise choice, especially when using the human body to fight against the infinite monster.

No one dared to act like this except for idiots and lunatics.

Therefore, Aaron directly attacks the opponent's joint, which must be close enough to the opponent to have a close enough distance.

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