Blood Source Era

Chapter 74: : Mounts and warnings killed

No matter what kind of monsters there are, if you don't rush in and find out, it is estimated that no matter how illusion is wasted time.

Clearly understand that only actions can clearly understand what kind of monsters and traps there are.

Aaron clenched his new weapon and stepped forward.

The boots stepped over the hard grass, and the spikes on the bushes were pulled, as if to prevent Aaron from continuing to move forward.

However, there is no way to stop it, and there is no way to stop it, Aaron moves forward.

Then soon, they saw the first body.

First, he smelled the **** smell in the air. It was rich blood, and Luna pulled out her double swords directly.

Then the two of them went on in the police body.

Under the cover of bushes and grass, they saw the sunken place in the grass.

Maybe it was a trap, because the **** smell came out from there.

Is surrounded by some terrible monsters, no one can be sure. So Aaron found the place with a **** smell.

He first looked up and looked at the surrounding environment, knowing that there were no unreasonable movements around him.

Only the breeze blew through the treetops, and the sound of the branches and leaves swaying gently, there was no other sound besides that.

Then in this situation, Aaron moved forward.

The **** smell, the dead animal is a horse of a good age, and the worms have slowly climbed onto the body.

Although the rancid smell has not yet spread out, this horse has begun to rot and is gradually rotting under the bite of insects.

This dead horse has amazing wounds.

This is because of the scratches on his wounds, the huge wounds that monstrous monsters can make.

Since the mounts are all dead here, what about its owner?

Aaron thought of this problem in the first time. Horses are very expensive. These guys can allow humans to move quickly in the wild. Even if they encounter animalized monsters, they have the possibility of escape.

So it can't be run alone.

The owner of these horses must be somewhere in the surroundings. Aaron then looked around.

He wanted to find human bodies, or other monsters.

Luna, who was on the sidelines, looked at Aaron's actions in confusion, and he followed the broken blades of grass on the ground.

Seemed to have traces of fighting, and some blood appeared in the distance.

Those who have blood and even the surrounding plants have withered and rotted. Obviously, this is a very toxic blood.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Yalong can conclude that the blood is the blood of the monster.

Then Aaron followed the traces left on the ground all the way to the direction of the castle.

Sure enough, hundreds of steps away, he found the body of the monster, was broken by a spear and died on the stump.

This is a werewolf-shaped beast-like monster. It has its head tilted to the side and its body is covered with fierce scars.

Those scars seemed to be left behind by some kind of huge sickle-shaped weapon.

So the degree of tearing of the wound is very large, because of the strange blood support, so after the wound is torn, even if the host has died, the blood is still flowing.

As if it was only draining, he would stop completely.

"It seems that this monster is the culprit of the horse." Aaron looked at the monster who was killed on the stump and explained.

Only its sharp claws can tear the horse's body.

And the owner of those horses must be an excellent hunter.

After his own mount was killed. He pulled away the fighting distance, only a few hundred steps away, and killed the monster.

Aaron leaned close to the body and carefully observed the broken spear. The handle was very old. It was not like the weapon that I had been using, but was soaked in the wind and rain for a long time.

Thinking of this, Aaron lowered his head and looked around.

Sure enough, under the cover of deep grass, he found the other half of the broken spear.

Only the broken incision is fresh. Presumably the hunter was after killing the monster, in order to warn others not to approach here, and then picked up the forgotten weapon from the ground.

Use this corpse of a monster to warn later people?

Besides this, Aaron could never think of any other reason.

And at this time, Luna suddenly asked Aaron to look over. At this time, she was already standing next to the body.

It's just that there is a dirty thing in her hand.

"What's that?" Aaron knew that it must have been discovered on the monster's body just now.

Luna heard the inquiry, lifted the dirty sign, and wiped off the blood and dirty mud.

"7825 ~ ~ only has such a number ..." She said what she saw in the vague traces.

After hearing it, Aaron went straight forward and took the sign in his hand. What he saw was exactly the same as Ye Luna described.

Indeed, there is only this number, which means that this monster is not turned into a monster by accident.

The most likely thing is that someone artificially made it into such an existence.

If according to the description on the number, each number represents a monster, this so-called 7825 should be the number 7825.

Such a quantity can no longer be said in horror.

Even if it is a large village, it can only hold up to 5,000 people.

If this is the experiment done by this magical academy, then it is also very likely that they have used a whole village of people to do living experiments.

Such a thing, just just sounds, can make people feel sick enough.

This figure is too large, even Aaron would not dare to assert.

But there is one thing to be sure, that is, this monster is definitely created by man. Otherwise, there is no such number on him.

"This should be the warning of our predecessors." Then Aaron threw the iron card in his hand and exchanged it for Luna.

"But since I sacrificed my mount and still dared to rush in, it seems that we have no reason not to go forward with him."

Said Aaron, with a smile on his face.

If he received such warning again, he timidly chose to retreat. Then even Aaron will despise himself!

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