Blood Source Era

Chapter 75: : Level 1

So in the end, Aaron chose to ignore this warning. He continued to move forward and decided to use his own strength to deal with the monsters he might face next.

At the end of the road, under the tall ancient trees, countless vines entwined with branches fell to the ground.

Large layers of leaves piled up, blocking the dim light and making the door look colder.

There was a cold wind that didn't know where it came from, and it was scraped across the neck, as if a palm with a ghost gently crossed from above.

The rubble was placed in disorder, and the traces of struggling and fighting could be seen vaguely. There were corpses that had been corrupted on the ground, and the bones were covered with armor.

Corner, or Hengchen on the avenue, everywhere, these people look like the guards of this castle.

They are just ordinary people, but they still died in this place.

The culprit who created this scene also left his mark here.

Those old, hunter ’s guild weapons, or weapons carried on their bodies, were covered with blood and scattered on the ground.

These things have been destroyed, so he was thrown to the ground by his master.

Or their owner died here as well, but the Hunter Guild has already packed up the body of his companion.

Has left these poor guys unattended and discarded in such a place, it makes people look chilling.

Because of the influence of magic, no one has come here for a long time, making it full of a desolate and sad atmosphere.

The massacre, the horrible shadow of the massacre, even now, has not dispersed.

This desolate and remote scene, no matter who comes to see this scene, will not choose to walk in easily.

After all, this kind of ghost place, if you die inside, it is estimated that no one will know, become a member of the unsuspecting body on the ground.

Unless, it is the kind of greedy guy.

But this is their destination, even if they don't want it, this is what they see in front of them.

Aaron was ready to fight at any time, and then he turned to look at Luna.

In the eyes of the inquiry, the sharp double-sword Jianfeng had already answered Aaron, and the two of them walked into this most dangerous place at this time.

The corpse is almost everywhere in the castle, all the organs have been touched, and they are naked in front of people.

The greasy and rusty organ has traces of dried blood on it.

Obviously, when attacking this castle, even the Hunter ’s Guild must have lost a lot of manpower.

The bloodstains on the touched organs told Aaron that there might have been an unlucky egg meaning it died.

Therefore, under the warning of this thing, Aaron became more vigilant.

Because he did not know whether all the organs were destroyed during the raid by the Hunter Guild.

Maybe some of them have n’t been touched yet, and even more terrifying, maybe some agencies have been relocated to their original positions, waiting for their prey.

This is the most terrifying, and he is fully prepared to meet what may happen at any time.

The more nervous you are, the more you worry too much.

Finally, when Aaron and Luna walked through the long first floor corridor, and found no traces, it seemed that their concerns were unnecessary.

This really seems to scare myself.

But the ensuing problem is that in this ancient castle, they found no other way.

It seems that everything is hidden, if you don't pay attention, you can't find it at all.

"It looks more complicated here than I thought." Aaron came to this conclusion after looking around the surrounding environment.

If you want to discover some secrets, or some things, you have to find those things, but this is almost impossible.

So in this case, Aaron's eyes fell on Luna.

At this time, it was Luna's turn to show her skills. This is also the purpose of Aaron bringing Luna to the castle.

If he needs support, then naturally he has his own way.

But if you understand this castle, then Aaron really has no other way.

If the blind cat meets the dead mouse to win the guess, God knows when to guess.

So he asked Luna that after the road was not found on the first floor, then how should I go next.

Luna listened to Aaron's words and sighed softly.

"Have you found a problem? That is, the people who came to this castle before us are gone."

This reminds Aaron that a guy who has the courage to come to this castle alone must have great strength.

Therefore, even if they fight, they will certainly leave some traces nearby.

But just now they did not find such a trace ~ ~ That is to say, they did not encounter ambush.

What is most likely to happen is that those guys have found the right institution and have reached the upper level.

Because, on the ground, there is no fresh corpses or fresh blood, and there are dead bones and desolate odors everywhere.

The overcast wind blew past, and the back of the neck was cold.

Those who refuse to disappear for no reason, they must have taken a secret special passage, and those places cannot leave no trace.

"Then, it seems that we should have overlooked something, and there must be something that can't get through, and it's the latest to become that way."

Allen reached such a conclusion.

If there is a trap, then the other party will only open the door after the prey is processed one by one, and put the next one in.

Such a trap, the traces left behind must be the freshest. Thinking of this, Aaron instantly recalled a scene in his heart.

It was a tower blocked by an iron fence. Behind the iron fence, there were stairs.

But from the outside, the tower has collapsed for the most part, and it is unlikely that there will be a complete staircase.

So Aaron didn't pay attention when he passed by for the first time.

But after Luna's reminder, he immediately hurried back to the front of the iron fence.

Sure enough, the fact was just like what he thought, the falling iron gate, because the metal hit the stone, scratched the white mark on the stone.

It is definitely a fresh trace, and there are rust and dust scattered around, just beside this iron fence.

There is no doubt that this thing definitely fell suddenly not long ago.

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