Blood Source Era

Chapter 703: : Wild night

In the end, people still chose to rest at this time.

If Aaron feels that he still has the next time, he must face the things in front of him, what kind of expressions or statements about things.

Is facing the woman he sees in front of him, so he will give up completely, what he should think about things.

Is such a compromise in terms of things expressed in the face of the immediate situation.

It seems that other unfavorable thoughts in front of what we see in front of us no longer need more hesitation about the problem.

Then, after understanding the reality presented in front of your eyes, you should go on to do what you think about the problem, and further think or care, then the problem will no longer need to be anything else. Is there too much further thinking or understanding that is inappropriate for the problem?

Aaron, he chose his own compromise on the matter.

The night came gradually, and the light of the campfire illuminated the purple mist surrounding it.

This is wild, if you want to go to the next town but there is still some time.

Here I also try to prevent as much as possible from the bad troubles that people should not face.

That for everyone, they almost subconsciously faced what happened in front of them, and kept their silence for the problem.

This makes people feel that it is a long and dark night, there always seems to be something that makes people feel incomprehensible and needs to be hesitated to be changed by people.

But those things should be specific about what kind of problems that might arise for the problem, and should be concerned about the silence of the problem and the situation facing it.

There is no clear understanding of what is seen in front of my eyes, what should I have to deal with the problem so that the problem is no longer needed, and what else is too much for the matter, more hesitation .

These ideas that already exist in people's hearts and have questions about problems.

Then there is no need to go to any other more sloppy judgments or doubts about the problem.

Everyone already knows clearly, and understands the state of reality presented in front of their own eyes, what kind of calm face should they have to face the problem.

Will make the last thing that is happening in front of you no longer need to go to any other things that are inappropriate for the problem, more sloppy judgment, or concern.

Aaron is also in his own heart, facing the situation seen in front of him, feeling that there seems to be some doubts that people should have.

When facing the situation that you might see in front of you, when you take specific actions and ideas about things that you should have.

There are some more appropriate clear considerations for the problem.

When facing the situation in front of you, what kind of feelings do you feel good about the problem? Do you have a satisfactory understanding or face?

Any other too much is not suitable for the problem, and more thoughts, then it will become unnecessary to have too much hesitation or explanation for the problem.

While thinking about the actions you see in front of your eyes, what kind of things you have to cope with, feel satisfied, and have a calm understanding of the problem.

That may make the situation that I see in front of me appear to be that there is no need to have any other problems at all, and there should be no more doubts or inappropriate. Instructions.

The result of everything seems to be a very satisfying answer.

The rest should be further prepared for things, and then have to go on to do other other hesitation or concern that is not suitable for the situation.

That might make it finally appear in front of you, so you do n’t need to have any other ideas that are not suitable for the problem?

It seems that the result of everything will come to a simple state that is finally reached and clearly faced by people.

Simple and easy facing and selection of things that should be done when things go again.

How should I carry out my own clear understanding of things, or can make people feel comfortable and appropriate to care about the problem.

All this has become no longer necessary to have any other ideas that are not suitable for facing human problems.

So, should n’t the reality be a simple idea that can be easily faced by people when they see it in front of their eyes?

It seems that the situation of everything no longer needs to have too many other things that are not suitable for the problem, more hesitation, or sloppy judgment.

And in response to the things in front of them, they should have a clear understanding of what they should have.

That may finally appear in front of you. The reality you see may become that you do n’t need to do anything else. There are too many sloppy areas, or judgments, that should not be performed on the problem.

Actually, in such a situation, the state itself will no longer need to have any other things that are not suitable for the problem and think more.

Then in the future, I should be more concerned about the situation or hesitate about the problem, so that the reality I see in the end will no longer need to swim. What else is too much for the problem Any more ideas?

Thus, things will no longer need to have more further thinking about the problem and the things that should be faced should not be very clear, can have a concern for things.

So those other ideas and more concentration that may be available, some of the problems seem to make people feel that the matter is appropriate, and consider the problem.

Is doing more of my own thoughts, and I think it may be good, to calmly face the problem, or to understand the problem.

The matter may therefore, it is no longer necessary to carry out too many things that are inappropriate for the matter, more explanation.

What else should I have to be satisfied with the problem, and be clear about the problem.

The final reality will no longer need to be there any other Cao Shuai's hesitation about the problem?

Seems to be very natural, and it has become a very simple posture before the eyes.

Then the reality that I see in front of me will no longer need to be there any other more explanations of the problem.

This is a simple result that can be easily faced by people in the end.

What else thinks that feeling may be correct, a clear face to the problem.

Or what other self should deal with the status quo seen in front of them, should take a very specific and rational understanding of the problem, or ideas.

All kinds of actions that should not be taken against the problem may not be clear enough to be understood or judged by people.

Afterwards, I should be specific about the situation and have problems of my own cooperation. It feels good. I think about the problem.

That should be changed. You do n’t need to go any more. Is there anything else that is too sloppy to face or explain for the situation?

Actually, this problem no longer needs to be carried out too much. Faced with the situation, there is no need for further consideration of the problem.

The reality is a simple status quo that is very simple and can be easily faced by people.

Looked at such a reality presented in front of his own eyes.

Should deal with what happened in front of him later, to have what kind of problems he faces, feel satisfied, and have a clear face of the problem.

That situation. It may be that there is no longer any need to have any other too many coping states, so there is no need to get further attention, or hesitation?

This answer will therefore no longer need to have any other too many other ideas about the problem.

There is no doubt that the actual state is just like what is seen on the surface, it seems to be very simple, and it can be easily faced by people.

Those other people feel like they can be satisfied, a clear understanding of the problem.

And some other things that should be taken when thinking about the problem make people feel good and have a clear understanding of the problem.

Various thoughts about the problem and the situation seen in front of you, you should have a calm and clear face to the problem.

Went on to do other things that were too inappropriate for the question, and hesitated more.

Or, about the problem that is happening in front of me, there may be other things that are too inappropriate for the problem and more concerned.

Nature itself is presented in front of you, and what you see becomes a simple status quo that is not deliberately understood by other people.

Then the answer may become a very calm, simple reality that can be clearly understood by people and clearly seen by people.

This is a kind of clear understanding of things that you see in front of your eyes and make you feel very decent.

While doing other suspicions about the problem, or other rash judgments about the problem.

It seems that the answer will no longer need to have any other hesitation about the question.

Then, we should have further problems with our cooperation in the future. I feel that it is a good relationship with the problem.

Or to cope with what you see in front of you, what kind of self do you have afterwards? It feels good for the problem, how to deal with the problem clearly?

All of these things will no longer need to have any other things that are not suitable for things, more understanding, or explanation.

And respond to a situation that is so simple that it can be seen by people and can be clearly understood by people.

Natural answers will no longer need to be. There are too many other ideas that are not suitable for the problem, or care about it.

The result is to make people feel that there is no need to have anything else. It makes people feel sloppy and hesitant about the problem.

Should also be more specific about things later to make what they feel is satisfactory and a clear concern for the problem.

Or a good clear understanding of the problem may give people a good idea of ​​the clear face of the problem?

It seems that all kinds of actions should be taken in response to what you see in front of you, which means that there is a need to have a new kind of things that should be doubtful about things and problems.

The natural answer will no longer need to have any other too many considerations for the problem ~ ~ or simple ideas.

The actual state may be approximate, that is, the simple things you see in front of you.

Hesitation and worry about inappropriate judgment of the problem and inappropriate things.

In any case, it can't prove that it will finally appear in front of you. The situation you see will be a little clear and you can calmly face the problem.

So there is no doubt, that is why it should be accepted, so that people feel a simple idea that can be rationally faced by people.

Will make it unnecessary to deal with the problem you are seeing in front of you, and you will no longer need to have a god. Other things that are not suitable for the problem, more explanation.

Therefore, is there any other other hesitant or inappropriate understanding of the problem.

That may make it very simple to face such a thing as what you see in front of you, and allow people to have a clear and definite face of the problem, it becomes no longer necessary to have a Is there any other too much concern about the problem?

Those answers seem to be not so easy in an instant, and may make people have a sensible face of the problem, or a sensible face of the matter calmly. the result of.

So the result is almost the same, probably like a simple reality seen on the surface.

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