Blood Source Era

Chapter 704: : Visitor

Even when the night gradually became silent, there was no more sound.

The swaying bonfire is still attracting more stupid bugs, throwing it desperately on it eventually becomes a poor sacrifice in the flames.

There are some night watchers sitting by the bonfire, eyes staring at the flashing flame in front of them.

Although they have n’t looked up all the time in the darkness around them, something that may feel strange may happen.

But the ears they put up are listening carefully, and there may be those who say that there is no way to detect the very slight sound of a broken branch.

But in such a night, there are also some very inappropriate sounds.

It was in Aaron's tent, he was lighting a magic light and opened the book in front of himself.

One of the great benefits of becoming a blood clan is that even if he doesn't need to sleep, he can always maintain his good mental strength.

In this long long night, taking a little sleep that was only a very short night, it did not make her feel that she could completely relax her body and mind.

So it is when facing the things that present the reality that he sees in front of his eyes.

The remaining very specific understanding of the problem that should be taken in response to this problem, it becomes no longer necessary to be more appropriate for people to pay special attention and think about the problem.

And this is also the case, when faced with what appears in front of oneself, what happens is felt full of silence.

Some of the remaining bad ideas and understanding of the problem should be presented in front of your eyes. Seeing something more appropriate, hesitating about the problem and analyzing the status of the problem.

It seems that no matter how to do it, it is impossible to get a rough conclusion, which makes people feel satisfied and have a clear understanding of the problem.

Natural problems will therefore no longer need to have any other things that are not suitable for the problem at this time, more thinking, or judging the value of the problem.

But in such a night, there was a person who appeared very unsuitable in front of Aaron.

When I looked up and saw the woman in front of me in my tent.

That in the first time, Aaron thought he was facing the situation that he saw in front of his eyes.

It seems that things have a clear idea of ​​the problem.

But it was when she looked at the woman in front of her, the kind of flashing in her eyes, and the silent attitude of facing things.

Aaron felt that perhaps he might not have been so easy to make an interpretation of the event in light of what he was seeing.

"What are you doing?"

Responds to a simple status quo that can be clearly seen by people, and can be understood by people.

Is to consider what all these should have to have a clear ground for the problem, for the situation will no longer need to have any other too much, some inappropriate concerns about the problem and more explanation.

Seems to be performing some kind of inappropriate judgment on the problem, so there is no longer any need for people to think and judge the value of the problem.

So, what should we do in the future to make our own accurate response to this problem?

Think about what you should do before you see the problem you see in front of your eyes, and you will feel more satisfied with the problem.

That situation may be a good idea for the problem.

This kind of thing is presented in front of people's eyes, and the answers they see also need to have some understanding that is worthy of being carefully faced by people.

But the woman was in silence, facing the things in front of her, but did not carry out some kind of explanation of the matter, or a special answer to the matter.

It seems that he has almost figured out what he is seeing in his coping eyes. It should be a good and reasonable behavior for things to have his own further preparation for the problem.

And this made Aaron's expression on his face become a little more confused when he faced what happened in front of him, and he felt a little more confused when dealing with the problem.

Obviously, there is something wrong with this problem.

However, this question should have its own further preparation for the problem. Those things are that it no longer needs to have too much to be pondered or faced by people.

And when understanding the situation presented in front of one's own eyes, then go on to make your own further thoughts on the problem.

As if it finally appeared in front of you, the reality you see seems to be that you no longer need anything. There are too many necessary to be analyzed and doubted by people.

Naturally, the answers and the results that need to be recognized by people seem to be that they no longer need to have more things worth considering.

Thing is such a clear reality that can be understood and calmly faced by people.

For facing the situation presented in front of his own eyes, he should have his own clear response to the problem and analyze the value of this problem.

Seems very natural, and some situations no longer need to go on to do other other further understanding of the problem.

Under this kind of uncomfortable face, there is no way to get the final clear understanding of the matter. Aaron put down his book.

Since he is showing the kind of things he sees in front of him, there is no way to carry out his own analysis of the problem and consider the problem more calmly.

After dealing with the situation seen in front of him, he should have his own further analysis of the problem.

Eventually presented in front of you, the reality you see may become a problem and you do n’t need to do any other analysis or judgment that is too much for the problem.

As with all questions, those answers no longer require much analysis of the question, or doubt the value of the question.

Aaron readjusted the posture he should have in front of the things in front of him, and he very clearly practiced his clear expression of things about the situation.

"Let's make it clear, what kind of thoughts are there on the matter, otherwise I am afraid that all of us will feel sorry for this matter."

Aaron, what kind of hesitation about the problem and what value should be judged in the face of what is happening in front of you? That may be a good clear thinking about the problem.

Thinking and facing is when you have presented some very specific things that you see in front of your eyes.

Remaining for the problem, I should further make what I am facing. It feels good. Clearly facing the problem may be a good idea for the problem, or knowing the problem. Considerations?

The situation is one's own understanding of the problem no matter what you are doing at one time.

There is more hesitation about what is inappropriate for things.

In fact, the answer is not so easy for people to deal with and present the reality they see in front of their eyes, there will be other further thinking and analysis of the problem.

It is when facing such a straightforward idea about things and the things that should be faced.

It seems that there are other choices that should be taken by the people that are worthy of being faced by people and some kind of calm face to the problem.

Those who just need to change to something that may make people concrete have a certain response.

May finally appear in front of you, and the situation you see is that you do n’t need to go there anymore. There are too many other things, which are inappropriate for the problem, and more understanding.

Should understand what is the best way to deal with the problem and how to deal with it when presenting what happened in front of you.

Considering those things that should be calmly understood and faced by people.

The rest of the thinking about the problem should be to make further cooperation to face the matter. There should be this relationship. The situation will no longer need to be anything else. Explain the problem? ?

Is to some extent seem to cope with what is seen in front of his eyes.

Originally meant that at this moment, when faced with what was seen in front of one's own eyes, it was time to make a specific and appropriate answer to the question.

It seems that everyone always feels that they should have some of the most appropriate ideas for facing and understanding problems that are good at the time and more clearly for the problem.

Maybe the situation may no longer need to have any other too much more analysis of the problem, or to judge the value of things.

The problem is that when the remaining ones are confronted with the understanding that they present and see, they will further make their own understanding of things more calmly, and there will be other things that are inappropriate, more Have you judged?

While carrying out the value of thinking about the situation and analyzing the problem, the problem should be clearly explained or judged.

On the surface, it seems like it needs a clear explanation of the problem that people should have.

But the final response is presented in front of you, but the answers you see are not like what people actually deal with on the surface, they may have a clear and clear face to the problem.

Therefore, the problem will also become unsuitable in such a situation, and there is no need to go to any other things that are too much to deal with, more explanation.

Could it be that the situation that was present in front of people's eyes should be replaced with some other analysis of the problem, or that the value of the problem may be a clear and clear face of the problem? ?

Understands that there should be some very specific ideas about the problem, and the rest should face the problem, and should have a calm and calm analysis of the problem and doubt the value of the problem.

It seems that to some extent, it seems that it no longer needs these and other things that are too inappropriate for the problem, and hesitated further.

Continue to face the things you see in front of you, and then you should make some further preparations for the problem. The problem may become that you do n’t need to have too many other things to face. , Unsuitable ideas.

Seems to have carried out other actions that should be taken in response to the problem, and the need for further analysis and judgment of the problem.

It also becomes unnecessary to have any other too many explanations of inappropriate thinking and doubts facing the matter.

The answer is such a very simple reality that you can see clearly in front of you. ~ For this reality, make some self-righteous questions about it Understanding, or something else that deserves to be considered by people, or it is necessary to analyze the problem and judge the situation.

Seems to be finally presented in front of us, and the results we see, so it becomes no longer necessary to have more to be clearly faced by people, and the inevitable consideration of doubts.

For the things that are seen in front of you, you should think more about the problem.

Then the problem will no longer need to have any other too much more analysis of the problem, or the need to judge things?

Therefore, those things are what they see in front of them, so there may be nothing else in themselves, and further needs to be clearly understood by people and the value of analyzing problems.

Any more sloppy, judgments and needs about the problem, change to a clearer understanding of the problem.

Those who should go to somebody to think about the problem further, maybe the situation will no longer need to have too much to be worthy of thinking and doubt the value of the problem?

Situation becomes, there is no need to have any other too many thinking problems that are not suitable for facing the problem, and the consideration of judging the value.

The answer itself is a very realistic thing. If you make a very incompetent answer to the matter, then it will naturally make people feel very regretful.

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