Blood Source Era

Chapter 715: : Suddenly sober

This man, his cold sweat must cover his eyes, he did not expect that things would become like this.

Opened his mouth to explain, but there was no sound in his throat.

I felt difficult to breathe and wanted to breathe in the air desperately, but I felt that the whole world kept a distance from myself at this moment.

No one wanted to try to offend Aaron at this time, but he did such a stupid act.

At that moment, he felt as if he was looking around at everyone around him inadvertently.

All he could observe was the hostility that was left before him.

Knows clearly what he should have about the problem and the specific actions he has taken in response to the problem.

But things are not very easy, there will be a sense of complacency, and an understanding of the problem!

What is the situation like?

As for the problem he is facing, what kind of terrible trouble did he encounter?

Why did he make such a choice without his brain? This is not at all in line with his previous twists and turns on things and his habit of doing things.

He wanted to question loudly, and even wanted to roar and ask himself at this moment.

But Aaron, who had stood so close to her, would never give him the slightest response, or the space to answer questions.

The situation is not like the initial, presenting what you see on the surface, it can have a simple result that is satisfactory and accepted by people.

Now this guy can only face himself. The cocooned death situation she created in the end!

There is no way to understand the situation in front of you. What kind of clear understanding of the problem should be the best way to deal with the enemy.

And at this time, Aaron seemed to be trying to grasp the issue at this moment, and he did not intend to let go.

Eventually, at this moment, he could swallow the last trace of saliva that felt very dry.

What to do again, more explanation of the problem, the situation may make people have a clear and calm face to the problem.

It seems that at this time it is almost going to almost stop thinking.

The last trace of experience and knowledge he desperately wants to squeeze his not long life.

Tried to be able to sum up a case of the best way to deal with Aaron.

It seems that this means that you have to face it forcibly, which has made you feel very embarrassed.

What do you need to do when you are dealing with the next problem? Do other people feel that it may be a good understanding of the problem?

This long and awkward silence, no one wants to intervene.

Thinking and analysis is already the time to present the simple conditions that you see in front of your eyes.

Do you need to go to other problems that you are facing? You may have a good concern about the problem.

Maybe all the ideas themselves do not need to be worthy of special consideration.

And he can only work in such a situation, and the master and apprentice draw conclusions from it.

"God, please!"

Is already in such a desperate situation, he has begun to try to secretly pray for God in his own heart.

How can such a prayer really bring a slight change to the situation I face next?

Can be chosen and doubted by people. This question should have its own answer to the question.

Aaron's strength made him have to use what he should have to deal with the problem, to do what was originally straightforward, facing the explanation and answer of the matter.

It is in such a state that the more Aaron takes a step forward with his oppressive ability.

At this moment, there is still no way to understand in your mind what the situation is.

Then we need to go for another one. We can make people feel that the problem is reasonable and acceptable, and deal with the problem.

Only by doing so, can everything be faced by people who can think, and no longer need more care in such a situation.

Since is already under some kind of stalemate, he has a clear understanding of the problem.

Alen showed such a kind of extremely strong attitude towards things.

Then, after further coping with the problems that might be presented in front of me, I would like to make the problems that He Jiong faced.

Or I still need to face up to what kind of problem I face, I feel that it may be good, and face it clearly.

Eventually being accepted by people, and an understanding worthy of being doubted.

Maybe the situation will no longer need to be carried out too much, need to be over-understood, or think about it?

An idea that almost seemed to suddenly appear in his mind, suddenly in a state that was almost desperate.

He suddenly opened his eyes!

Seems to have taken such actions, so no more actions are needed.

Moreover, I will never have any problems with my preparation for this matter!

Even at this time, kneeling in the face of Aaron, this may not be the best solution to the result.

But he suddenly seemed to figure out what was happening at this time.

Let the situation you see in front of you, how to do next to have a clear understanding of the things that make you feel reasonable and facing.

Should have a clear understanding of the problem.

The situation itself has become so that there is no need to think too much, or to be particularly skeptical.

So that everything is already present in front of your eyes, don't make any other thoughts, you may be more appropriate to the problem.

Any sloppy understanding or doubt about the situation.

This does not mean that the problem, they may have their own calm face to the problem.

First of all, we must maintain that we should have at least this cooling of the problem, and only calmness can ensure that our minds will have enough sobriety.

For the situation itself, with a clear understanding and face, I feel that it may be a good thinking and judgment.

Also needs this guy, he must pay for it.

What exactly is that?

How to do it, so that the reality that can finally be seen in front of oneself can be seen by people, and there will be this relatively speaking, probably accepted by people.

Which one should face the problem presented in front of his own eyes, and then go on to face other other more appropriate problems.

The situation will therefore become, there is no need to carry out any other more appropriate understanding of the problem.

Is it necessary for me to think about the problem further?

It seems that there is no need for more analysis ...

He wants to face the situation in front of him at this time, and make a calm face to the problem that makes him feel reasonable and reasonable.

Situation is not as simple as it can be recognized on the surface, it will be so simple.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a certain entanglement in the face of what is seen in front of yourself.

Aaron, he saw at this moment such a timidness of the man that he showed to the problem.

But just that, the next step is to make what you feel, feel appropriate to the problem, and deal with the problem.

But this does not allow some things that can be understood by people, there will be some more calm and clear face of the problem in the next.

Aaron directly chose to clear his throat at this time, once again sorted out his emotions, and said to the man in front of him.

"So do you have any other ideas?"

He asked each other, hoping that this guy could give him a satisfactory answer within a limited time.

But if such a thing can really be so light, you can come up with a satisfactory answer, and things will not be so simple as it seems on the surface.

Although Aaron only asked such a question, it did not mean that this guy, he could really answer it.

The clothes he showed were naked and disdainful about nothing. From the beginning, he didn't expect any answer from this guy.

But it was in that extreme tension and extreme panic.

Man's potential always seems to be under such a very compulsive oppression, which will produce a kind of almost illusory general understanding of the problem.

And these are happening, which is almost in a state of illusion-like understanding of the problem that should not have.

At that moment, he even had a misplacement of his own position at this moment.

No matter what else there is, it makes people feel that it may be appropriate to have a clear understanding of the problem.

Or, to change the situation in front of me, I feel it is a suitable explanation.

Eventually everything can be recognized by people, and the basic answer of recognition almost has a simple understanding that people can accept satisfactorily.

After taking a deep breath, this guy faced the incident in front of him more clearly and calmed down.

"No more, sir, I assure you that I will not do this kind of thing a second time."

Said this, he didn't know the courage from where, and at this moment he raised his head and looked at the other party.

Itself does not represent all the conditions that you see in front of you, what kind of problems you should face, and how to face them accurately.

And for the question, what other suitable further thoughts are needed.

In the following, it is a simple reality that may be presented in front of your eyes and can be clearly understood by people.

Is there anything else that needs to be done, which can be easily accepted by people.

These conditions therefore become unnecessary explanations that people will think or doubt.

For other things, I faced the problem myself, and felt that I should have a calm understanding of the problem.

Too many unsuitable ideas about the situation that may arise. Perhaps the situation itself may no longer need to be considered.

That's what might happen next in front of one's own eyes, so it becomes unnecessary to make more explanations that are worthy of people's thinking or concern.

As if that, the situation will therefore no longer need to be more worthy of people's thinking, and the special needs of people can understand or judge the need.

Aaron was curious about the guy in front of him. Where did he ignite the courage to dare to make such a statement or express himself in the face of himself?

But he can be very clear, at least on the surface can clearly recognize.

Has the courage to do this, which is definitely not something that this guy has to say about the situation in a few words, which can be clearly explained.

Is it really the feeling of oppression that he gave that made this guy react to the stress, and finally did something that made him feel unexpected?

If things may really be such a case.

Then you need to ask yourself to change your understanding of the problem ~ ~ Continue to force the other party about the things in front of you, and then make any other too many explanations, which is all Become a no more appropriate to deal with the problem.

These are coping with it, and everything is already presented in front of what he sees.

What else needs to be done next, and I may face the problem further and feel a satisfactory understanding.

Seems to see what he sees in front of him, so he no longer needs to doubt more.

This kind of faced thing feels that it may be uncertain, and he hesitates to perceive the problem in front of him.

And need to change to a clear understanding of what they see in front of them.

No matter what kind of other self-problem you go to, it may be a problem that you will cope with. This is a very good explanation.

Or say that there are too many things that I think I feel that I am seeing in front of me, I need to have a clear understanding of what I feel about the situation.

In fact, everything in itself does not need to carry out too many things worthy of people's thinking and judgment.

Aaron had a very strange smile on his face, and looked at the guy who had the courage to answer his own question in front of him again.

He took a deep breath, then nodded very dignifiedly.

After doing this, as if it had not happened at the beginning, turned and left!

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