Blood Source Era

Chapter 716: : Stay

Since this guy looks scared to death at this moment.

Then go frighten the other party again, this guy, he will finally make the most inappropriate face in the stress response.

If it becomes such a result that something Aaron did not plan at the beginning, then the situation is likely to become very bad.

Therefore, it seems very natural, some of them can already present the problems they see in front of their own eyes, the situation will become, and there is no need to have more explanations that are inappropriate for things.

Before things may get worse in what happens afterwards, and then let things have a clear idea that can be satisfactorily understood.

Judgments that are clearly understood by people may naturally under such circumstances, it becomes unnecessary to do anything else that is too delicious to be carefully analyzed by people, or that they can have judgments on problems Too.

This is a simple understanding of the problem that can be clearly understood by people in the end.

Remaining faced with the problems you see in front of your eyes, as for the situation, you need to go further and have a clearer understanding of the problem, or a satisfactory face.

Thinking and analysing itself may be all the calm conditions presented in front of your own eyes, so that things no longer need any other analysis or thinking.

Those answers that people are aware of seem to naturally no longer need to have any other explanations of the problems that people can do.

Just let all the situational terms that may be dealt with do not need to do any other too many of my own analysis of the problem.

Next, what kind of situation you may face about the problem will be a clear understanding of the problem.

What else is left to make other people think it may be good, a clear understanding of the problem.

The answer to the matter seems to become that there is no need to do more good, which can be thought or tangled by people.

Before you start preparing to take and start your own actions immediately.

If this happens, it is extremely unexpected, and it is so bad that it is unacceptable and unexpected.

Change to an understanding of the problem, which is naturally a clear understanding of the problem, and a calm thinking about the problem.

Obviously, these problems are not so easily faced by people.

All the situations that might need to be changed at the beginning with a clear consideration and response to the problem, one of the clearest thoughts that should be.

Itself may not be in a situation where people can feel that they may be accepted as a matter of course.

It is for this reason, so some things need to be further. Some are worthy of people to have other further doubts about the problem.

As for the suspicion that exists in the face of the world in front of you, how can you calmly understand the problem in the face of things?

It seems that things no longer need to be done more, maybe it is necessary for people to think or choose.

When the next concrete action that can be taken by people, because in the thinking can not be finally determined and wandering wandering.

May be due to the situation seen in front of your eyes, and ultimately the specific actions taken are difficult to achieve and forced to abort.

This plan can no longer be postponed, the situation is quite unfavorable to reality.

Change to a preparation to face the problem, may it be a good consideration for the problem?

Next, it is at this moment to continue to face the things that should be presented in front of your eyes, and to take some more specific things about the problem.

When Aaron thought of such a point, he suddenly realized.

I fell into the reality of thinking that I shouldn't have fallen like before.

Those who have existed and may be required to change the kind of problems they face before they can make an understanding of things.

And more make people think it may be good, a clear understanding of the problem.

Wading unfavourable thoughts cannot change the reality.

At this time, Aaron turned his head and looked at this guy.

And all kinds of thinking about things and facing the situation in front of them, with a posture of reaction.

May therefore become, and there is no need to do anything else to face the problem and produce inappropriate thinking or facing the problem.

The answer is therefore extremely simple and can be easily understood by people.

Should have, how to deal with and respond to what kind of problems you might face is most appropriate.

After all, how can I feel that there is something that should be worth facing or tangling about things.

The other party will be more rational and calmly accept the reality seen in front of him.

Since these are always needed, it is worthy of people to have further thinking about the problem and the things they should have, some unsuitable, doubtful hesitation.

Seems to be a matter of course, so there is a clear face for the problem that makes people feel extremely relaxed.

And for such a kind, since things are already appearing, they can be understood by themselves as simple reality.

Any other situation that is too much for oneself, should not have more entanglement.

And considering what kind of understanding should be present in front of his own eyes, what kind of face should he take to face the matter.

Hesitantly becomes something that people can't get rid of.

The fact that everything is presented in front of oneself in front of oneself should take the most appropriate treatment and response to the problem.

It seems that the situation will no longer need to carry out more thoughts worth thinking about and facing.

It seems that the actual state is very natural, so it becomes unnecessary to carry out anything else. It needs more value that is worthy of concern and analysis.

Let the rest be able to be easily understood by people, and there may be some more clear about the situation, and calmly face the problem.

Whether it is what kind of corresponding question should be made later, I feel that it may be a fairly clear and rational idea for the problem.

Or something else I think might be a relatively good one. For a simple understanding of the problem, maybe the state is a wise idea.

In fact, the answer, on the contrary, needs to be changed to a faced problem, which may be the owner ’s idea, so that the action taken will become almost unsuitable for other faced situations. More entanglement and more analysis about things that are inappropriate.

Let the possibility itself be the answer to the reality that has been seen in front of one's own eyes. In such a kind of one can have it, it will be calmly dealt with by people, and some clear thinking in the face of problems.

In these inner hearts, there may be some kind of hesitation and entanglement that can't be faced clearly.

The result of the final situation, so it becomes unnecessary to make other explanations that are not suitable for the problem.

Then things seem to have a feeling that they are extremely satisfied, and may be a pretty good and clear understanding of the problem.

Allows all of itself to be the result seen in front of one's own eyes, so there is quite a calm face to the situation that may be good for things.

Is there anything else I need to do? I feel that I need to face the situation further, is it a reasonable and reasonable face, or is it worth knowing the problem?

These relationships deserve to be considered by people and can be clearly understood by people.

After all, under some specific ideas about the problem, it may become unnecessary to do any further hesitation about the problem.

Then, when it comes to what other things might be done next, let others feel a clear face, or know.

And when thinking about such a simple question that has been presented in front of my own eyes.

Do I need to go to Yongzhou and other things to go further, I feel good about the problem and face it clearly.

Then, for the rest, people may feel satisfied, and they can understand the reality in a very calm way.

The possible situation does not need to be well analyzed by people, and people will be able to make their own thoughts on how to calm down the problem.

Just let everything, the action that may be taken for the situation, in the end, may face the reality that is seen in front of your eyes.

Next may have more appropriate thinking about the problem. No matter what kind of entanglement, it may not be the best way to deal with things, or arrangements.

Therefore, the situation will also be underground in such a situation, and there is no need to do anything else. It may be inappropriate for people to respond hurriedly to the problem.

Everything is worth being pondered by people, and doubt that this question should carry some value judgments and moments of thinking.

Will not be so easy after all, it will make people clear and satisfied, calm thinking about the problem.

So it is precisely in such a realistic situation, instead of changing an idea that the situation may have. Relatively speaking, it is indeed extremely wise. To face the problem, it is better to realize the reality that has been presented in front of your own eyes.

Then perhaps the next consideration of the situation that can be clearly understood by people becomes that it does not require more good analysis of the knowledge that people need to know.

Some fairly specific actions that should be taken when facing problems later.

And coping with it are the problems that they see in front of their eyes, and they have very specific things to face. I feel that it may be a good consideration of the situation.

What else do I need to do? I face the problem more. I feel that it may be good. Do you understand or explain the problem?

Is facing, since it is time to present what he sees on his surface.

There are too many other ideas about the problems that should not be possessed. These thinking problems may have some extremely simple and clear understanding of the situation, or face.

May not be the ultimate reality, so it is possible to draw a simple situation that makes people feel satisfied and an understanding of the problem.

So things may also be in such a situation, it probably has some very good, probably clear about the problem, and a calm understanding of the problem.

Maybe the gestures you face in the end will not need to be carried out, so there are more other things that people can think about ~ ~ and understand human problems, and then have further questions about problems Doubts.

Seems to be very natural, leaving only an extremely calm, simple understanding of the problem and the understanding and facing of the problem.

Is now recognizing this simple idea that has been presented in front of his own eyes.

Is there any other situation that I have to face, I feel that it is quite good, some proper handling of the problem.

May be faced with more needs in the next, and it is worthy of being dealt with by himself.

Will no longer need to do too much other analysis or thinking.

Seems to be natural. All these simple thinking that can be clearly faced by oneself, there is no other attitude, which is worth being entangled by people.

Regardless of the other party, they may have what they think of the problems they face in front of the things in front of them, and feel that they may be very simple ideas.

Or in the face of the next, when you present a clear understanding in front of your own eyes, you need to make other things that are further and calm enough to care about the problem.

All the choices that can be made, so the answer no longer needs more explanation.

And all can be easily faced by people who can feel it is extremely simple and can be clearly understood by people.

May therefore naturally become unnecessary to use any other too much thinking.

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