Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 306: CCCVI. A Larger Plan

"I have never known such a determined earthling. Life on our planet continues inexorably the flow of its events, ignoring the truth about our past. You're right, Dag, we need to stop pretending, we should rebel! But how?!" Sander continued, beginning to share Dag's emotions, albeit partially, having not lived them on his skin.

After those words, Dag, for the first time, felt a vibration in the air, as if something was awakening in their minds, that they finally began to listen to him for real, empathizing with him. 

Freydis looked at her boyfriend, confused by that story, having no idea that his Dag had been forced to deal with all that. 

"I'd like to be able to explain more and to give you a solution, but I'm not. I just wish I had your trust, that's all. I would like to know that, if something serious were to happen one day, you will be by my side, ready to sacrifice your life for the good of the human race" he replied, pulling out his hammer and beginning to look at it with a melancholy air.

"Let's bring the Clans together... but not just Okstorm's. All Skjold's warriors must fight together, without needing a Leader! For our Gods and for our children! And our children's children!", he replied, raising his voice, clutching the handle of the hammer and taking deep breaths.

A few seconds of silence followed that speech, during which Dag once again demonstrated his Warchief qualities, proving to be able to fill that role seriously and capably despite his age. 

Although the three Masters were adults, with more life experience than him, Dag could boast of having seen the Earth with his own eyes, of remembering the past better and also possessing supernatural powers, which should not be an underestimated value, if somebody wanted to fight against him and his principles. 

"Your speech doesn't make a turn, Master Dag. You already know our answer... If we weren't going to be your allies, the battle against the Jotunns would probably have never happened. I just want to tell you something, a piece of advice, about someone who's been living on this planet for many years longer than you... those who want everything immediately, often remain empty-handed, here on Skjold" Kjell said, rising from the table and walking toward Dag, intent on speaking to him face to face. 

Freydis looked at his Master Of Offense trying to understand his intentions, perpetually hidden by that mocking smile on his face. 

"What do you mean, Master Kjell?" Dag asked, who would gladly accept the advice of such a skilled warrior, who to conquer the n° 5 emblem had surely exploited his wits, beyond mere brute force. 

He stood in front of Dag, surprisingly resting his hand on his shoulder, not being a person who loves the physical contact and said: "Don't believe the battle against the Giants Of Ymir is over. If you want my advice, you have to understand why they did what they did. You said it was a divine weapon, right? Well, maybe it might have powers that you don't even imagine, and for some weird reason, those dirty Jotunns might know more than you about it!"

"How? How could they know more than I do! I witnessed the moment it was forged!" Dag replied impulsively, who soon after remained silent, thinking of his words.

Although he and his companions were present at the time of the creation of the Giantbane in the Great Forge, they did not witness when the essence of Brann's brother Eirik was trapped in the ruby-like red crystal during the 'Soul Fusion' process.

Kjell noticed that moment of hesitation and squinted, trying to understand more.

Reidar also saw over his Captain's expression and stepped forward, entering the speech.

"I agree with Master Kjell. I think we should pursue the matter and travel east, in search of the settlements of the Giants Of Ymir!" he exclaimed, in a firm tone, drawing the attention of Dag, who turned suddenly towards him.

"To the east?" Sander asked in amazement, while everyone else was listening.

Before Kjell could take the reins of the conversation again, Dag said back: "yes, the east. I think that's a good idea. I'm going to put it to the vote, giving all the Iron Alliance's Masters a chance to express their opinion. If the answer is yes, I will gather a crew of volunteers and aboard one of Okstorm's best ships, to sail to Krypstorm and start our alliance's first exploratory mission". 

After those words, Kjell added nothing more and returned to sit next to the large wooden table, on which there were still the maps opened by Sander before the departure to the south coast. 

"Is that really what you want, Dag? No one besides the Hands Of Tyr warriors has ever gone east, beyond the borders of Okstorm. All the Berserkrs and Shieldmaidens who cross that border never return, including those who choose to join the Clans of the 'perennial ice nation'" Sander said, in a tone of concerned but determined voice. 

Dag looked at Reidar, then Freydis and the others. 

"My team will rewrite the history of this planet... I'm sure we'll succeed where others have failed before us" he said, hinting to Freydis that she, too, was officially part of the crew. 

"Then the only thing left for you to do is establish a unique method by which all Iron Alliance Masters can cast their vote" Sander concluded, trying to reason in practical terms. 

"Returning to Mount Torden and Hevnen doesn't make sense. If we have to leave, it is better to do so from the south coast of Runar, the same one that has suffered the last attacks. I am sure that from there we will be able to easily reach enemy settlements. With your permission, we will send trusted emissaries to the cities of our Clans and they will tell us the verdict" replied Dag, looking at Ellen, who would surely have voted against the mission, judging by her suspicious and trustless gaze. 

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