Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 307: CCCVII. A Moment Of Peace

The long meeting came to an end and all the Masters dissolved the session, with the promise of doing as commanded by thy Warchief.

Sander himself would take care of choosing the messengers, two per Clan. 

When Dag and his group left the Masters building on the Rocky Crown, they began to walk along the path and continued to chat privately. 

"Captain, I apologize if I first meddled in your speech... I noticed you were thoughtful and thought my words might help. The three Crows Of Odin's Masters are certainly smart people, but at the same time, they treat us with mistrust. Sometimes the words of only one of us are not enough, however authoritative and convincing you may be" Reidar said, justifying his actions to Dag.

"No, Reidar... on the contrary, I thank you, because your support has been fundamental, as usual. It was useful to realize that the Giantbane issue must be the first to be resolved. I thought... we have witnessed its creation, it is true... but the Soul Fusion, the magical process that infused that weapon its inner power, we didn't see it with our own eyes! I only relied on the stories of Weland and my mother Asa. Why did the Jotunns want to get their hands on it? Are they able to control it? What's the point? There are so many unanswered questions" Dag said, who walked holding Freydis by the hand. 

"With our help, you will be able to answer every question! We will travel to Krypstorm, of which we, people of the West, know nothing! I'm sure no enemy can stand up to you, brother! And thanks to our teamwork, we're going to get the information we need as soon as possible! For the Iron Alliance!" Gridd exclaimed, who had not said a word during the debate with the other Masters. 

She stood in front of her companions, stretching an arm towards them, who rested their hands on each other and shouted in unison: "For the Iron Alliance!"

During that gesture, an atmosphere of friendship and deep esteem enveloped all the team members, who exchanged glances of gratitude and hope.

"So? What are we doing now, Captain?" Reidar asked, ready to follow new orders.

"Now let's wait. Sander will send messengers to Mount Torden and Hevnen. When they come back and give us a definitive answer, we will know what to do. In the meantime, I'm going to spend the next few days training, trying to hone my new techniques and master the dark matter that flows from my body. I'd like you to do the same, to get ready for Krypstorm if the answer from the other Masters is positive!" Dag exclaimed, looking at his companions and smiling.

Everyone accepted that magnificent proposal, which would allow them to recover some rest, which has been rare in recent times.

"I don't think my Masters have any problem hosting you here. You can stay as long as you want, I'm sure the citizens feel safer with such strong warriors in the city!" Freydis said, pleased with Dag's decision and the fact that they could have made up for some lost time. 

"Where do you usually train? I mean... I don't think the top of the Rocky Crown is a place that fits our fighting style, it's too tight" Gridd interrupted, asking Freydis for more information, already thinking about the training phase.

"Coming out of the secondary tunnel, there is a small arena, built just like a training area. In addition to that, there are forests and woods, if space is not enough!" 

While Freydis argued with Gridd, explaining the details, Dag could not help but look at her wound, the one he had provoked during his bestial transformation.

He thought of how beautiful his woman was, who kept smiling despite everything, forgetting that, for a limited time, his body and mind had been under Xis' control.

"Then? What do you say, Dag? Are we going there?" Gridd asked, looking him in the eye.

"Uhm?" he said, who was immersed in his thoughts and had not heard a word of their speech.

"Hey, brother, are you there? I asked if you want to try this 'training arena' we were talking about… with me! A one versus one fight, like the good old days! Are you there?" she replied, chuckling. 

"Of course! Freydis, make your way! We finally have some time to spend" he said, climbing with his companions on one of the large wooden platforms leading into the city.

His friends continued to talk to each other, also familiarizing with Freydis, who was unknown to Reidar and had not seen Gridd for many years.

Dag, on the other hand, stayed a little further behind, walking aside and diving back into his thoughts, reflecting on the axe and what it might mean, failing to take out of his head the words of that little girl and those of the dying Jotunn.

The walk to the arena was interrupted several times, as Dag's companions stopped often near some of the city's shops and street vendors, now that they could finally enjoy a walk by tourists, not having to worry about upcoming missions.

He continued to watch them from behind, occasionally exchanging loving glances with Freydis, who already seemed to get along with his sister, buying a loaf of hot bread, while Karl and Reidar were across the street, intent to look at a shop selling handbags, bottles and quivers, one of which caught the archer's attention.

Despite the moment of peace, Dag could not relax completely, as if something inside him urged him to never stop, to continue fighting constantly, not letting him enjoy the moment of well-deserved tranquility.

He looked up, skyward, letting the rays of that artificial Sun caress his face, illuminating it with its warm light, and thought of the alien voice in his head, which was always there, but spoke only when he needed it.

"The alien words I hear when I'm about to lose control... I don't even know what they mean. They might just be meaningless words, I wouldn't know it anyway. Who's in me, what's in my head? My friends seem so lighthearted... not there I can ever remember. Since my childhood, a flood of thoughts gripped my mind, not letting me sleep and forcing me to withdraw into myself. What's wrong with me? Maybe it's just my character, it's just some genetic issue..." he continued to think, when Freydis waved a hand, inviting him to reach her and Gridd.

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