Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 318: CCCXVIII. Don't Feel Guilty

The bow and stern were slightly raised, while the central part of the boat was low and flattened, suitable to accommodate a large troop of soldiers. 

On the sides of the boat, many oars were resting on grooves in the wood, which marked special sits for the rowers, while, just behind the master mast, there was a large low rudder, connected to a shovel that established the direction of the boat.

"Dag, Kjell and I were thinking something... we could take care of the boat, while you could try to convince some soldiers of your Clan to join the expedition... what do you think?" Sander asked, resting his big hand on Dag's shoulder and looking at him with a friendly air. 

"Should I get to Mount Torden? Yes, I think it can be done, but maybe we would just waste more time" he replied, reflecting on what might be the best solution.

"Yes, perhaps it is true. But in my opinion, spending a few more days on the preparations could give us a wider margin of success. Sending messengers back to your Clans wouldn't make the process faster. There are too many things to explain, too many variables. Meet your other two Clan Masters in person... I'm sure they'll be happy to see you again! And you could suggest Master Gridd to do the same. We will make sure that we will be ready for your return, completing the ship's work… what do you say?" Kjell asked again.

Dag reasoned for a few seconds on that proposal, realizing that Kjell's idea could be useful, since Egill and Dargeon, when they would've seen him arrive with their own eyes, would be happy with his return and easily convinced.

"All right, I'll propose it to my sister. If she'll agree, we will leave today" Dag replied when he heard a sound of footsteps coming from downstairs.

"What do you have to tell me, brother?" Gridd asked, who, despite being used to waking up so early, did not expect to find her brother already operational.

"Under Kjell's advice, we could reach out to our respective Clans and try to gather volunteer troops for the mission. Think about it, Gridd... if we ask for it in person, the chances of getting a good result will grow" he said, explaining his good motives.

The four Masters continued to discuss what to do until Dag and Freydis decided to accept the proposal and travel to Mount Torden and Hevnen accompanied by an escort.

After leaving the palace, they went to the dormitory and woke their companions.

When Dag proposed to Freydis to accompany him, she got out of bed and hugged him tightly, not believing her ears.

"Finally a mission together! I haven't dreamed of anything else for months!" she exclaimed, kissing her man and beginning to get prepared quickly.

In less than an hour, while the Sun was still rising timidly, Dag, Freydis, and Reidar formed a group and Gridd, Karl, and a young Shieldmaiden named Ruth another.

"Blessed among women, isn't it Karl?" Reidar asked, teasing his teammate, who answered chuckling and blushing.

Ruth was one of Kjell's pupils, a specialist in close combat with a long sword, who despite its weight, claimed to know how to use it with mastery.

After the last recommendations and with the promise of meeting at the same point two days later, the two groups of warriors greeted Sander and Kjell and headed to their respective destinations.

They both exited the main entrance of Skjegg and headed north to a crossroads, where their paths split: Dag and his group went northwest, Gridd and the others to the northeast, ready to face a slightly longer journey than their companions. 

The journey continued without a hitch, and by about mid-morning, when the Sun was high in the sky, Dag, Freydis, and Reidar found themselves a few miles from Jernhest, looking at it from afar, continuing to head north of Jordstal.

"I didn't remember it was so beautiful... I haven't been back to my house for a long time! Karl told me about my father Paul, explaining that his illness has worsened and that for a period he was forced to devote himself to his care, skipping the training..." Freydis stated, lowering her gaze and continuing to ride.

"Hey... don't feel guilty, it's not your fault. I remember your father had been having health problems for a long time, I'm sure you're going to meet him again soon. Rather, aren't you curious to visit the famous Temple Of Orn, the holy site of warriors devoted to the brave Thor?" Dag asked, trying to distract Freydis and lift her morale.

"It's true, Freydis, you're going to love the temple!" Reidar added, helping his Captain.

She smiled and looked forward, determined not to slow down her group.

"At this pace, we will arrive at our destination tonight. Master Egill, Master Dargeon... I can't wait to meet you! There are so many things I want to ask you!" Dag thought, stroking the back of the tireless Aslan and imagining the moment when he would present his girlfriend at the two Masters that had given him trust in the last period, allowing him to grow up as a warrior.

Chatting about this and that, when evening arrived, the three adventurers began to climb along the steep path leading to the temple gates, always looking around in search of danger.

"Dag..." Freydis called, breaking the magic of silence that joined the crickets singing in the woods of the valley below.

"Tell me" he smiled, looking into her eyes as Reidar closed the line. 

"I never understood why this Clan..." she continued, sighing.

"What do you mean?" 

"Why did you choose this Clan over the Crows Of Odin? I mean, you told me that at first, you had a lot of trouble, you were exiled and you witnessed the death of one of your Masters, you fought to defend your Temple even though no one trusted you... why all this? I noticed that there is a lot of harmony between you and my Masters, maybe you would not have to face all the misadventures you have experienced..." Freydis replied, reciprocating his gaze.

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