Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 319: CCCXIX. Long-term Doubts

Dag smiled, trying to find the best words to explain his motives and knowing that the real reason for that question was the disappointment he had caused his woman, who was sure that they would move to Skjegg together once they turned 18.

"Initially, I was absolutely convinced that I wanted to be part of your current Clan, believe me, that's it. But on the day of my pledge, something incredibly strange happened, and if I remember, when I told you about it, you didn't believe my words" he began. 

"Yes, I vaguely remember the story of the rabbit... I was very disappointed and angry with you, I was afraid of losing you forever because of your stupidity. Did you know that I dreamed of joining the Crows Of Odin since I was a child, to retrace my father's steps and despite this, you did your own thing, as usual!" she exclaimed, continuing to rebuke him for that gesture even years later.

"It was a really strange episode... as if it was a divine signal. Just then, I started to truly believe in the Gods... not that I didn't have it before, but... I think they wanted to send me a signal. My biggest fear was that I would make you angry and that after our greeting, we would never see each other again... or that you would have found someone else..." Dag answered with a sad air, omitting, however, that that white rabbit could actually have been controlled by the Xis, who followed his growth from the beginning.

"Mmh" Freydis whispered, continuing to look at Dag and trying to blindly believe his version of events.

"If I think back to my past and all the misadventures I had to endure, risking my life several times... yes, I agree with what you say, maybe my life as a warrior would have been easier in the Crows Of Odin, maybe we would both have left for Vaeren Island or maybe we wouldn't have left at all! But if I am who I am, it's because of my past, the moments when I had to grit my teeth to survive. If I own this hammer, I owe it exclusively to Master Magni, who was like a father to me, especially after losing Stein. I understand how you feel and I know why seeing Jernhest reminds you of these memories, but... I wish you could look to the future, glossing over some details of the past" he continued, smiling at his woman and showing her that his way of seeing things had matured a lot during those months.

There were a few seconds of silence, during which Reidar listened too much and slowed down, pulling Ace's bridles and staying a few feet behind his companions, leaving them free to continue their conversation in private.

"You never told me about him... you barely mentioned him to me, telling me that he was your Master Of Offense and that you somehow inherited his role, earning the trust of the other two Masters and the warriors of your Clan. What else do I need to know? I'd like to know, if you want to talk about it..." Freydis asked, curious to know that side of Dag, who always remained hidden behind his smile and his relentless optimism.

"I'm glad you want to know more, but there's not much to tell. Although I was incredibly attached to him, I only understood it after his death. You never realize the value of people until you lose them. I'm carrying his hammer, that's the only thing left of him. I somehow managed to extract his great power and lock it inside the weapon, nor do I know how... pain makes us capable of things beyond our imagination, Freydis, you should know that" Dag replied, making a clear reference to the battle against Oyvind and the other enemy Masters on the island, during which his powers increased considerably, for fear of losing the woman he loved.

Freydis smiled, looking at Dag with shiny eyes and holding back a weeping of emotion, making him understand that she shared his pain, which oozed from his deep words. 

"Reidar, come further, my friend! Don't worry, you don't bother us at all!" Dag exclaimed, urging him to speed up the pace.

Reidar obeyed and to get back into the conversation, saying: "in less than an hour we should be at the gates of the Temple. It will be not late at night, so I think we'll find the other Masters awake and ready to welcome us".

"Yes, I'm sure! Master Egill is like a wise owl, he lives more at night than during the day... by this that he will be studying some ancient books in the library, while Master Dargeon will have just finished eating yet another wild boar!"

Reidar and Dag began to laugh at that joke, knowing the two subjects very well and imagining that they would be happy with the surprise.

As predicted by Reidar, after about 40 minutes, the three adventurers turned the road before the large statue of Thor, which stood imposingly in front of the Temple gates, guarding the valley below, while the moon illuminated the face of the swaggering God of Thunder.

"Wow... it's just magnificent!" Freydis exclaimed, not believing her eyes, as she admired the magnificence of that statue and the exterior structure of the Temple, visually very evocative.

Dag smiled, thinking that his sister and Karl had also had a similar reaction, being the Temple Of Orn one of Okstorm's most beautiful and legendary places. 

"Stop! Show yourselves!" someone on the other side of the gates yelled, strictly closed at that time of the evening.

Dag rode ahead of his teammates, followed by Reidar, just behind him.

"You stupid, don't you see he's Master Dag?! Get out of the way, let me open the gate, incompetent!" someone else replied, probably a more experienced soldier, who, recognizing one of his Masters, immediately opened the gates. 

"Master Dag, I apologize for the wait! This guy's only been a night watchman for a few weeks, not recognizing your face, he thought you were strangers! He will receive adequate punishment!" the man in armor continued, who bowed in front of the visitors as the doors opened.

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