Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 440: CDXL. Fast Attacks

Crossing the axe and hammer in front of him, Trako's blades hit his weapons and released a considerable amount of energy in the form of a shockwave, which spread beyond Dag's body, consuming the ground behind him.

After he parried the blow, he noticed that his body managed to retain some of the ethereal substance useful to the Memory Of Mjöllnir skill, and the giant, with unusual agility for a being of that size, made a backflip in the air and landed on his feet.

As soon as Trako's feet touched the ground, without even giving Dag time to take a breath, he snapped forward again, retrying with the same kind of attack, which was again parried by Dag.


"It's amazing! I've never seen a giant of that tonnage move so fast! He's heavy like a mountain but he's moving like a bird, trying in every way to penetrate Dag's defense!" Karl exclaimed, who approached Gridd and Freydis on the front line, interested in watching the match closely.

"His fighting style is impressive and strangely, Dag is not dodging his shots, but he is parrying them. I hope he has something in mind" Freydis told his brother, noting this detail.

"My brother managed to beat the other Jotunn in less than thirty seconds. Although this one seems like a fearsome enemy here, I doubt he can defeat a warrior who has simultaneously killed dozens of giant soldiers like him" Gridd concluded, but inside she felt the same concern as her comrades, even if she didn't want to point it out so as not to create agitation.


The first two attacks were followed by two more, carried out in the same way, with Trako being pushed back in one direction, leaping backward, and dashing again in the same direction as soon as he touched the ground, attempting several times to hit his target.

"So what?! Urgh! What did you decide to do?! Are you done with this little show? I'm starting to lose my temper!" Dag yelled, who after parrying yet another attack caused the energy trapped in the hammer's head to slip on his arm and into his body, ready to release it through the metal plates on the front of the armor.

As calculated, Trako executed the drill attack again, but this time, Dag did not parry the shot: he opened his arms and all the accumulated energy was fired from his chest, in the form of purple lightning bolts, which after hitting the Jotunn, knocked him to the ground and rolled about ten meters backward.

"Uhm?" Kranus said, without being heard by anyone, convinced that, insisting, his warrior would be able to hit Dag, who until then had been unharmed.

With his purple eye still flashing, eager to unleash his true potential, Dag walked forward, while other small sparks were shot here and there from his body.

Trako, with his shoulders emitting grayish smoke, caused by the large amount of static energy that had knocked him down, stood up, watching his opponent approach.

"I can't let you win, you already know why. The next attack can be fatal to you, are you sure you want to continue?" Dag asked, challenging his opponent, who after that question, out of the corner of his eye looked at the other giant, torn to pieces.

"Don't make fun of me, kid! How dare you talk to me like that?! You may be the one who owns the ancient relic of fire, but you have no chance against the power of the Jotunns! I was just warming my muscles!" Trako replied, screaming, disappointed by the ugly figure he had just made in front of his Clan leader's eyes.

In an incredibly athletic gesture, he grabbed the two swords from the ground and stood up nimbly, standing still in the fighting position and waiting for Dag to make the first move.

"All right. You made your choice. I'm going to kill you, just like I did with your friend" Dag said calmly but ruthlessly.

He stopped walking and opened his arms slightly, pointing his weapons downwards: from behind his back, it was possible to hear the sound of liquid beginning to flow out of his body, which slowly, with ascending motion, took shape.

"There it is! Here we go! His dark powers have been awakened! I really want to see Kranus' face when he finds out what the Captain is capable of!" Reidar said, exalted by what was about to happen.

Unlike the other times, the liquid does not split into two bundles, similar to two arms, but in four, two upwards and two down.

"What? That... that... what is that stuff?!" the Jotunn exclaimed frightenedly, looking at Dag and then Kranus, not knowing what to do in the throes of confusion.

Dag's dark arms, penetrating the fresh snow and widening their contact surface on the lower end, lifted up his body, his feet detaching from the ground as if he was levitating.

The other two arms, however, unlike the lower ones, more like legs, took on the usual sharp shape, becoming two real blades ready to perform the will of their creator, with the tips in the direction of the enemy, who looked at them from the bottom up terrified. 

Trying to take courage and not retreat in front of the enemy, to prove to his boss that he was strong enough not to fear Dag's dark power, Trako raised both of his swords upwards and then hit the ground hard, screaming.

Without any kind of magical energy, but only thanks to the physical force caused by the impact of the swords on the rock, the ground shattered and opened under their feet, traveling dangerously towards Dag, who as soon as he saw it, moved easily above the crack, walking on his dark legs more than two meters long each.

Continuing to move like a kind of arachnid and having to choose only how to kill his opponent, Dag pounced on him and one of his upper arms penetrated his shoulder, forcing him to let go of his grip on a sword, which fell to the ground.

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