Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 441: CDXLI. No Room For Pity

The giant, at this point, with the only sword left, tried to hit the other arm, to cut it, but foresight, Dag also impaled the other shoulder, preventing him from attacking further.

"Graaargh! Leave me!" Trako said, trying in vain to move forward and counter the force of Dark Matter, as he slowly lost control of his arms and his grip on the only sword left in his hands.

Mercilessly, Dag stood on his two huge legs and with superhuman force lifted the body of his opponent, who shrugged his eyes, in disbelief, having never been lifted by anyone during a fight because of his bulk.

When the giant was in front of his eyes, suspended in the air, he tried to squirm and thanks to his incredible physical strength, he managed to remove one of the two dark blades from one shoulder, but before slipping away from Dag's grip and falling to the ground, the Hammers Of Thor's warrior summoned another arm, which was shot at great speed from the center of his chest and pierced the stomach of his opponent, whose mouth opened and ejected a lot of blood, which poured to the ground like red rain.

The blade that had been extracted returned to its position, creating a second hole in Trako's already wounded shoulder, who within minutes had been reduced to exhaustion.

Dag turned to Kranus, looking down at him, with an impassive air, showing him his true powers and letting him know how he was in a position to beat an enemy of that magnitude without even paying attention to combat.

Kranus, who initially seemed to have no overreaction when looking at Dag's fighting style, was now shocked and his wide eyes were on his bodyguard, hanging like a dirty cloth and suspended in the air, as his blood continued to rain on the ground and stain Krypstorm's white snow.

"That's who I am, Kranus. As I have already told you, you better be my ally, rather than my enemy!" Dag exclaimed, who used his interlocutor's moment of fear to establish his superiority.

"These arms... this material as black as night... you managed to lift more than 400 kilos with ease... there's no doubt about it! This is the Dark Matter! How did you do that?! What did you do to get these powers?! Tell me right away, boy!" the magician yelled desperately, still unable to believe his eyes and referring to the legends handed down over the years in his Clan.

"I've already told you. I am an anomaly and the Frostsinners themselves fear my unknown powers. Several times in the past I have shown that I am able to stand up to them, overcoming all the tests to which they have subjected me. They monitored me, they spied on my every little movement and every progress, but that's enough. It's time to take back the reins of my life, I'm the only one who is worthy of holding the Crystal of Fire and leading you to the greatest battle the human race has ever fought in the history of the world!"

"It's... amazing... I didn't think I'd live long enough to witness such a moment... a mortal who manages to use powers alien to our world, powers as old as the universe itself... who are you really, Dag?!" Kranus asked again, distraught and with his arms open to the outside, as he admired the power of the man in front of him.

Dag made no answer and continued to look at the ice wizard, approached the enemy, and pointed the Giantbane's glowing blade at his neck.

"Grr... let me go, brat! Stop it! I give up, you won, you won!" Trako yelled, who could no longer move but still tried to squirm unnecessarily.

Keeping his gaze steady, without even looking at his enemy, Dag severed his head with a rapid movement of his arm and the giant's body moved spasmodically for a few seconds, pausing to exhaust his vital momentum, while he wanted to stay alive.

Kranus and Dag's companions were shocked at that display of cruelty, believing that he would let go of the giant once he would convince the mage to accept the fact that he was the only one worthy of the Giantbane.

Instead, Dag had killed him without thinking twice and without even giving him the last words, proving to everyone that the time of weakness of heart was now over: Krypstorm was a hostile land without rules and there was no room for pity.

Within seconds, his dark arms returned to his back, as did his two long legs, and when the giant's body fell to the ground, not far from the other corpse, Dag's feet touched the terrain and his weapons were placed back on his belt.


"Yes! Hahaha, he made it! I knew he'd make it, no one can beat my brother! Now Kranus will have to recognize his supremacy! He's alone and can't counter his enormous power!" Gridd exclaimed, trying not to scream so as not to let the enemy discover their hiding place.

"I've seen Dag kill a lot of enemies, but this time, it seems to have been more ruthless than usual. Well done! These damn giants will think twice about getting up against Okstorm's warriors next time!" Freydis replied, who had understood from the beginning that Dag's cruelty was justified by the fact that he had to impose his ideas on those of Kranus, who had an expression that spoke for himself.


After climbing over Trako's headless body, Dag walked toward Kranus, stopping more than two meters from him, with the front of the armor completely covered in blood, and said: "Don't ask me who I am or where my powers come from. Let your eyes judge my actions. Accept my proposal, Kranus, this is the last time I'm going to ask you!" 

Kranus was interdicted, almost paralyzed by those words: for a moment, Dag's angry eyes and his bright purple pupil made him think that his son may not have died in vain, and probably, as Okstorm's young Master claimed, his death was part of a larger plan, in which fate had brought their lives together.

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