Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 448: CDXLVIII. The Ultimate Mission

"I'm stunned, Dag. I didn't think a young guy like you could in such a short time decipher such a complicated message in a book… also because that was impossible for you to read! I never thought about all these possibilities... six crystals, six planets. It's a pretty simple formula, just that... the real problem is how they can be reunited. How long will it take to find all five other relics? Months, maybe years" Kranus said, who after congratulating Dag, began to be pessimistic, thinking that that prophecy, even if it was real, would probably be unfeasible.

"Commander Kranus is right, Dag. How long would it take to find all the crystals and put them together in one place? You should travel between planets..." Egill added.

As soon as he heard those words, Dag looked up at him, and his eyes lit up with joy.

"Travelling between planets... sure! It's up to me to accomplish this feat! Surely every relic will be in someone's hands... a warrior, a normal citizen... never mind! My unique mission will be to find these people and explain to them that together we can finally end the era of the Xis! I'm sure all of them will agree to help me!" 

"Wouldn't it be easier if you take all those crystals by force? Boy, I've seen you fight, and I doubt anyone can defeat you. You could challenge every Crystal owner to a duel to the death until you get them all" Kranus said, without thinking too much about the consequences that such a rash gesture would have.

"I don't think my body would be able to carry and manage all that energy... we're talking about six different elements, I'm definitely going to need someone to help me in this mission. If this book doesn't have any copies, as you say, this means that only we know the truth. It won't be easy to convince inhabitants of other planets to trust a total stranger, but I can't die without trying!" Dag exclaimed again, clenching his fists and charging his morale.

The conversation between the four warriors continued until late afternoon, and the Sun began to disappear behind the high peaks that sprung up at the end of the frozen plain when Dag, Egill, and Reidar left Kranus's private room, followed them to accompany them to the exit.

Once again, all the soldiers were astonished to see their commander speak so closely to strangers, but they pretended nothing, letting them pass right in front of their eyes.

"So, gentlemen... that's the deal. You will return to your Fort and tomorrow I will come to see you. Together we will decide on an action plan against the Claws Of Fenrir, who these days will surely be preparing an attack on our Clan, considering the latest clashes that have occurred not too far from here. I will make sure that you will be under our protection full-time, I swear it in the name of our new friendship" Kranus said, approaching with them at the stable where the horses were tied.

"All right. Remember to come to the Fort with a few men. The Hunters Of Ullr might not trust you and you'd make my life difficult. Ah, one more thing... make sure that the warriors who will accompany you don't travel as Jotunns" Dag replied, who was already imagining the encounter the next day.

"Perfect, I will respect your will. Have a good trip." 

Dag and his companions thanked Kranus for the welcome, even though they got started off with the wrong foot and then headed for Tungvek's exit, where the guards opened the door to let them through without any problems, having become accustomed to their faces.

"Captain, what are we going to do now?" Reidar asked as he rode his horse next to him, having been silent the whole time.

"What do you mean? You heard what we said, tomorrow Kranus will come to the Fort and..."

"No, I mean... what are you going to do? We have discovered that there is a remote possibility to face our true enemies... you've been telling me about it since we first met, and yet now I see you very calm. What do you have in mind, Captain? 

Dag smiled, looking forward, and also feeling Egill's eyes on him, intrigued by the subject.

"It's true, the news we've learned has been incredible, every time I'll think again about the Xis and the Earth, I'll do it with a different mindset. But I feel happy, relieved. Finally, for the first time in my life I know what to do, I have a real purpose! Don't worry, Reidar, I will not leave you at the mercy of Krypstorm, it would be a suicide. Traveling between planets is not something that can be decided lightly, it takes proper preparation, which will take its time" he replied, continuing to smile at his friend.

Reidar, though he did not want to point it out, felt relieved, after believing for a moment that his Captain, after learning that information, would leave immediately.

"Let's think about the good things, guys! Today's meeting was very useful, again, Dag had a brilliant idea! Who would have expected Kranus, the leader of the ruthless Ice Giants, to be a man open to dialogue? And how could we know that he had so much crucial information? You had a very good intuition, Dag" Egill interjected, trying to emphasize the positives of the diplomatic mission, using his innate optimism.

"Having such powerful allies in this unknown territory was the best thing that could happen to us, my friends. My intuition has been right, it's true, but I have also had a lot of luck. Anyway, maybe with their help, we can find Claire. I avoided saying it openly because otherwise Kranus would have thought I was weak. By maintaining a high profile, I was able to impose my ideas and now he considers us allies" Dag replied, adding his personal thoughts to the Master Of Healing speech.

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