Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 449: CDXLIX. I Know You Too Well

"Good job, Dag."

"Yes, Captain... no one could have done better." 


After half an hour of travel, the three warriors arrived safely at the refuge and the small walls of the fort seemed even lower after seeing with their own eyes the interior of the majestic Tungvek. 

As they had already imagined, all the soldiers and Masters who had returned to Fort Hvit were waiting for them impatiently in the palace, curious about the outcome of the mission.

After entering and tying the horses, Dag and the others immediately entered the palace, to warm their cold and tired bodies from the journey. 

The first to welcome Dag was Thalos, who as soon as he saw him, began to smell his pants and boots, realizing that he had been to new places, in the company of strangers.

"Hey, Thalos! Hello, buddy! I'm sorry you didn't come, you would have loved Tungvek!" he said, leaning down to the wolf and stroking his snout.

Within minutes, the three warriors were completely surrounded by all the soldiers, who began to assault them with questions.

Trying to be as short and concise as possible, Dag explained that the peace agreement with Kranus had been successful and that the fight they had witnessed was just a test of strength, as Freydis had guessed, who had promptly reported her impressions to Gridd, who at that time was listening to her brother, hanging from his lips.

While he and Egill talked about Tungvek and how beautiful and civilized it was, the Hunters Of Ullr made a displeased expression, which was immediately noticed by Dag.

"We also didn't think it was possible that a Clan as ruthless as the Giants of Ymir could live in such a beautiful city. We were as amazed as you are right now, believe me" he added, specifically addressing Orvar and Skaldr, who didn't seem thrilled with the news.

After more than an hour of talking without ever stopping, Dag and Reidar were the first to feel sleepy while their eyelids began to become heavy. 

Egill continued to talk, discussing the details with Kjell and Sander, without telling anything about the incredible discovery they had made that morning, in Kranus's private room, and at that moment, Dag approached Freydis as every night and grabbed her hand, implicitly asking her to go to sleep with him, upstairs.

Once inside the room full of straw on the floor, the two lay down next to each other, as they used to do after a long, busy day.

"You have nothing to say, Freydis? You were very quiet tonight... "Usually, when we don't see each other for a whole day, you fill me with questions" Dag asked, looking at her face, while she already had her eyes closed.

"You have told many things... but I'm sure you didn't say everything" the girl replied, smiling slightly.

At those words, Dag swallowed empty, incredulous that his woman had discovered his omission of information.

What are you saying? Of course I said everything, why should I keep a secret? Egill and Reidar were there with me and we were together all the time. Do you think I'd force them to lie about something too?" he asked, trying not to be discovered by Freydis as his forehead began to sweat.

"Eeeh, Dag... I know you too well. And the answer you just gave me confirms my doubts. Anyway, I don't care about this stuff, if there's anything we don't need to know, I'm sure there's a reason behind it. Remember, I trust you, you don't have to keep secrets with me, okay?" she said, opening her big brown eyes suddenly and looking at Dag, who was not prepared for that gaze and couldn't hold back an expression of terror, followed by an awkward smile.

"It's nothing concrete, Freydis. As things get more defined, you'll be the first to know, as always. You've always been my point of reference, if I didn't tell you everything, I'd feel incomplete" he continued, trying to use romance to make his girlfriend forget the thing, but she was too shrewd for these pitfalls.

"Don't worry. Now rest. Tomorrow will be another very busy day. Things are going well Dag and all thanks to you, once again" she replied, snuggling in his arms, her head resting on his chest and ending the conversation.

Dag did not answer and reciprocated the embrace, stroking her hair and beginning to think, summarizing recent events.

"Weland, why didn't you tell me anything? And yet you seemed so sincere! I doubt you didn't know that that gem was actually the Cristal Of Fire... why did the lord of the ice giants Ymir know all this and the Gods of Asgard didn't? This doesn't make any sense..." he thought, holding his girlfriend tight and feeling the warmth of her body, held back by the thick blankets of mutton fur.

Just as his eyes were closing, other soldiers entered the shared room and with them, Gridd, who lay down next to their bedside and looked at her brother, noting that he was still awake despite being late.

"Hey!" she smiled softly, not to wake Freydis, who was already soundly asleep.

"Hey..." Dag said, who, like the last few times he had a conversation with his sister, felt inexplicably embarrassed.

Immediately after that greeting, he closed his eyes, pretending to be too tired to stay awake and to avoid talking to Gridd, who would surely ask him for uncomfortable details.

With a slightly ajar eye, he resisted the temptation to spy on his sister as she took off the top of her leather armor, which served during the day to protect her from the cold.

The usual linen blouse below, this time was slightly unbuttoned in the front and one of her breasts, when she grabbed her blanket and pulled it upwards, came out of the shirt, a few seconds before being covered by fur.

Dag sighed and Gridd's gaze fell on him, who immediately closed his eyes, without turning the other way, so as not to wake Freydis.

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