Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 451: CDLI. The Escort

"What?! King Einar?!" Dag thought, who, having never met him in person, had no idea what he might look like.

"How did you not understand it right away? He's the man in the golden armor! Dag, we have to open the gates right now, I don't think they have bad intentions!" 

"Yes, Captain... maybe they came all the way here to congratulate us!" 

Freydis and Reidar urged Dag to give the order, and he, who had not yet realized what was going on, having just woken up, exclaimed: "I apologize, I have never met King Einar before, I had not recognized his armor. Prudence is never too much in these frozen lands! Soldiers, open the gates, let our King and his men in, hurry!" 

Dag's tone calmed the two men, who appeared to be the King's personal escort, who until then had not said a word and keeping the same tidy row, all of them entered the gate, accessing the Fort.

When everyone was inside, Dag and the other Masters lined up in front of the palace door and their soldiers positioned behind them, trying to stay as composed as possible, not expecting a visit of that caliber.

"Please, my gentlemen! Give your horses to our men, they will tie them to the stable with those of your warriors!" Sander exclaimed, who approached one of the King's two guards and offered him his help to settle down.

"Thank you, Master Sander. What happened to your leg?" the man replied, recognizing Sander's face even though he had not seen him for many years.

"Thank you for the question, my lord, but nothing serious... just a little bump in the road!" the Crows Of Odin's Master of Defense replied, behaving like a submissive guy in front of those men.

Watching that scene and the King's men slowly taking a stand within the walls, lining up neatly along with them, Dag stood still and watched King Einar, who had not moved since he entered.

Something soft touched his hand and as soon as the young Master looked down, he noticed that Thalos had sat next to him, having perceived that those men were strangers.

Gridd, Egill, and the other Masters stood in line, leaving Dag to the central position, which made everyone guess his leadership role.

When all the horses were massed in the stable, which fortunately had been expanded a few days earlier, increasing its capacity, King Einar got off his horse and immediately, one of the soldiers grabbed the reins, stroking him and staying besides him.

As soon as they saw him standing, both Dag and his companions, who had never seen the King, were breathless, noting that he was more than two meters tall and that in front of him, his mighty guards looked like two little girls.

Einar stopped, without even taking off his helmet and without uttering a word.

"So what?! What are you waiting for, unruly dogs! Kneel before your King!" the guard in dark armor yelled again, moving his black beard and striking an allied Shieldmaiden with a kick on the leg, forcing her to kneel.

Seeing that scene and realizing that there was no joke with those people, everyone immediately knelt down, while Dag took a few more seconds, looking at the Shieldmaiden and sighing deeply, to hold back the anger that arose from the fact that he hated anyone who hurt a woman.

"What is it, kid? Do you have any objections?!" the other guard yelled, approaching his face a few inches from Dag's, who could even perceive the stench of his breath and did not respond to provocation.

"Well... you see that your permanence here has made you savages without rules! Show respect to the ruler of the two kingdoms, because you're keeping to walk on his land!" the first guard continued, who between the two men seemed to be the meanest.

After those words, Einar raised his hand, ordering silence, and everyone immediately obeyed.

With his other hand, in the next instant, he pointed to the other guard, permitting him to speak.

"Of course, sir... Master Dag, Master Egill, Master Gridd, Master Kjell, Master Sander! With your reckless act, you have committed an act of further treason against the King, venturing unannounced to Krypstorm and leaving your Clans uncovered, unbalancing the military forces that protect the crown against the enemy Clans, who at this time could attack the capital at any moment. Therefore, your representative, that is, the warrior with the highest charge among you, is obliged to apologize to King Einar and to subject himself and all his men to the punishment that will be decided!" the man yelled, speaking as if he knew that speech by heart, having repeated it several times.

Silence fell between the soldiers and the other guard approached Egill, saying politely: "Master Egill... I'm sorry, but it's your turn this time..." 

Egill looked up at the man and then lowered his gaze, resting his hand on Dag's shoulder, who took courage and stepped forward, leaving the newcomers open-mouthed.

"What?! Is this a joke?! I'm sure the kid just became Master! My colleague said 'the one with the highest charge among you'!" the first guard exclaimed, mocking Dag, who respectfully, keeping his eyes down, replied: "Master Egill heard well. I am your man." 

"Grr... we have just arrived at this place forgotten by the world and I am already tired of your insolence! Well then, present your charge before your King!" 

Dag took another step forward, ordering Thalos to stay by Gridd and getting closer and closer to King Einar, whose shadow was so large that it covered Dag's entire body.

"Welcome to Krypstorm, King Einar. I am Dag, Master Of Offense of the Hammers Of Thor and Warchief of the Iron Alliance" he said, in an earnest and solemn tone, raising his head and looking into the King's eyes, showing that he felt no fear.

The golden helmet completely covered the King's face: from two holes of slightly tapered shape he could see the brown eyes of the King, whose gaze crossed with that of Dag.

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