Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 452: CDLII. The Royal Presence

The rest of the helmet was quite classic and the shape thinned slightly at the cheeks, while on the head there were two long horns, pointed upwards, which seemed to belong to a bull or something similar.

The mouth and lower part of the face were covered with a golden plate, which made it unrecognizable.

"Iron... what? What the hell are you talking about? There is no Clan with that name! Are you making fun of your King? I can make you swallow your own tongue in an instant if..." 

The guard drew a sword and pointed it at Dag's neck, when the King's enormous hand rested on his chest, stopping him and pushing it slightly backward.

"I humbly apologize, my King" the guard replied, before returning behind him in silence and looking down.

Immediately after that episode, Einar grabbed the large helmet with both of his hands and pulled it upwards, finally showing his face.

The sunlight immediately illuminated his thick red hair, which fluttered in the wind and his beard, of the same color, tied in two braids closed by two gold rings, similar to those of Master Sander.

On the King's eye was a red leather bandage, the same shape as the one worn by Odin according to legend.

Although his face was almost completely covered with scars, summed up by a thousand past battles, it expressed goodness and serenity.

While Dag was lost examining the facial details of the King he had waited so much to meet in the past, something caught his eye.


He felt a strong vibration coming from his chest, so loud that it emitted a slight noise.

"Fuck, it's the Bjelke Sphere! It vibrates so hard because the emblem n°1 is right in front of me!" Dag thought, who immediately detached his pendant from his neck and put it in his pocket, so as not to be disturbed again.

"Forgive my guards, Master Dag... they just can't be kinder to our allies. The pleasure is mine... I'm Einar, nice to meet you" the King said, who unexpectedly held out a hand to the young Master, under the incredulous gaze of all present, who considered that gesture sacrilegious, being for them King Einar the closest living being to a God.

Dag, without thinking twice, shook his hand, which was so big that he almost completely wrapped his wrist.

"The King just shook my hand... how is that possible? He's trying to make me feel comfortable. It's so weird" he thought again, masking his thoughts under a smile.

Immediately after the handshake, the two continued the formal discourse.

"So... what is this Iron Alliance you just talked about?" Einar asked, crossing his arms, in a friendly tone.

"The Iron Alliance is the union of three Okstorm Clans and one from Krypstorm and it was born of my idea" Dag said briefly, not considering the Giants Of Ymir as real allies. 

"Mmmh... and you're united for what reason?" King Einar asked again, maintaining a certain composure.

Dag hesitated a moment before the answer, not knowing whether to tell the truth or not because any excuse invented at that time would completely lose his credibility of Warchief before Skjold's highest charge.

"My vision of things may seem alien to all of you, but... we founded our alliance to stop fighting unnecessary wars between Clans and begin to explore new lands, learn new languages and new fighting styles... with the ultimate aim of taking part to the greatest battle the human race has ever fought, the battle against the Frostsinners" Dag said, as a drop of sweat slipped from his forehead, despite the penetrating cold.

"Hahahaha! Did you hear that?! Against the Frostsinners! Hahaha! The kid wants to defeat the aliens!" 

"Hahaha! I've never heard this before!" 

Some of the soldiers behind the King began to laugh after those words, mocking Dag and his speech and certain that he was saying a flood of meaningless things.

"My King, I would like to point out that all these men, including my Masters colleagues, followed me of their own accord, without any kind of forcing. Besides, my Warchief title was given to me by them and I kept it by facing them in a duel. It's all written on the official contract that governs the formal union of our Clans" Dag continued, showing Einar his preparation on the subject and the fact that everything had been done in broad daylight, bound by specific rules.

"So I'd like to take a look at this contract, if it's possible" King Einar replied, keeping the same smile drawn on his face.

"Of course. Gridd!" Dag called, knowing that his sister was holding the only signed copy of the contract.

She entered the palace and after a few minutes of waiting, characterized by a chilling silence, came out again and gave it to Dag, who handed it over to the King.

Careful not to crumple that large parchment, Einar untied the rope that held it tied and without saying a word, he read the contents all in one breath.

"I must say that the rules you have structured are clear and precise and I note that the agreement was accepted by as many as 3 Clans... there are the signatures of the Masters of the Crows Of Odin, Hammers Of Thor and Sons Of Freya" Einar reported, as the two guards behind him continued to watch with unwarranted anger Dag and the others, labeling them offenders to be punished.

"Yes, that's correct, my lord. Also, a few days ago, another Clan joined us. Orvar, Skaldr, come forward" Dag said, calling the two hunters to check-in.

Both stepped forward, their heads bowed toward the King, though they had barely heard of him, who had set foot at Krypstorm that day for the first time.

"They are two Masters of the Hunters Of Ullr, one of Krypstorm's now extinct Clans and they own this Fort. They offered us refuge and were fundamental in our survival" Dag continued, who after those words, thought about where all those men had moored the boat, imagining that they had not faced any kind of enemy en route.

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