Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 454: CDLIV. Take The Credit

Einar remained silent and looked at Dag, who, after concentrating without speaking, assumed a quiet and peaceful expression.

"My allegiance to the Crown has never been questioned, King Einar... anyone among my men can confirm that. We've lost a lot of soldiers to get here, and our exploration is making incredibly huge signs of progress. To interrupt everything would mean having wasted precious lives" Dag said, breaking the silence.

Immediately after speaking, a thin ray of sunshine struck his face, reminding him that the morning had arrived and that Kranus could have arrived at the Fort at any moment.

"Have you lost men? It is difficult for me to imagine such a thing since we have traveled miles and miles in the middle of nowhere. There was only snow, no kind of enemy. Anyway, thank you for saving innocent lives in Okstorm, thanks to your courage and strength. As a reward for your valiant gesture, I promise you that the explorations at Krysptorm will continue" the King replied.

Dag sighed with relief.

"In the next few weeks, I'm going to create a team of experienced warriors, and you can be a part of it. Together, you will occupy this fort and under my command, you will explore these boundless lands a little at a time. You have my word!" 

Dag's sigh turned into a sense of resignation, after realizing that Einar had not in the least understood that the matter was much more urgent than he imagined.

"Uhm... my King. Thank you. I thank you from the heart for the possibility that you are giving me, but please, do not force my men to return to Okstorm right now, I need their help!" Dag said, squinting and hoping not to anger his interlocutor.

"Why do you need them? What are you planning? I demand a more concrete explanation."

"Since we fought the first battles together, these men and I have become a real family... we protected and helped each other, and each of us has a very specific role here. The threat of the Xis looms over us and only here in Krypstorm can we gather crucial information that would guarantee us victory against them one day. My King, aren't you sick of seeing the men of your kingdom kill each other in Clan wars? We are Vikings, our most important goal is not to kill and plunder... we are travelers, dreamers! We need to explore what we don't know, learn, and pass on what we learn to new generations! If we leave Krypstorm now, this desire will be abruptly interrupted and our performance as warriors at the service of the Crown will decline significantly" Dag continued, giving a broader and more ethical speech, seeking to raise awareness of the King. 

Speaking in that way, he tried to make him reflect on the fact that, before him, there were the strongest warriors of his kingdom, all united in pursuit of a single purpose, and that if he forced them to do something against their will, their morale would be irreversibly lowered.

"What was this? Are you trying to threaten me, boy?" 

"No! Absolutely not, my lord! I would never do that! I'm just saying that..." 

"I am King Einar and I am the one who is responsible for reigning over all the lands and inhabitants of the planet. Everything I say is the law! It won't be a kid's words that will change my mind. If I have decided so, you will obey my orders, otherwise, the sentence to be served will be much more serious. Believe me, don't test my patience."

Although at first, the King seemed to feel a kind of sympathy towards Dag, after half an hour spent conversing, his tones had hardened and everything the young Master told him was immediately misrepresented or misunderstood.

At that point, with his usual thousand thoughts running through his head, thinking that his departure from Krypstorm during that crucial moment would only delay every event, Dag looked at his companions, not knowing what to do.

Everyone, even Gridd, and Freydis who were always ready to help him, siding on his side, at that time were with their heads down and a sad expression painted on their faces as if they were children who had just been reprimanded by their parents.

"You've come this far and done a great job. The nation of Okstorm will forever be grateful to you and your men. But now let us handle this, my soldiers will take control of the fort and keep the situation calm and peaceful until I have decided who will be part of the official exploratory team. Your adventurous spirit was vital to me, Master Dag. Thanks to you, I realized that I have to take back what rightly belongs to the Crown... I must recapture all Krypstorm, piece by piece" the King replied, with one hand resting on his chest and his gaze facing the sky as if he was already imagining the victory of his army against the warriors of the land of the perennial ice.

"But... this assumes that more blood will be shed! It is not necessary to conquer a land that is already under the rule of King Einar, it would be enough only to make himself known and loved by his people! Continuous wars would bring no good, and the Clans of this land would end up to uprise and turn against the crown forces! A lot of innocent citizens would also die!" Dag answered, unable to hold back his dissent, while his companions watched him worried, fearing a drastic reaction from the King.

"Citizens, more blood spilled... but what do you think, that my kingdom was built with kind words and Hnefatafl games?! Violence is necessary, it is the only way to impose supremacy on a nation of warriors who have lived for hundreds of years in anarchy and exile. I will make Krypstorm a better place, where the only ones who will be allowed to live will be those who want to respect my laws!"

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