Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 455: CDLV. I Can't Leave

"I'm sorry, my King, but I don't feel the same way. Violence in this case is not necessary, even if it is the quickest means of achieving something. The people who live in Krypstorm don't know you and don't know anything about Okstorm! They see our land as a set of enemies of their own, and all this also depends on the fact that the largest and most prosperous cities on the planet are right there, in Okstorm. If there was less disparity… if they too knew their ruler and his laws... I'm sure in a few years things would change and Krypstorm would become a more livable place!" Dag replied, raising his voice to assert his ideas, not intending to accept the King's verdict without everyone's approval.

"People who don't even know their King's name deserve to die like animals, alone. I don't get into that. As their ruler, their cities, their cattle, their resources, even their women and their children, belong to me! And only I can decide what to do with it, is that clear?! Now stop meddling in business that doesn't concern you, kid... you've already done enough!" Einar exclaimed, screaming with arrogance.

During his words, the two bodyguards rested their hands on their weapons, ready to extract them in case of need, feeling a certain tension in the air.

"Dag, come on, we have to go..." 

"Yes, Dag. Don't answer, it's an order from the King, you know how important his word is... try to think positively: thanks to our mission, the exploration of Krypstorm and other unknown lands will no longer be ignored! Isn't that great?" Gridd asked, who along with Freydis tried to break off the conversation between Dag and Einar, knowing that the young Master would never give up without a fight.

Dag looked at the warriors around him and his Masters colleagues, who were already resigned to the idea of leaving the post and leaving it in the hands of the Chromed Army.

Their faces expressed resignation, knowing that any attempt to convince the King to leave their mission alone would be futile and that abandoning the Fort was the only way not to risk prolonging the sentence they would be forced to serve.

"Come on, you've heard your King! We'll be leaving in a few hours before sunset! Collect your belongings and hurry! You will follow us to our boat, which can accommodate you all, and with us, you will return to Okstorm!" a guard yelled, approaching the Masters row and ignoring them, speaking directly to the soldiers behind them, who were intimidated and immediately obeyed the orders and entered the palace.

"Don't be afraid, my subjects! This is not the end, it's just the beginning! Thanks to your courage and deeds, you will be welcomed by your Clans as heroes! The bards will sing your stories for decades, and the Gods will honor you with strength and virtue!" King Einar continued, convincing everyone that obeying his orders was the right choice and explaining the reason why.

Thalos looked around, trying to figure out what was going on and noticing all those people moving in a hurry in every direction.

Dag put a hand on his head and caught the attention of the wolf, who looked at his master, with a questioning look.

"I can't leave." 

"What did you say?" Gridd asked, turning before entering the building and looking at Dag, hoping she hadn't heard his last words well.

"I can't go back to Okstorm now. Not after all the things I've known..." he continued, walking with his sister and entering the palace with her, followed by Freydis, Reidar, and Karl, who intrigued, tried to get involved in the conversation.

"There's a way to defeat the Frostsinners. In my axe, there is a gem called Crystal of Fire and it is the only weapon that can hurt the leaders of the Xis, giving us humans hope to fulfill the prophecy! I can't give up the most important mission of our lives!" Dag said when he was sure that no one but members of his team could hear those words.

"What? What are you talking about? What kind of prophecy?!" Karl asked.

"Kranus showed me a book... a book without an author, in which a prophecy as old as our world was illustrated... and its main character was me! The Crystal embedded in the Giantbane can make me travel from one planet to another, with the sole purpose of finding the other 5 Crystals, reuniting them, and returning to Earth to revive the Sun! I apologize if I haven't told you about it before, but I was afraid I'd have more time! I know it may sound nonsense, but it's all real! And Kranus is the only man I know who has all this crucial information, through which I could finally figure out who I am and fulfill my destiny!" he replied, trying in a few moments to explain such a complex concept.

"Dag, why didn't you tell us before? You look crazy, you're saying too many things at the same time! Are there 5 more crystals on 5 other planets?! Is that so? And what is this story about the Sun?! How can the real Sun be reborn?!" Gridd asked again, to whom all that information was making her brain itchy.

"And then who told you that all these things are the truth? There's a chance Kranus is just manipulating you to get your axe, or to... to avenge his son when you least expect it! Stop being unconscious, Dag! Our King himself came all the way here to congratulate us and to bring us back! How can you even think of these things?!" Freydis added, who, with her eyes shining, grabbed her boyfriend's arm and began to scold him.

"It's all real, believe me! 6 Crystals, 6 elements, 6 planets. The Crystal of Fire is nothing more than a fragment of the Sun that once illuminated Earth! I couldn't believe it too, but that's true, everything finally makes sense! The King has no idea of all this, he doesn't know what my plans are!" 

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