The team was in a state of panic, and the situation was very complicated.

"Let's take a look at the new formation of the Blue Prison team."

"The new player, Ice Weaver, actually went directly to the left winger position."

"The player on the left, Yukimiya, retreated to the right back position."

"The player Mikage replaced the player Niko to play the center back position."

After Ling Wang came on the court, he walked to Nagi.

"You should score a goal, Nagi. Is that all you can do?"

"Yeah, I know."

Nagi nodded.

"If you can't win, everything will be over."

"For us, it's not over yet."

"Yeah, I know."

After the substitution, the game continued.

The blue team served the ball.

After Jie received Rin's serve, his mind began to think calmly.

Before, our tactics were all centered around Kirara, but when Bingzhi came on the court.

Bingzhi's strengths are calm observation and touch ability.

He is a technical player who accumulates power to create offensive routes on the front line.

Jie passed the ball to Bingzhi on the wing.

"Don't even think about getting over there, blue head."

The one defending Bingzhi was Doudouyan Yinliu.

Bingzhi's eyes kept rolling, and he began to observe the changes on the court.

Yinliu had previously defended a speed-type 1-on-1 breakthrough player like Yukimiya.

Bingzhi had just come on the court, and he was a little confused about what type of player Bingzhi was.

Unfortunately, Bingzhi's strength was not breakthrough.

But passing.

Bingzhi suddenly made a horizontal pass directly to the middle.

The ball passed from the gap between the two U-20 players to the feet of Wu who was pressing forward.

Passing with the outside of the foot?

Yinliu's Doudou eyes widened.

"You're still the same as before, passing through such a narrow space..."

Uru stopped the pass from Bingzhi.

Then he controlled the distance between himself and the defender with one hand and passed the ball back to Bingzhi.

Bingzhi and Wu played a wonderful close-range pass.

Suddenly, Bingzhi kicked the ball directly to the middle.

The target of the pass was Nagi behind Kira.

"Thank you for the hospitality."

"Thank you for the hospitality, wait until you swallow me before saying it, lazy ball-stopping kid."

Niou stopped Nagi in time.

"Tsk... Doberman is such a nuisance."

Nagi looked back and observed Bingzhi's pass, feeling speechless.

It was so hard to use Kira as bait, but the pass he got seemed to be unstoppable.

Oh, the ball is coming, what should I do?

Who cares, just jump up first.

Nagi jumped high.

He found an interesting position with his peripheral vision and kicked it in the air.

This time, the pass was to Rin who was running behind Kira.

Kira: ? ? ?

Dude, what do you mean, why are you passing the ball behind me?

Pass it to me.

Kira was speechless, but he was willing to be a bait for his team to score.

Rin didn't hesitate at all, came behind Kira and raised his foot to shoot.

"Got you, genius brother."

Aisora ​​appeared in time and destroyed Rin's shot with one kick.

"Tsk... What an annoying defender."

Rin's eyes showed a chill.

Aisora ​​smiled.

The frontcourt was already so powerful, if the backcourt was not good again.

He really felt embarrassed to be the captain anymore.

"Be careful, counterattack."

Kira turned around and shouted.

In an instant, the U-20 player passed the ball to Itoshi Sae's feet.

"Don't let him pass to Shidou."

Jie shouted anxiously.

"We must stop him here."

Antsei stared at Itoshi Sae with full concentration.

Suddenly, he said to Ling Wang beside him: "Go, Ling Wang."

Ling Wang: ? ? ?

You were so serious just now, I thought you were going to stop him.

But Ling Wang had no opinion on this.

He had been watching the game seriously off the court in the first half.

Aikong's performance now came to his mind.

How to be a good defender.

He has already grasped it.

Itoshi Sae and Shidou are both within his field of vision.

Itoshi Sae is still dribbling and will not take any action.

Suddenly, Shidou moved.

Ling Wang instantly understood that the cooperation between the two of them was coming.

Itoshi Sae made a high lob pass to the penalty area.

Shidou excitedly shook off everyone and came to the landing point of the ball.

Ling Wang suddenly jumped up with his hands behind his back, like a poisonous snake that had been lying in ambush.

He cleared the ball with his head.

"A beautiful clearance."

Nagi watched from a distance.

At this scene.

Shidou looked unhappy.

"Ah, wonderful clearance by No. 14 player Mikage."

"The ball went out of bounds, let's kick it from the sideline."

This is Reiou's chameleon ability.

99% imitation.

Reiou is imitating the U-20 back line.

Not bad, Kira who was returning to defense also noticed Reiou's clearance.

If this guy can improve his ability after imitating, he will probably be as powerful as his own system.

"Hey, Itoshi Sae, the pass is beautiful."

Shidou put his hands on his waist and came in front of Itoshi Sae.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Itoshi Sae had a question mark on his face.

"It's so fun to play football with you. I feel like my brain is bursting."

"I can't explain it clearly. The last time I felt this way was when I played football with Kira."

"I feel like you two are the only two people in the world who understand my unruly nature, and this time I'm Kira's opponent again."

"I have a feeling that I'm going to explode..."

Shidao raised his head and looked at the sky.

Itoshi Sae nodded: "I can see that you are very excited."

"Then score a goal quickly."

U-20 sent a sideline ball.

The ball passed a few times symbolically under the feet of other U-20 players, and then came to Itoshi Sae's feet.

Shidao ran directly to the penalty area regardless of anything.

Come on, pass the ball, genius, I'm here.

Every cell in my body was born to score goals.

Sure enough, Itoshi Sae's pass arrived instantly.

When Shidao received the ball, he felt someone sticking to his back.

It was Ling Wang.

"I won't let you shoot."

Ling Wang stuck to Shidao tightly, not letting him turn around and shoot.

Shidao gritted his teeth and turned around suddenly.

He barely kicked the ball out.

Is this possible?

Ling Wang was so shocked that his jaw dropped.

This Shidao is too abnormal.

But because the shot was interfered by Ling Wang, it was too soft and weak.

I caught the ball with one hand.

"Uh... Not enough burst."

Shidao touched the back of his head awkwardly.

"A wonderful turn shot, but unfortunately it was easily caught by the goalkeeper..."

"Wow, this No. 13 kicks the ball with great impact."

"So cool."

There were waves of discussions from the audience.

"Ka Ka..."

Shidao twisted his neck, making a series of noises.

At the same time, Shidao's brain was thinking.

Human beings spend their entire lives to leave traces of their existence in the world.

Leaving behind one's own genetic genes is the instinct of all creatures in the world.

The behavior of leaving an impression on others by pleasing others or hurting others is roughly the same.

Creating a certain work, becoming a certain person, or leaving descendants.

These are all to leave evidence of one's presence in the world.

For me, leaving a footprint of one's existence in the world is playing football.

At this moment.

Gagamaru kicked the ball to the midfield with a big foot.

Itoshi Sae suddenly jumped high and snatched the ball with his chest.

Then after stopping, he kicked it back to Shidou who was dazed in the front court.

Shidou made a reflex-like run in an instant.

Jie, who witnessed all this, was shocked. Has Shidou been waiting for this moment?

Shidou instantly shook off Reio and Ant Sheng and was about to run to the landing point of the ball.

Gagamaru took the lead and attacked in time.

Flying header to clear the siege.

Shidou turned around and looked up, speechless in his heart, what a trouble, this skyrocket goalkeeper.

Now he had to reorganize the attack again.

Suddenly, Shidou felt the breath of a goal on his back, and all the football cells in his body were shouting...

Shidou no longer hesitated and jumped up like a conditioned reflex.


A shocking hook.

A skyhook at the front of the penalty area.

The ball directly showed a downward arc and fell into the net.


The score was tied.

"Huh... It's really interesting."

"Did Shidou enter the [FLOW state]?"

Kira witnessed the whole scene from a distance.

It seems that I have to work harder.

Otherwise, today will become Shidou's show.

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