As time went by, the bowling game between the Blue Prison and U-20 finally came to an end.

Thanks to Ma Lang's turkey (hit all three times in a row), the Blue Prison narrowly won!

The U-20 people were so angry that they couldn't win any game.

They couldn't win bowling.

Aikong was open-minded, "Then what should we eat tonight? We U-20 will pay for it!"

"Wow, really? There are so many of us..." Fengle said sorry, but he was already thinking about what to eat.

"Mushroom head, do you look down on us U-20?"

Shan Tang looked unhappy, "We U-20 are willing to accept the loss!!"

"Why don't we go eat barbecue..."

Nagi on the side suddenly suggested.


"Barbecue is good!"

"It's rare that Nagi gives a reliable suggestion."

Aiko turned her head and seemed to ask Kira's opinion.

"You treat us, you have the final say."

Kira is still very sensible. After all, it's better to listen to other people's arrangements when they treat you.

"Ah, sorry, everyone. I won't go to the dinner tonight. I've made an appointment with someone else!"

Jie suddenly remembered something and apologized to everyone.

"What... Jie Shiyi."

"Eh? Jie, you want to leave first?"

Feng Le had a question mark on his face.

Jie smiled apologetically, "Everyone is having fun, I'm leaving first."

Kirara thought about whether to take the opportunity to run away with Jie, but then he thought that there was nothing to do at home, so it would be nice to get together with everyone.

He stayed.

In the end, Aisora ​​decided to go for barbecue.

"Yeah!! Long live Captain Aisora!"

"Thanks for the gift from U-20."

"Hiss... barbecue barbecue!"

Everyone in the Blue Prison was obviously very happy.

Even Ma Lang was dragged there by everyone.

At the same time.

Blue Prison meeting room.

Compared to the players who were happy on holiday, Anri and Huixin were still working.

At this moment, they were having a remote video conference with managers of famous clubs around the world.

The big screen was divided into small screens, and there were people of all skin colors on the screen.

But judging from their clothes, they were all rich.

"Mr. Huixin, can this be successful in business?"

A bald black man was worried, and it was obvious that Huixin's proposal troubled him.

"This project is indeed very revolutionary, but the risk is also very high..." A middle-aged white man in gorgeous clothes, with a cigar in his mouth, looked at the screen with some interest.

"Yes, if we decide to participate, the risk and investment must be equal."

"Yes, yes, if we can't make money, there is no point at all."

The two people's speeches aroused the approval of others.

Huixin calmly adjusted his glasses frame. He knew that it would not be easy to convince these profit-seeking guys to support him.

However, he was well prepared.

"Dear sponsors, please don't make a mistake. This is not just a business..."

Huixin knocked on the table, and everyone on the screen continued to wait for him to continue with interest.

Hui Xin pointed with her right index finger and continued, "This is the second phase of the Blue Prison that has swept the world..."

"It's a super entertainment plan."

"The Big Bang, which creates the world's top shooter from supernovas from all over the world."

"Imagine how much attention this will get..."

The bigwigs on the screen finally got a little interested. This is a big gimmick to make money.

Two weeks later in the morning.

Kira had a good rest during this period. He usually slept until noon during the day.

In the afternoon, he went for a run to exercise.

In the evening, he went to have dinner with Chikari, Fengle or Jie.

Two weeks passed quickly.

Kira's mobile phone also received a notification that the Blue Prison was restarted.

"Have you packed your things, Ryosuke?"


Kira packed his luggage, carried the suitcase, and was ready to go.

"Really, why is there only a two-week vacation?"

The elder sister looked reluctant.

"I don't know how long I'll be away this time."

"Hahaha, sister, I'll definitely go home as soon as I have a holiday, don't worry."

Yira promised solemnly.

"That's hard to say, what if you have a girlfriend, then you two will have to go out and play."

Yira's face turned red, "What nonsense are you talking about."

"I saw your Instagram

The red-haired girl above is pretty good. "

"Oh, she's a boy..."

Kira was speechless. His sister mistook Chikiri for a girl.

"What nonsense, how could it be possible? I looked carefully for a long time. How could it be a boy?"

The sister took out her phone with a look of disbelief and found a group photo in Kira's dynamic.

It was taken when Kira went to Shibuya with everyone.

"Look, there's an Adam's apple here."

Kira immediately pointed out the only place where Chikiri looked like a boy in the photo.

"Eh? This, this... this."

Now it was the sister's turn to be confused.

"Let's go, sister."

Kira waved goodbye to his sister, left home, and embarked on the journey to the blue prison again.

"Wow, what's going on? ”

Kira came to the gate and found that it was different from the last time.

The media were everywhere.

They rushed over when they saw Kira.

“Kira, can you tell me the specific arrangements for the second phase of the Blue Prison?”

“Kira, do you have any expectations for your performance in the second phase?”


Kira escaped from the reporters’ pursuit.

Finally walked into the passage.

“Wow, it feels like the decoration has been changed…”

Kira felt that the environment seemed to have been renovated.

Every place looked newer.

Walked into the big room.

Many people had arrived long ago.

“Yo, Kira.”

“Hello, Kira.”

Feng Le and Chikari had arrived early.

Kunikami was also there, nodding to Kira from a distance.

Kira glanced around.

Almost everyone in the Blue Prison had arrived.

It seemed that he was the slowest.

“Huh? Dotty eyes? "

Kirara immediately spotted Otono in the crowd.

Did the second stage call all the U-20 members?

"Members of the U-20, why are you all here?"

Before Kirara asked, Jie couldn't help but speak first.

"To be precise, it's the former members of the U-20."

"It was Huixin who called us here to participate in the Blue Prison Project, but only the main lineup was called here."

Kirara was a little surprised by Aikong's answer.

So this is how the plot will develop.

"Damn, I haven't settled the score for the bowling game with you yet."

Rio was angry.


Malang raised his head with a proud look on his face.

"Hey, Rin, you're standing here alone, aren't you saying hello to everyone?"

Kirara glanced at Rin who was leaning against the wall in the corner.

Rin's eyes were closed, and she opened them all at once when she heard Kirara's voice.

"Tsk... I'm not like you, who is liked by everyone. "

"You are quite self-aware. You finally know the gap between yourself and others."

Just when Rin and Kira were chatting, an inappropriate voice sounded.

Shidao walked between Kira and Rin with an arrogant look on his face, looking at Rin provocatively.

"Don't come over here, pink-haired monster, do you want to be stabbed to death here?"

Rin got angry when she saw Shidao.

"Shut up, do you really think you are a big shot?"

"What did you say?"

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Kira hurriedly called for everyone to come and help break up the fight.

These two people are really a match made in heaven.

Easy to ignite and explode.

"Hey, all the rough gems, how was your vacation?"

"As you can see, U-20 has been handed over to me for full responsibility."

"A stray dog ​​can also be used, so I plan to use everyone present to build a brand new U-20 national team. ”

“There are still 100 days until the U-20 World Cup.”

The familiar figure of Huixin appeared on the screen.

“How dare you say that, Huixin.”

Akong did not seem dissatisfied with the title of a stray dog.

This time, the Blue Prison set out again.

The goal is the U-20 World Cup.

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