"The last time I came..."Itoshi Sae was a little bit homesick, and just when he was about to say something, he saw the people next to him staring at a small shop. Without even looking, Itoshi Sae guessed what the shop was selling - takoyaki.

"I really admire you."

"A person without taste."Tono Maki glanced at him with disdain, and then said,"How can a person like you understand the charm of takoyaki?"

Hearing this, Shishi Sae rolled his eyes and said,"Go ahead, no one will stop you. Remember to use cash, Master"

"Haha, who are you looking down on?" Yuan Yemu snorted coldly and walked quickly towards the store - damn, why are there so many people?

"Takoyaki idiot." Shishi Sae sat on an outdoor chair in a nearby cafe, watching the man slowly approaching with his snacks in his hands. He picked up his coat and walked towards the"idiot"......

"Give me one."

Yuan Yemu glanced at him quietly, and then reluctantly stretched out his hand,"Just one"

"Ha." The silk master laughed coldly, and then quickly stabbed two of them away,"Why should I listen to you?"

"Itoshi Sae!!"

"Charlie should be very concerned about your health"

"You win, bastard." Tono Maki said expressionlessly,"If I hear you go and complain to him, I guarantee you won't be able to escape the border of Japan."

"You try it." Shishi Sae said with a smile,"I'm going to make a call now, guess what will happen?"

"Surrender." Yuan Yemu rolled his eyes, speechless,"You only know how to call the parents."

"Haha, it works, isn't it?"

"Don't tell Charlie. Otherwise, he will instigate Aunt Ellie to cause trouble to me again." Toono Maki said seriously,"You don't want them to be sad, right?"

Upon hearing this, Shishi Sae smiled even more,"Guess?" Toono

Maki instantly restrained all his expressions, and then said coldly,"You are such a bastard, Sae"

"How can I compare to you, you two-faced bastard."

Tono Maki snorted coldly, then put his hands around Itoshi Sae's shoulders,"Let's go, let's eat, pink-haired bastard"

"Let you go first"

"Well, well." Tono Maki replied sarcastically....

The neon lights dotted this bustling city, and it was a rare opportunity for the two to have such a relaxed and joyful experience.......

Under the flickering colored lights, the two escaped from all restraints and returned to their original state.

"Go shopping or go back to the hotel?"

"I do not mind"

"Let's go shopping." Tono Maki dragged Itoshi Sae towards the mall,"My perfume is almost out."

Itoshi Sae smiled and teased,"Beauty, come and watch me play football——"

A heavy punch arrived as promised,"Sae, do you want to fight?"

Toono Maki's face was twisted with a smile, and his fist was ready to go. To this, Itoshi Sae acted as if nothing had happened and said calmly,"Surrender. I was wrong."

Hearing this, Toono Maki smiled grimly and said,"You wish, prepare to die, Itoshi Sae!!"

"Stop." Shishi Sae smoothly pulled out his cell phone from his pocket and made a call,"Aunt Ellie,....Yes, I have returned to Neon. Thank you for your concern......."

After the call ended, Itoshi Sae looked at Toono Maki with a smile and asked,"Is there anything else?"

Toono Maki also laughed, and his smile was extremely twisted,"It's okay, dear Sae."

You wait, Itoshi Sae, this matter is not over yet!!!!

[[Tono Maki: Holding a grudge.jpg]

Itoshi Sae suddenly felt a chill on his back, and then put on his coat - it was a bit cold.......

"Auntie, I bought some things for you. They will arrive at your house in a few days.....It's nothing. I've been in Neon for the past few days thanks to your help.....Hey, Sae hasn't come home yet, but didn't he go back to Neon a long time ago?...."Yuan Yemu was on the phone, smiling delicately,"Maybe he has something important to do, so he didn't go home....."Yeah, okay, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Tono Maki fell on the pillow and laughed like a villain.——"Hahaha, you are dead now, Itoshi Sae - just accept your death, bastard!!!"

Not long after, Itoshi Sae, who had just finished taking a shower in the next room, received a call from his mother.......

After comforting his mother, Shishi Sae relaxed his tension and said through gritted teeth,"You're really quick, Green Tea Boy!"

Then, Shishi Sae, wearing a bathrobe, knocked on the door next door murderously,"Get out here!"

Just as he was knocking hard on the door, the phone in his hand rang - Caller: Green Tea Takoyaki Bastard

"You dare to call?! Open the door, come out!!"

"I won't come out——"

"You!!!!" Itoshi Sae was so angry that he laughed,"Okay, then you wait!"

Feeling something was wrong, Tono Maki quickly opened the peephole to check the situation outside, then quickly opened the door and robbed Itoshi Sae's phone.——

"Ha, the fox finally came out of the cave!"

Then, a fight took place in the room.......

Fighting and playing, bustling about - finally they were tired, fell on the bed, and laughed heartily - their hearts were like birds spreading their wings, soaring in a sky called"freedom".

Putting aside all their worries and troubles, at this moment, they returned to their original selves.——...

They have been shaped by the world into what they are today, but time is calling out their youth, calling them to act recklessly.......

This is true for Itoshi Sae and Tono Maki——

"Do you have any idea where to go tomorrow?"

"No, but I still have a lot of vacation time, so I have plenty of time to think about it.——"

"Well, go home tomorrow and have a look."

"You're not coming?"

"That's fine. I don't have anything to do."

"Tsk, it's all your fault"


"My mom will definitely scold me when I get home tomorrow. It’s all your fault, you bastard!"

"Huh? The bad guy complained first! You were the one who started it!"

"It's you!"

"It's obviously you!!"

It's a meaningless argument, just like a child, but the two of them are enjoying it.......


Young people are young people. They are not happy about the spring breeze, nor annoyed by the summer cicadas. They are not sad about the autumn wind, nor do they sigh at the winter snow. They are too lazy to notice the wealth around them, and they dare to face up to injustice, all because they are young.

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