The sun was shining brightly, the temperature was just right, and everything was beautiful.

But Tono Maki was not in such a good mood....

In the morning, after he finished his morning run and washed up, he was ready to go out to see the street view and buy some clothes and accessories. However, just as he got his coffee from the coffee shop and was about to enjoy the aroma, a phone call came in - the caller: the annoying peacock man.

Tono Maki struggled for a long time, but finally answered the phone. Between continuous torture and momentary pain, he chose"short-term pain"."——If I don't answer, who knows if he will keep calling or call from a different number.……[Toono Maki: Ness, could you please stop being so obedient!!]

"If you have something to say, say it quickly. If not, get out of here. I'm busy."

Caesar looked at the connected call on his phone and laughed,"You are so heartless, Marky."

Then he started a pompous greeting like a drama.

Tono Maki put the phone away and ignored Caesar's subsequent remarks. When it was almost over, he said coldly,"Nothing? Then hang up."

"Oh~my dear"��Caesar seemed to be possessed by an opera singer, and said in a beautiful voice,"Isn't my concern worth listening to?"

The tone was very melodious and perfect. If it were someone else, Tono Maki might not be stingy with his praise, but unfortunately, the person in front of him was Caesar.

Tono Maki said expressionlessly,"If you continue to say meaningless nonsense, I will find someone to beat you up right away."

"Haha, you wouldn't be that cruel~"

On the street, passers-by saw a handsome guy talking on the phone with a cold face, and the coldness on his body was almost frozen in the air. This discouraged many ladies who wanted to go up to him to ask for a line.

"Have you spread your feathers enough, peacock?" said Tonomu,"Only Ness can tolerate your boastfulness. I'm really surprised that after getting along with you for so long, he doesn't have the urge to beat you to death."

"Marky, isn't that what Caesar should be like? If he doesn't show off, then....."

The moment Ness's voice sounded, Tono Maki felt that something was wrong. After listening to Ness's words for a while and hearing Caesar's faint laughter, Tono Maki, who was holding a cup of coffee in the crowd, almost threw it in public.......

Tono Maki tried his best to restrain his anger and said calmly,"Caesar, you can hear me, right? Hurry up and tell Ness to shut up."

When it comes to Caesar, Ness can organize his words in an instant and finish a speech that lasts at least half an hour. The content of Ness's speech is nothing more than Caesar's"imperial studies", Caesar's glory, and expressing his worship of Caesar - like a believer praying.

Tono Maki said he couldn't understand this and tried to correct Ness's thoughts many times, but to no avail. [Tono Maki: Ness! Wake up!! ]

At times like this, only Caesar can control the situation.——

"Ness....But Caesar....Okay, I know.....Can....Shut up, Ness......"

After a burst of noise, Caesar's frivolous voice sounded,"Haha, are you so impatient? Do you really want to hear my voice? Hmm?"

When the expected voice sounded, Tono Maki's good mood was completely burned out. He looked at the red light that was on and the cold coffee, and his rationality evaporated -

Tono Maki took a deep breath and then laughed."F******"(Tono Maki smiled and sent a telegram)

For Tono Maki, if there is really someone in this world who can make him break down, he thinks that person must be Caesar!!! This is the charm of Mitchell Caesar, making people want to strangle him to death!!!

He was obviously not like this before!!!...

Listening to the bursts of"telegram" sounds coming from the phone, Caesar's smile became wider and his mood became better and better. For him, the most expensive entertainment is to break down Toono Maki's defense - although his number may be blacklisted after today.

Caesar didn't care about this - Anyway, there is still Ness's number that can be used.

Listening to the voice on the other end gradually fade away, Caesar said in the most melodious voice tone,"I will be coming to Neon soon, remember to pick you up at the airport, my dear~" and then listening to the call being hung up, Caesar threw the phone to Ness, laughed and walked out the door......

Even if you are annoyed, you will still listen to me to finish my words, so you are very cute, my dear~

For Caesar, Tono Maki is like a gorgeous flower that appears in his barren world -

I keep compromising, and keep.

Until, I met him...

He is a man who never yields to the"impossible", just like a rebel who raises a sword against God.......

Caesar touched the blue rose tattoo on his neck and smiled brightly - the flower language of the blue rose is 'Impossible’、‘

He always remembered their conversation, and the silly look of the two children in the sunset.——

"Caesar, why don't you just try and say you can't do it?"

"Knowing it's impossible, why do you still want to do it?"

"However, just because no one has proven success doesn't mean it's impossible! How can you know it's impossible if you haven't tried it?"

He can always break free from the shackles of the world, wandering outside the world solidified by"preaching", looking at the vast starry sky.

Unfortunately, even such a person who looks up at the stars has to succumb to"reality" sometimes.

I don't want him to succumb, I want him to be like in my memory - with grand ideals, to shock my world again......

I am a weak person who has always succumbed to the 'impossible' days in the past.

In order not to repeat the same mistakes, I got this blue rose tattoo as a warning to myself. I think this flower symbolizes turning the impossible into the possible, and is a rebellion against the gods.

I want to be the 'impossible existence' in this world.

I will prove everything, and you will stand up again and bring fragrance to my wilderness again——

"I am Caesar, the man who shows the world the impossible."Caesar said with a smile, striding towards the training ground.

""Caesar, Caesar! Let's take a break today!"

Ness's voice came from behind him, and Caesar said without turning his head,"Shut up, Ness. Now, come to the court with me and play one on one with me.""

Shut up, Ness, I'm in very good shape now, and it's best for me to do some training.


That's right, Ness, follow me to break the impossible and conquer the world...

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