"Did you see clearly?"

"I see it clearly. I'll forget it this time. It's absolutely abnormal. The orbit is different from the previous one. It doesn't follow the expected orbit. It must have been moved."

"Then you continue to observe, and then calculate how it will move if the orbit is abnormal."

"It's going to fall to the earth!"

"What? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Cheng Ruomi looked at the screen anxiously, showing the trajectory of the meteorite above the earth.

The green line is a meteorite that has no problem and orbits as expected.

The light red line is the trajectory that deviates from the original orbit, and the dark red line is the trajectory of the meteorite that is about to fall to the earth.

Cheng Ruomi observed changes in these threatening near-Earth asteroids, three types of near-Earth asteroids, Arden, Amor, and Apollo. Among more than 800 abnormal asteroids, 400 planets with a diameter of more than 400 and more than 2,000 planets with a diameter of more than 100 meters have begun to orbit, and the rest have not been confirmed.

Cheng Ruomi contacted Leonardo of NASA’s Dating Near-Earth Asteroid Explorer Department to confirm with Leonardo if there are any changes in this regard.Leonardo also came to the same solution.

Leonardo said: "This is by no means a natural behavior, it is driven by some mysterious force."

Leonardo felt that if the aliens did it, they would put their propellers on the asteroids one by one, and there would be no other way to move these asteroids.

Leonardo’s dating asteroid department here has also begun intense calculations, and everyone has begun to calculate what effect this change in orbit will have on the earth.After a lot of intense calculations, everyone came to the same conclusion: these meteorites with varying orbits all began to move toward the earth, and every meteorite landing would cause a devastating blow to the earth.

Cheng Ruomi hurriedly notified the meeting and told Yu Wenzhen, the commander of the cannon, of the emergency, and Yuwenzhen also began to convene people to deploy how to deal with these abnormal meteorites.

Both NASA and Cheng Ruomi gave the data of more than 8,000 anomalous meteorites to the command center of Yuwenzhen.

Yuwenzhen began to put the orbits of each anomalous meteorite into the database, and Yuwenzhen asked Pei Shi, who commanded the data center, to calculate these near-Earth planets and evaluate the battle situation.

After assessing the situation, Pei Shi found that it was very serious. He told Yu Wenzhen: "Only more than 300 of the data you gave me will effectively attack the Earth. The remaining near-Earth planets with too much mass will come back for a while. No way, the cannon has time to destroy it."

Yu Wenzheng said: "Then why are you panicking? If there are not more than 8,000, it means that the threat is not that big!"

Pei Shi said: "No, if we come one by one, we can use the giant cannon on the earth to integrate the time to strike, but these 300 meteorites fell together, our giant cannon cannot withstand such a large load. ."

Upon hearing this, Yu Wenzhen felt that the situation was urgent, and quickly wanted to report the situation to the conference headquarters.

Lei Xuanye also convened an emergency meeting to discuss the simultaneous attack of more than 300 meteorites on the earth and find countermeasures.

Zhang Songnian said: "From the data given by Pei Shi, we only need to hit the 50 or so large ones with a diameter of more than 100 meters. The remaining 200 can only be hit as many as there are. The biggest threat is lifted."

Lei Xuanye said: "Can we only use this giant cannon? Are there missiles and nuclear weapons?"

Zhang Songnian said: "Although there are, and they are sufficient, they can be deployed and used, but to deal with meteorites, try not to use these weapons, because nuclear weapons are the hole card. In case the aliens show effective killers, then everyone in our hands No way!"

Leonardo from NASA sent Pei Shi the new calculation results. Leonardo said: “It is confirmed that 51 large-diameter meteorites will hit the earth, and the remaining 251 relatively small meteorites will even hit the earth. The location of the earthquake zone on Middle Earth."

Leonardo drew accurate conclusions after analyzing all the data on the three satellites observing asteroids.To Pei Shi: “Of those large meteorites, 37 of them will hit the sea, including the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Only the remaining 14 will hit earthquake zones on land.”

Pei Shi said vigilantly: "I have to hit these 14 large meteorites, and I will do my best for the remaining 37 large meteorites and 251 small meteorites."

Leonardo said: "Yes, that's what I meant. Take care."

There are 360 ​​cannons on the whole earth, and one can be loaded for two hours. After flying out of the atmosphere, it can fly far as long as it overcomes the gravity of the earth.Under Yu Wenzhen's order, Pei Shi issued an order to fire the cannon.

The loud bang of "dongdongdong" was deafening. I saw that the sky after driving was filled with strong black smoke. After a while, the whole sky was dark, even in the darkness with no light, and the whole world was filled. With a strange smell of gunpowder.

Then people all over the world witnessed a real doomsday. Many huge meteors came through the black smoke with dazzling firelight and fell on the ground, forming a huge explosion, almost similar to a nuclear bomb.

The huge shock wave directly flattened everything around without hindrance, leaving behind a huge charcoal burning in the crater of the crater.

What followed were all kinds of terrible earthquakes and huge tsunamis.

There is no corner on the earth that can stand firm. Every place is shaking violently, and everything has to be torn apart by this shaking. The ground, mountains and rivers are all torn down one by one.

This was God's most desperate moment. He watched his people be wiped out one by one by the terrifying fire from outside, but he was helpless.Behind all the violence and destruction, there is the cold wisdom of aliens.In the eyes of those aliens, the earthlings are just low-level creatures. If the earthlings cannot obey themselves, they can only be wiped out like rubbish.

Many giant guns have been destroyed by this kind of vibration, and the chassis can only be adjusted when the gun is fired again, and then try to hit the next meteorite.

Yu Wenzheng was also desperate. Seriously, the giant artillery played too little role, but he was still powerless. He could only do his best to alleviate all this. He knew in his heart that all the gunners were trying their best to enter the fighting state.

The people at the conference also understand that this is the aliens wanting to wage war against the earthlings. This is only the first offensive, and the real offensive is still in the next step.

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