Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 308 Disaster

The huge meteorite also caused a huge tsunami, which entered the land and baptized many cities and villages like wild animals.

The tsunami flatly pushed into the land and entered the inland of the five continents. The tide did not ebb until it reached the plateau area, and the coastal areas had been completely baptized by floods.

Due to the thermal energy of meteorites, heating the sea increases the temperature of the ocean, forming heat, which turns into a hurricane, which hits the coastal areas of Nortel and many continents.

After that, the heat and the smoke from the cannon shells formed a global thick cloud, and the thick clouds collided with each other to form violent lightning, destroying many electric facilities on the earth.

After that is the continuous earthquake.

The entire earth is trapped in the dark sky, dazzling meteors, abnormal hurricanes, crazy tsunamis, fierce lightning and roaring thunder. People's fear has reached its extreme, and I don't know when such a disaster will end.

Under the tenacious resistance of the cannon system, the amount of meteorites did not completely destroy the surface on a large scale.

The prepared humans quickly rebuilt many important facilities, and the number of meteorite attacks decreased.

But the Greys knew that the earthlings had been hit hard, and now is the best time to attack.

One by one Gray battleships slowly advanced towards the earth, the flying towers approached the earth together with the battleships, and the flying towers chose to start releasing high-altitude bombers at a suitable height.

Chen Jing first received the signal that the alien spacecraft was approaching the earth, and ordered the global cannon system to be fully turned on and enter a state of high alert.

Akaria No. 2 and No. 3 began to descend on the earth one by one.Cooperate with the display ship to adjust the position and reach the Lagrangian point in the middle of the earth and the sun. Turning the tool toward the earth people with their backs to the sun can make it impossible for the earth people to visually judge the accurate layout of the Grestian people. the way.

When reaching the safe radius, the earthlings began to adjust the aim of the flying towers with the giant cannon, and then began to fire. Many flying towers became wreckage under the fierce bombardment of the giant cannon. As countless meteors, many spacecraft and metal fell on the ground and smashed into a big hole.

All the people on Earth looked at the countless flying machines in the sky, and they were like dark clouds, panic to the extreme, and all kinds of alien spacecraft began to bomb and attack any place with people.

All armed conflicts on the earth ceased, and after seeing a large number of weird behemoths in the sky, I woke up like a dream.All nations did their best to join the battle against aliens.

Nortel, Bei'an Steel, Northern City, Anglo, Gaul, Green Island, and other countries with missiles began to launch missiles aimed at the Gristian fighters.But the missile is not only unsatisfactory, but also very expensive. Many countries have to be forced to use anti-aircraft guns.

The heavy battleships of the Grey people began to destroy various meteorites in the sky with artillery, and let the meteorite fragments fall to the earth, destroying many necessary facilities on the earth.This can prevent many countries from having runways for their own fighter jets to take off.

All roads or large flat grounds on the earth are accurately tracked by the Griffins with detection systems, and then they are used to control various meteorites to continuously destroy these places.

In order to allow their fighter jets to take off, many countries hurriedly built large underground take-off fields so that the planes can fly out of a bevel when they take off.Prevent the Griffins from destroying their takeoff runway with meteorites.

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