Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 12 - Battle trial and costumes

My life at the new highschool was pretty great even though we did some heroic training from time to time it wasn't anything hard for me and i excelled at every class earning the praise from the teachers, today was a special day since the curriculum said that this class will be taught by All Might even though i was taught by All Might personally before i still couldn't hold down my happines about it i still admired All Might very much even if i did train with him 11 months. As my classmates were chatting on how All Might will enter the class the door slided open and we heard a loud "Im Here" "Entering the classroom trough the door like a normal person", a lot of my classmates sweat dropped at All Mights entrance it wasn't as grandiose as they thought it would be, All Might was wearing his golden age costume the costume consisted of a skin-tight blue body suit decorated with a red symbol that somewhat resembles a "Y". The symbol is designed with a white diamond at its center, with white lines connected to it that trace from All Might's ċhėst to his back shoulders. The lines were trimmed with the aforementioned red symbol. The symbol appeared to have wings on the sides that ran from atop his torso before ending around his back. Over his back was a similar red and white design absent of the white diamond. Large white patches with red trims covered each side of his hɨps before ending at his lower thɨġhs. He wore a gold belt that had a silver buckle with red eyes. His forearm sleeves were colored in gold that each had white lines covered in blue accents over his wrists. He had spiked fins on the sides of his arms and his feet were covered in shin-length gold boots trimmed with white and red accents he was also wearing a red cape. All Might gave all of us a thumbs up and said with a wide smile "For today as your teacher, we will do a battle simulation meet me at the PE grounds in your newly made hero costumes" our costumes were made some days ago after all of us weared our costumes we left the locker rooms and walked to the PE grounds there i started to analyze everyone's costumes.

Aoyama's costume is violet in color, having the shape of a lean knight's armor, also possessing a belt with a ring-shaped buckle that allows him to use his Quirk. Besides that, he wears a wing shaped visor.

Ashido's hero suit consists of a purple and turquoise camouflage skintight bodysuit and a tan vest with white fur on the collar. She wears a white mask as well. The boots are custom made to allow her to secrete acid from her feet to slide around.

Asui's hero costume is a green and black skintight suit with yellow linings which imitate a frog's skin markings. She also wears goggles, gloves, and boots with a frog-like design. Despite her boots being shaped like frog feet, she does have ten toes.

Iida's costume consists of a black one-piece suit with a high collar, over which he wears various pieces of silver-colored armor, including a silver-colored helmet, a metal mask with holes that covers his entire face except his eyes, a metal collar around his neck, a brėȧstplate, decorative mufflers extending back from his midriff, and metal vambraces that extend past his elbows. The costume includes specialized metal boots, extending up past his knees, which are specialized for his Quirk.

Uraraka's costume consists of a skin-tight pink and black suit with detached sleeves, knee-high boots, belt, helmet, collar, and thick, round bracers with handles attached to them. The accessories are designed to press her acupuncture points in an attempt to reduce her Quirk's drawback. I also noted that the costume seemed pretty skin tight and hugged her curves really well i didn't even notice the little trail of blood coming out of my nose.

Ojiro's costume is a white karate-like outfit with a partially furred collar and a hole behind for his tail.

Kaminari's costume consists of a black jacket, that he wears open, with lightning patterns, a white shirt underneath, a belt, black pants with one stripe running down each leg, and a headset.

Kirishima wears a vest that consists of two shoulder pads that are shaped like gears that wrapped around his shoulders while his ċhėst is left uncovered, and wears a skirt with a ripped pattern over pants with an "R" belt. He also wears a jawguard around his mouth that looks vaguely similar to an animal's fangs.

Koda didn't have a costume he was wearing his gym uniform.

Sato's costume consists of a yellow full-body suit that has two holes for his mouth and hair to come out. He wears white gloves and boots and a utility belt around his waist.

Shoji also didn't have a costume yet.

Jiro's costume consists of a black leather jacket, long salmon-colored shirt with several rips at the collar and bottom, black pants, and boots with stereos in them. She also sports two small, red triangle facial marks just below her eyes, a plain black choker, and white finger-less gloves.

Tokoyami's costume consists mostly of a dark cloak and clothes that cover his whole body from the neck down.

Todoroki's costume is a simple white shirt, white pants, white boots, and gold-colored combat vest. He also has ice covering his left torso, arm, and head.

Hagakure's costume consists of blue gloves with pink lines and brownish-gray shoes.

Bakugou's costume is composed of a fitted black sleeveless V-neck tank top with an orange X with the top half borders his shirt collar. His costume also has a seemingly metallic neck brace fashioned and used as a collar with three holes in both sides. His sleeves reach from within his large grenade-like gauntlets to his biceps. His belt, which also carries grenades, holds up his baggy pants with knee guards. Underneath those guards are black, knee-high combat boots with orange soles and eyelets.

Mineta's costume is very simplistic, having a purple shirt and mask with a yellow cape, pants, boots and gloves.

Yaoyorozu's costume consists of a red leotard-like vest with silver linings and edges and matching red boots. She sports a gold utility belt that matches a band that goes across her ċhėst. Her vest leaves space open from the center of the collar to the waist above the belt. This leaves much of Momo's skin exposed, including the area from her stomach to her ċhėst and her arms and legs as well. When i saw how much skin Momo was showing my little nosebleed became a fountain immediatly Mineta who was near me at the time gave me a thumbs up and said "It seems we are brothers who enjoy the same kind of stuff neh Midoriya?" i opted to keep my silence.

My costume consisted of a green full-body jumpsuit with a red belt, elbow pads, knee pads, and gloves, along with my red boots. I also wore a mask with long ear-like protrusions that resembled All Might's haircut, and a respirator with a smile on it. My mother made it for me because she saw it in my notebook, i drew this costume when i was 12 years old so i didn't think my mother would actually go trough my notebook see this costume design and actually make it, it actually made me pretty happy that she did it with her own hands my outfit was also kind of skintight so it hugged my physique nicely showing my well toned muscles all the girls were staring at me and i was blushing awkwardly behind my mask. When All Might saw my costume his smile became even larger and he thought in his mind "Ah what a fanboy its obivious who he copies with that costume" All Might coughed a bit and took everyone's attention "Ok everyone now we will make 2 teams consisting of villains and heroes, the rules are simple the villains protect the objective that the heroes need to capture if the time which is 10 minutes ends the villains win , if the heroes catch the villains or the objective the heroes win." Iida's hand sailed trough the air All Might seeing that he had a question motioned for him to ask "How will our teams be made?" All Might replied with a simple "We will draw lots" Iida looked strangely and said "Isn't that kind of unprofessional?" i interrupted Iida with "Its normal to draw lots since on the field we will team up with random people, this training should increase our compatibility in those times so we can adapt faster to the other party's quirk" Iida eyes widened and said "Sorry for doubting you All Might" and gave a bow, All Might waved his hand indicating it was nothing.

After all of us took our lots i ended up with Uraraka giving myself a high five in my mind being able to stay near the tight outfit Uraraka's body was a great for himself, they were team A, other parties consisted of:

Todoroki and Shouji team B, Mineta and Yaoyorozu team C, Iida and Bakugou team D, Ashido and Aoyama team E, Koda and Sato team F, Jiro and Kaminari team G, Asui and Tokoyami team H, Hakagure and Ojiro team K, Tsuyu and Kirishima team L.

Team A vs Team D

Team B vs Team K

Team C vs Team E

Team F vs Team H

Team G vs Team L

All Might took the other students and left to the observation room while he instructed Bakugou and Iida to enter the building he gave us the building plans and left, I looked at Ochaco and entered my serious mode "Uraraka we will memorise the plans and take a blitzkrieg strategy" as i was explaining my strategy Uraraka was nodding at me from the look on her face she agreed with my plan, inside the building Iida was failing to talk to Bakugou at all who was so mad he could throw explosions everywhere and bring the building down "Damn shitty nerd how the hell did he get so strong, what kind of training did he do these 11 months?" Bakugou's anger was mainly fixed on Izuku's sudden strength gain but unfortunately for him it wasn't a sudden strength gain all the times he won and drawed against Izuku in middle school it was because Izuku didn't want to crush his pride so he was going easy on him. Iida was concerned about Bakugou's grudge against Izuku and he thought that it would cost him his grades so he tried to defuse Bakugou's anger but it didn't work the preparation time was done, I destroyed the buildings plans and entered slowly with Uraraka behind me we didn't even reach the third floor before a explosion was aimed at Uraraka i quickly jumped and tackled her down unfortunately for my costume the All Might like hair part right side was destroyed leaving my right side of face out Bakugou had a crazed look on his face and said "Hahaha you nerd this will be my victory this time!" I nodded at Uraraka she understood immediatly knowing what i was nodding about it was time to put my plan into action she left quickly Bakugou seeing that she wanted to go towards the objective she tried to stop her but i quickly grabbed his wrist and thrown him into a wall not very hard so he wouldn't take any high damage but still some saliva spurted out of his mouth.

All Might observed from his room along with my other classmates he nodded his head unconsciously at my move it seemed the training bore fruit.

Uraraka reached the floor where the objective was Iida didn't see her since she was hiding behind one of the many pillars in the room Iida was muttering under his breath loud enough for Uraraka to hear "It seems Bakugou is taking his villain role very seriously so i should do the same" a malevolent air started to appear around Iida and he started to laugh evily "Hahaha you heroes you will never be able to destroy my evil plans Hahaha" Uraraka almost chuckled out loud at his monologue he was so serious about this unfortunately for her, her movements were seen by Iida "So its you hero Uraraka unfortunately for you i already calculated your arrival so i removed everything that could be of use to your quirk from this room" he laughed evily again Uraraka paled at his explanation she looked around but there was nothing she could use her quirk on besides the objective which was a big bomb made of paper mache, she knew she wasn't fast enough to outrun Iida and reach the objective so she talked into her communication advice telling me to hurry up.

I nodded subconsiously at Uraraka's message but my nod only made Bakugou madder as he started to drop explosions at me nonstop his anger started to increase the more i dodged and said while he was starting to take the pin of off one of his grenade looking bracers "If the shitty guys followed my instructions i should be able to make a pretty big explosion with this one , lets see how you will dodge this one you shitty nerd!" Bakugou's eyes were full of madness before he could take the pin out All Might's voice was heard out "Young Bakugou if you do that you will also destroy a big part of the building and might even lose your objective if that happens i could only disqualify your team" Bakugou ignored All Might's advice and pulled the pin off a gigantic explosion was coming towards me even though it wouldn't be deadly i would need to take a visit to Recovery Girl to fully heal so i didn't take it head on i silently activated my gear second dissapearing and reappearing behind Bakugou and karate chopped him on the neck turning him unconscious, i turned off my gear second and sighed while muttering "It seems that i can't keep the act on with him any longer from now on i can't really call him my rival anymore i outgrown him too much" a sad expression could be seen on my face i didn't want to lose my friendship with Bakugou but it seemed that until he could beat me he wouldn't stop i sighed again before starting to run in the direction of the objective there were only 5 more minutes till the trial will finish i appeared at the 5th floor where the bomb was supposed to be , i was observing Uraraka trying to take the bomb from Iida but he was too fast for her and i smirked i activated gear second and appeared behind Iida taking the bomb from him and appearing at the entrance with the bomb in my hands, Iida was stunned he didn't even detect Izuku because he was too preocuppied by Uraraka's attempts at stealing the bomb, the ring sounded and All Might booming voice was heard "Team A wins" me and Ochaco were all smiles, All Might voice has even woken up Bakugou and he was so angry that multiple veins appeared on his forehead they were wriggling like snakes and he shouted "You shitty nerd!!!!" but he shut up after that a contemplating face appearing on him which was strange since he was almost ready to pop a vein of anger.

As i was leaving Bakugou rushed at me from the building and picked me up by my color i could see tears almost coming out of his red angry eyes "Was it fun toying with me you nerd letting me win and giving me fake confidence ? was it fun toying with my emotions tell me!" his tone was so angry you could tell he wanted to take a big bite out of me, i could feel something wet coming from my eyes it seemed i was crying "Kacchan im sorry, im really sorry i didn't mean to destroy your pride but you were so happy when you won against me once so i decided to let you win some more times, with time it became a habbit im sorry im really sorry, can we still be friends?" Bakugou dropped me and tears started to pool out of his eyes as well "Even though i can't become the best hero there ever was because of you i will still become Japan's number 1 hero and still surprass All Might you hear me Izuku, even though you will become the best hero in the world I WILL STILL AMOUNT TO SOMETHING IN FRONT OF YOU!" he angrily left but before he could leave trough the gates All Might appeared and said "Young Bakugou i admire your tenacity and dreams but you shouldn't become violent with your classmates because of it, those are traits of villains not heroes" i walked towards All Might and shook my head indicating to leave Bakugou alone, All Might nodded at me and left it seemed he didn't have much time for his transformation left, Bakugou glanced at me again and left

It seemed that from today onwards things will be awkward between me and Bakugou for the days that will come at UA high.

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