Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 11 - Class 1A introduction and the quirk apprehension test

I was waken up by my clock it seemed today was my first day at UA high school, i opened my bathroom door and did all of the things i need to take care off and took the new school uniform that was sent to me, my mother said that it was sent 2 hours after i opened the letter so that meant she got it when he was with Uraraka. I fastly wore my school uniform and looked in the mirror of my wardrobe, it was kind of tight but i could work it, the uniform also showed a bit of his physique.

I took the train to UA this time didn't want to attract any attention to myself by using gear second again, i think i was lucky the first time no one noticed me. I arrived 10 minutes earlier and i entered the building, i started searching for the class 1A that i was ȧssigned to, i hope that Uraraka was in the same class. I arrived at the 1A class door it was really big it was meant for people who had gigantification quirks i entered and i was greeted with the sight of Iida and Bakugou arguing "Please put your legs off the desk, you are insulting the upper class men who once where in your place" Bakugou growled and asked him "What junior school did you come from you extra?" Iida looked perplexed and said "Extra? i graduated from Soumei private" Bakugou growled and made a small explosion in his palm and said "A elite huh ill enjoy crushing you!" when i opened the door the two of them stopped their arguing and Iida straightly came to me and bowed saying "Sorry for doubting you, you actually knew the true porpouse of the exam while i was blinded and even insulted you!" I waved my hand and gave him a pat on the shoulder and said "Its nothing Iida lets become friends from now on" Iida nodded to me and we shook eachother hands. When i was shaking hands with Iida i was also observing my other classmates:

there was a teenage girl with a mȧturė physique for her age. She has cat shaped, onyx colored eyes and long black hair. Her hair is normally tied into a spiky ponytail, and she has bangs on the right side of her face. he didn't know her name since she didn't appear on the ranking it meant she got in with a recomendation she looked pretty cute in his oppinion.

a guy that has a slim body and slightly long blonde hair, along with long eyelashes and bright eyes, giving him the appearance of a young prince. his name was Yuga Ayoma he got quite a high score in the exam 49 points.

There was a pink girl her eyes are dark with yellow irises. She has unruly, short pink hair with yellow horns protruding from her head. She is of medium height and set more broadly her name was Mina Ashido her score was also decent 45 points.

there is a short girl with a frog-like appearance. She has long, dark sea-green hair which she ties in a bow on her back. She has very wide eyes with pure black irises and distinctive lower eyelashes. Like a frog, she has a wide mouth her name is Tsuyu Asui her score was also good at 46 points.

he has blond hair, very small black eyes, a muscular build, and a large tail with a hairy tip. Unlike most students, he wears silver-colored sneakers instead of brown shoes in his uniform his name was Mashirao Ojiro his score was 50 also quite high.

he has blond hair with black, lightning-shaped strokes, and small thin eyebrows his name was Denki Kaminari his score was 42.

he has spiky red hair that resembles horns (which is not its natural appearance) and a little scar above his right eye that can be mistaken for a single long eyelash his name is Eijiro Kirishima with a score of 52.

he is tall, and has a large muscular build. His head has the form of a rock, which is unevenly shaped and pointed at the top of his head, and his jaw is square shaped. His skin is peach colored his name is Koji Koda his score was 39.

he is a very muscular person with rather full lips and brown, spiky hair his name was Rikido Sato he had a score of 45.

he is very tall and muscular, with hair that swoops down in front of his face. He wears a mask that covers all his features below his eyes. He has 6 arms his name was Mezo Shoji with a score of 46.

he is a tall, lean young man with dark hair with spiked ends. He has black, almond shaped eyes and very large teeth that usually dominate his grin is elbows have the shape of cylindrical tape dispensers,

his name was Hanta Sero with a score of 41.

he is a relatively short person with a bird-shaped head, spiky "hair", red eyes, a striped red choker, a short beak and human teeth. Despite those traits, the rest of his body is that of a regular human shape his name was Fumikage Tokoyami with one of the highest scores in this class right below Iida himself and Bakugou at 52.

he is a young man who is relatively tall. He has short hair, evenly split between white on his right-side and red on his left, he has a burn scar over his left eye he possesses heterochromia which causes his left eye to be turquoise and his right eye to be gray, Izuku didn't know his name that meant he was also someone who entered with a recommendation.

she is a short girl with an invisible body. She is only identifiable through held or worn objects i can only think she is a she because of the curves that appear on the clothing he seen a empty square with the name Toru Hakagure on the list so that meant she was that person her score was 40.

he is very tiny,he has a big head with large eyes and hair resembling grapes he was Minoru Mineta score 47.

besides himself Katsuki Iida and Ochaco he didn't know anyone else besides their names.So i decided to make friends with everyone before i could say anything Uraraka was walking towards me and was saying "Oh Izuku whats up? it seems we are in the same class" I nodded at her with a smile and said "Yeah isn't it great?" she nodded at me aswell before she could say anything else we heard a sleepy voice saying "If you came here to make friends you better forget it, this is the hero course" a caterpillar like thing came near the teachers desk before it picked itself up and removed its shell, it was actually a sleeping bag the man from it looked like he is a slender and tall man with messy, shoulder-length black hair that partially hangs in front of his face and often half-opened black eyes. He also is quite pale after he shed his cocoon he told us "All of you take your gym clothes and meet me outside we will do a test." all of us complied changed our clothes in the locker rooms and met him outside he told us "Im your homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta this will be one of the many tests you will take here at UA." he looked towards me and said "Midoriya you were first in the entrance exam come over here to make a example for your classmates" he throwed me a softball and asked me "What was your highest throw in junior school?" i looked at him and said "i wasn't let to do the physical tests in my junior school because my quirk is always active and is not able to be turned off, since the teachers didn't let us use the quirks in these tests they left me out" Aizawa ġrȯȧnėd at the stupidity of these junior school teachers and said "Just throw it as hard as you can, you can use all of your power just as long as you dont step out of the circle." i asked him a question "Could i stretch my arm out of the circle?" he answered with a "Since this is your quirk you can" i nodded i stretched my arm which held the ball behind me and applied 30% of one for all on my arm making the lightning not visible by using my fine control over the quirk when i let my arm forward and let the ball go it started to fly so fast it broke the sound barrier, the reader that was in Aizawa's hands took a while to read it but when the beep appeared it said "2,500m" when my classmates heard that number they all started to groan and some of them said that their quirks weren't meant for these kind of tests.

But Aizawa stopped all of them with his next sentence "There's no time for groaning in my class, villain attacks , natural disasters aren't fair here in UA we won't hold your hand for everything you will either do as we want you to or you will be expelled, anyone who ranks last on this test will be expelled." when my classmates heard this statement they stopped groaning but some of them were really scared in their minds Aizawa continued "side to side jumps, grip strength , 100m dash all of these you were put to do in your junior schools at the PE hours the teachers wouldn't let you use your quirks but here at UA we do things differently this test will be for your quirks!" after Aizawa finished he started to call the students alphabetically since Izuku already did the throw he didn't need to anymore.

Outside of Izuku's throw only 2 more were special Bakugous with his 768 meters and Uraraka's which was infinity.

After i changed back to my school uniform i was ready to leave but Iida and Uraraka stopped me when i was leaving the school building and asked "Izuku/Midoriya where are you planning to go?" i told them that i was going to the train station to catch the train home they both replied at the same time that they wanted to go with me Bakugou brushed past me and gave me a glare not even saying hi or anything, Uraraka was pretty mad because of how Bakugou behaved so she asked out loud "What is that guys problem?" i responded "Well Kacchan kinda see's me as a rival and because i have outdone him in both the entrance exam and this test might have made him mad." Uraraka asked confused "Who is Kacchan?" i replied "That's my nickname for him, we know eachother since we were kids." Uraraka nodded at my response and said that we should go or we would lose the train , our trio walked nor fast nor slow to the train station and we made it just in time , we each departed the train at different station and said that we would see eachother tommorow at school i left the train station and arrived home, ate the food mom left for me in the fridge and did some training and i reviwed the quirks i analyzed during the examination.

It seemed all of his classmates quirks were pretty powerfull, i was happy since there would be some competition for me and new friends as well , i couldn't wait till tommorow at school.

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