Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 10 - UA acceptance letter and a new friend

All the three weeks have gone by really fast while i was waiting i perfectioned my other techniques and did some light physical training since, i couldn't really do anything else waiting for the letter while i was doing some push-ups i heard some scurried footing heading to my room , my door opened it was my mother, she had a letter with what looked like a red official seal on it, i could already imagine where it was from i was double confirmed while she said stuttering "Iiiizukuu the letterrr is hereee" i nod to my mom and take the letter from her hands she closes the door but i know she will wait besides the door i didn't tell her how many points i have got in the exam i wanted to surprise her when i took the first place, i opened the letter and out of it came a mini projector that opened automatically out it came the recorded projection of All Might in his buff form he was talking with someone else a bit before looking straightly at me and said "Young Midoriya congratulation into making into UA high school with one of the highest villains scores there were, you might think that UA only given out points for defeating villains but here you would be wrong, we also give out points for rescue, since what kind of hero will never need to rescue someone?"

Izuku was thrilled it seemed his guessings where right and if he knew it himself Uraraka would surely enter as well the projection continued "For doing extremely well by rescuing your fellow examinee you get 50 rescue points and for how examinee Ochaco worked with you she gets 30 rescue points, here's the ladder which every student will get in their acceptance latter, and Young Midoriya im proud of you!" All Might said with a smile before disolving instead of him appeared a green ladder with pictures of examinees and numbers besides them the top three consisted off:

First place:Izuku Midoriya:126 total points (76 villain points)(50 rescue points)

Second place:Katsuki Bakugou:79 total points (79 villain points)(0 rescue points)

Third place:Ochaco Uraraka:61 total points (31 villain points)(30 rescue points)

There were also people which i didn't recognize in Iida Tenya was also in 7th place with 53 villain points and 0 rescue points, it seemed that my goal for the UA exam was reached , but i didn't really feel fullfilled it seemed i was too slow and Bakugou defeated 3 more villains than i did.... if it wasn't for the rescue points i would have been second place.... it seemed i needed to train my reaction time a to become a bit more faster.... but after i tought about it more i left it as it is, i got first place because i did a thing that any hero would do , and heroes needed to work togheter to fight against villains it wasn't a competition right now Izuku felt that he had a enlightment regarding heroes jobs and his state of mind felt better.

A hour after i opened the letter i heard a "Im here" coming from my phone it seemed someone was calling me? but only the nice girl had my phone number that meant... that meant i was getting called by a girl! I fastly grabbed my phone and responded with a "Hello who's there?" feigning ignorance he read it online that girls found it cool, a excited voice came from the phone "Izuku, Izuku i passed and i even got second place it's all thanks to you!" Izuku blushed at the praise and said "Well Ochaco it isn't a big deal, do you want to comemorate this by going out for ice cream or something?" Ochaco replied with a enthusiastic yes and told me her apartment location i told her i would pick her up in one hour and hang up "It seems that i got a new friend!" i exclaimed in my mind, a new cute looking friend,i wore some casual clothes like a white t shirt and some blue jeans with red sneakers and left for her apartment, i reached it exactly 1 hour later i knocked on her door and waited for a few seconds before it abruptly opened her hair was done the same way as before but now she was wearing casual clothing she was wearing black shorts , a pink blouse and pink sneakers it also seemed she was living alone or her parents weren't home so i asked her "So Uraraka are your parents at work?" she answered with "Well i live alone i had to move from my old house because i needed to be near the highschool" I nodded at her and asked her where she wanted to go.

Ochaco replied that she knew a good mochi shop nearby (mochi is Japanese rice cake made of mochigome, a short-grain japonica glutinous rice. The rice is pounded into paste and molded into the dėsɨrėd shape. In Japan it is traditionally made in a ceremony called mochitsuki.While also eaten year-round, mochi is a traditional food for the Japanese New Year and is commonly sold and eaten during that time.) i also liked mochi myself and told her to lead the way the mochi shop wasn't really far it took us 10 minutes to reach it i also learned some other things about her along the way as we chatted Ochaco had a bubbly personality and she was really positive i also told her why i wanted to be a hero and how much All Might inspired me, She smiled at how i was babbling about All Might and said "So you really love All Might huh?" i blushed and said "Well he is the greatest hero in Japan right now and he really is very inspirational" we reached the shop and bought 2 mochi's i ordered a chocolate one while she ordered a strawberry one we were chatting while we were eating and one question from her baffled me a bit "Is it wrong to want to become a hero for the money?" i shook my head at her question and said her in a firm tone "Everyone has their own reasons for becoming heroes i don't judge people on why they want to become heroes , i feel that as long as you want to become a hero you are a good guy in my heart!" my conviction rubbed a bit on her and she started smiling "Thank you Izuku, you will make a great hero." i blushed again at her statement she was really cute when she was smiling, we finished our mochis and it was time to pay as any gentelman on earth i offered to pay the bill for both of us but she refused saying "Izuku as a friend i want you to let me pay my own bills" since she refused i complied and we both paid our bills and left the shop. it was pretty late already since he recieved his letter at 4:00 PM and asked Ochaco out at 5:00 since eating the mochi and chatting it was already 7:00 time sure flied by when you chatted didn'it, i asked myself

i escorted her to her home and told her "Let's see eachother at school tommorow!" when i was ready to leave i felt a hand on my shoulder and i turned around and looked at her "Izuku... umm have a safe trip" she said with a blushing face and she chidded herself in her mind "I only know him for a little while it can't be that i like him already can it?" but the seed of love was already in her heart but she won't act upon it only until latter, Izuku was quite confused why Ochaco's face was so pink but he didn't question her and left for home.

I reached home without any incidents my mom chided me for a bit when i arrived so late but when i told her that i was out with a girl she said "Oh my Izuku is already grown up it seems that i won't have to wait a long while to get a grandchild" i blushed at her remarks and said "No mom its not like that she is just a friend" mom gave me a knowing wink and left before saying "Dear dinner is on the table help yourself and go to bed since tommorow you will have to go to your new highschool"

I complied ate my food and walked to my room i tucked myself into the All Might themed sheets i set a timer alarm on my All Might themed clock and sleep started to take me. Tommorow would be my first day at a new school i wondered how many new friends i will make and how our teacher will be?

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