Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 9 - The combat exam

I looked around me and all of the other students were either heating up for the exam or they looked like they were praying? , I was no atheist but he didn't think that 'God' would actually help him if he prayed hard enough to win this combat exam , anyways my power was enough to fight All Might at 80% so why should i care about the others, I saw the cute girl that helped me by stopping me from tripping so i decided to thank to her, I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw the stern looking guy looking at me with a suspicious look on his face, "You why are you here? do you even want to be a hero? are you trying to sabotage us?" he fired question after question at me and i felt quite annoyed by it how come he came to the conclusion that i tried to sabotage the other students , was he mental? I answered with a angry face "That girl helped me before and i just wanted to thank her Mr.You want to sabotage the students" the blue haired guy blushed embarasedly and said "Oh you knew her im sorry then my name is Tenya Iida, sorry again for doubting you!" Iida did a bow before me to express how sorry he was i just waved my hand indicating to him that it was okay and that i accepted his apology.

I walked slowly towards the girl and patted her on the back she turned towards me suprised seeing me again "Oh its you green haired guy!" i blushed at the awkward nickname green haired guy it seemed he needed to give his name first to other people so he wouldn't get such embarassing nicknames again i responded with "Well my name is Izuku Midoriya and i wanted to thank you for before i was quite exhausted since i had to run from home here and i almost tripped" the brown haired girl looked at me with a smirk "Oh so its Midoriya no problem , no problem my name is Ochaco Uraraka nice to make your aquitance" she gave me her hand which i accepted and shook, it felt good to hand a girls hand, i noted into my head.

Present Mic gave us no more opportunities to talk since he yelled "START" immediatly when i heard him say that i started running as fast as i could my legs let me since i wanted to take first place i needed to monopolise the points that meant i needed to be the first who starts to kill robots and amass a huge amount of points immediatly when i entered the fake giant city created by UA i was greeted by two 3 pointers and two 1 pointers i immediatly stretched my leg backwards and sweeped it towards them while saying "Gomu gomu no whip" it took all of them down destroying their heads my kick gowing trough them like a hot knife trough buŧŧer it seemed he overtrained for the UA exam it wasn't even that hard.The exam time was aproxiamtely half a hour ten minutes passed since the start of the test and he was already 50 points in Izuku also heard other people muttering numbers like 20,30 etc but no one reached 40 or more, 10 minutes later Izuku reached 76 points but there were no more robots to fight.

I sigh and look around once more "It seems that i destroyed all of them i think it would be too much for me to get 100 points since other people need to get into UA too" I looked around before i felt the ground shaking a humongous robot appeared it was even a bit taller than the buildings around I knew that i could destroy it but Present Mic said that it was a obstacle so that meant that I wasn't supposed to fight it so i decided to run away but something i catched with the tail of my eye stopped me from running away he didn't really want to show a lot of his power in the UA exam but it seemed that he needed to, Ochaco was stuck with a big rock resting on her ankle it seemed she wouldn't be able to escape from it before the robot would trample on her and kill her since i kinda of liked her 'cough cough' i mean she would make a great friend and her quirk was also pretty cool so i didn't want the world to be deprieved of such a great hero in the making, i took a horse stance and put my fist on the ground even though i didnt need to do this anymore it still made me look cool and there was still a bit of time till the robot would reach Ochaco.

All of the other examinees were going the opposite way of the robot so he could blast his head flying, my skin turned pinkish and steam started to appear around me i appeared immediatly in front of the giant robot head and stretched both of my arms behind me and yelled "Gomu gomu no jet bazooka" my arms rapidly going forwards and hitting the robot at point blank space his head flew backwards but i didn't calculate that the robot wouldn't fall backwards it was actually falling in the direction of Ochaco I disappeared and appeared in front of Ochaco she was looking at me with her brown eyes and i told her in a firm tone "Don't be scared ill protect you!" i also gave her a big reassuring smile just like All Might would the robot was falling towards us at fast speed i kept gear 2 activated and said in a low voice "Busoshoku kouka (armament hardening)" both of my arms became blackened with a purple tint in them i stretched my arm backwards and twist it making it resemble black knitted string the speed and friction between the air and myself was so high that my arm started to catch on fire i smiled it seemed this new attack was succesfull i yelled before carefully aiming at the giant robot torso and yelling "Gomu gomu no hawk rifle" i let the attack reach the robots torso and my arm made a big gapping hole in his ċhėst wide enough for me and Ochaco to come out unschated when it fell down i turned around and looked at her and asked "Are you ok?"

She looked flustered her face was so pink that you thought she was a newly painted wall she pointed at me and i looked down at myself it seemed that my clothes couldn't handle my gomu gomu no hawk rifle and my upper body track suit got destroyed revealing my physique to everyone after all the training with All Might i have grown even more standing at a full 1,82m and i knew that wasn't the maximum height i will grow at considering my grandpa was pretty damn tall i considered that i should grow atleast as much as him while being tall my body was toned and muscled it wasn't the kind of big muscles like All Might it seemed more like a swimmer build.

I ignored her pink face and easily took away the cement remains from her ankled and asked her "Are you ok can you walk?" she shaked her head it also seemed that her pink face regained her normal color "My ankle is sprained could you help me?" I nodded unhesitatingly what kind of hero would he become if he couldn't help out victims he saved? i took her into a princess style carry and jumped away from the remains of the 0 pointer , Recovery girl was slowly making her way through the crowd of teenagers she was also giving them from time to time some gummy bears and asked the ones who looked more shaken up if they are injured if some of them answered with yes she would give them a quick kiss on their arm and they would quickly heal, Recovery girls quirk was fast healing in exchange for the one's that was getting healed stamina she couldn't use her powers on tired people because if she did they could die of overexhaustion, she slowly made her way towards me and Ochaco and asked us "Kids do you want some gumy bears?"

I nodded my head dumbly and told her about Ochaco's injury she gave Ochaco a quick kiss and i let her down she seemed even flustered than before when she looked at me, Ochaco gave me a quick bow and said "Thank you for your help!" i nodded my head at her and asked Recovery girl if the exam was over, Recovery girl quickly answered me and said that all of the zones were cleaned and the exam was actually over.

I looked over at Uraraka and gave her a encouraging nod and left towards the locker rooms i left my casual clothes that i came in before changing to a tracksuit, to get the change of clothes , i left UA as i was nearing the UA doors i was stopped by none other than Ochaco who thanked me again and actually asked me about my phone number, we exchaned numbers and i asked her why did she give me her number she answered with a:

"Well we should congratolute eachother when we will enter the hero course!" she said with a shaky smile it seemed she wasn't really confident she would enter the hero course so i asked her what her score was she replied in a small voice with the number 31 it seemed that things weren't that good for her there should be a lot of people who would go over 31 since he heard quite a bit of numbers who reached 30 in the first 10 minutes things were looking little bleak for her if he thought himself there weren't a lot of slots in both hero courses class 1A and class 1B at most there would be 42 students enrolled , i gave her a encouraging smile and said "It doesn't matter how many villains you beat heroes aren't only about beating villains" and left she was quite puzzled by my words but she just thought that i was comforting her, I couldn't wait till the UA acceptance later would come 3 weeks later.

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